For the behavior of the glamorous beauty, the other maids are no strangers to it. They have been able to live in the manor until now, and they have seen her behavior to some extent. Every time she is in the room, most of them are looking at the portraits. For this reason, Although I can't understand the Chinese content of the glamorous beauty's follow-up.

But they are sure that the man in the portrait is very important to the glamorous beauty, and they are more important than their own lives.


They didn't have time to think about it, and went to the basement to pick people.

at the same time.

The glamorous beauty was in the room, touching the portrait, and whispered:

"My death day is coming soon, Zhang Ping, will you come to see me this time? Give me a little more time, and I will become more beautiful and become the most beautiful woman in the world."


the other side.

Tokyo, Wind and Family Yard.

at this time.

Zhang Wei and Yu Xiaoqi ate Japanese cakes in the courtyard, enjoying the pleasant time of dessert after lunch.

"Brother Wei, when are you going back to Daxia?"

"Three days from now, since you're going to be an exchange student in the country, you still need to study more, and you can't lose face in Daxia. What about you, Xiao Qi? Are you going to stay until the summer vacation is over and then go back?"

"No, I also plan to go back to study. Although I am an exchange student who was selected through the back door, I still have to study. In addition, I plan to let Miko go back to China. There are too many supernatural events here, so I don't feel at ease."

"Indeed, how about going back together in three days?"


Yu Xiaoqi agreed.

Zhang Wei nodded and said:

"It just so happens that if Ms. Meizi comes back with you, then I can go on missions with Xiao Mantou and Xiaoxue to improve my strength. With multiple people taking care of me, I can also feel relieved about Xiao Mantou and Xiaoxue."

Yu Xiaoqi nodded with a smile and said:

"Brother Wei, you're worried about Xiao Mantou and Xiaoxue, why don't you worry about your parents? I heard that Uncle Aunt is away from home."

"Who says I'm not worried, my dad and the others are a couple who forget their cubs, but I haven't forgotten them, but fortunately, they have the magic weapon I gave them, and they are not afraid of danger. The reason why they are more worried about Xiaoxue and the others is because they It is a ghost exorcist, and to do the ghost exorcism task is to face danger directly."

"That's true."

Yu Xiaoqi nodded in affirmation. As an ordinary person, the probability of encountering a ghost is actually very small. After all, there are billions of people in the world. For ordinary people, they may not necessarily encounter a supernatural event once in their life. Most of them happen to pass by. Pass.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to say something.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, Zhang Wei picked it up and looked at it, and said in a daze:

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."


After hearing this, Yu Xiaoqi couldn't help but leaned over to take a look, and found Zhang Wei's phone caller ID—Sand Sculpture Dad.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone, and the voice of his father Zhang Ping came from inside:

"Hey, son thief, what are you doing? Are you working hard on the muscle tightness of your waist at Kabuki? If yes, I will call later, oh, wrong, I will call after an hour I come."

"I'm eating dessert at Xiao Qi's wife's house."

Zhang Wei ate a Japanese pastry and continued:

"Dad, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's okay, can't I find you? I'm your father, well, I really need to find you, son thief, what kind of amulet did you give us, what is that?"

"Huh? What's the matter? I asked for that amulet, what's the matter?"

"Who are you looking for?"

"my friend."

"Then you are a good friend. I just returned to China with your mother, and then I took your mother to see your distant brother-in-law who I haven't seen for several years. My brother-in-law said that this amulet is very powerful. Let your mother and I keep it with us all the time. It's the first time I've heard your brother-in-law say that."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei was a little surprised... Distant brother-in-law?

Think about it carefully.

A past memory picture appeared in Zhang Wei's mind. It was when he was still in high school, and he was still dating Qiu Xiaolin. One day, his father Zhang Ping, on a whim, said that he wanted to calculate the marriage between Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin, so he went to Find some friends fortune-telling.

I still remember.

The friend my father Zhang Ping mentioned was my mother's distant brother-in-law, and it was he who told my father Zhang Ping that there was something wrong with Mr. Qiu.

Think here.

Zhang Wei couldn't help saying:

"Father, the distant brother-in-law you mentioned is the one who caused the breakup between me and Xiao Mantou?"

"Cough! Thief, what you said, he is right. In fact, he is kind enough to let you forget it. He is a busy person. When I was young, I played with your dad and I grew up. When I grow up, I am very busy. Basically I didn’t see anyone, so I counted it for you that time, it’s said that they fainted and seemed to be frightened.”

Dad Zhang Ping said, coughing awkwardly:

"I just told you, son thief, because I saw how frightened he was. Don't worry about it. Haven't you reconciled with Xiaolin now? Things, you don’t know, I was superstitious for a while, and then I bought a lot of amulets and the like.”

"Then every time I show it to my friend for appraisal, he always says it's fake, or that it's not very good. This is the first time I've heard him say that it's great, so I called you thief and asked, where did you encounter it? Are you a master, haha, good luck."

The voice did not fall.

Dad Zhang Ping continued:

"Son thief, your friend is a master, try to please him, and after I finish this trip, let me get to know you too. See what the master likes. I'll go see him and get ready."

"He likes figurines."


Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, rolled his eyes and said:

"Stinky boy, I think you are trying to trick me into buying you a figure. I have already bought you many figures."

No, Dad, I didn't lie to you, the master you said really likes figurines, because that's me.

I complained in my heart.

Zhang Wei replied:

"Dad, how can you say that, what I said is true, I swear to God, no, I swear by my 20 centimeters."

"Uh, well, it seems that those who can become masters have strange personalities, just like your distant brother-in-law, who is weird, but also, masters like figures, so you can know masters."

Regarding his father's words, Zhang Wei smiled:

"That's not right, it's called congeniality. How about you, dad, why did you get along with the distant uncle? I remember that you used to get along with Grandpa Li next door because Grandpa Li had a weird temper. How could you get along with the distant uncle?" come here."

"Haha, brother-in-law Yuanfang is an exception, because his strangeness is the same as mine. He is also afraid of ghosts like me. We are afraid of ghosts so we can talk about it."

"Yo, Dad, you are still afraid of ghosts, I thought you were only afraid of your mother."

"Son, I've already recorded what you said, and advised you to send 100,000 yuan in red envelopes, otherwise I'll tell your mother, and I'm not afraid, I'm spoiling my wife!"


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