Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 537 Take The Thief To Visit The Grave

at the same time.

Accompanying my father Zhang Ping to say this, his face showed confidence, brat just because you still want to hurt me, your rank is still far behind.

I thought about it.

Zhang Ping was ready for his son Zhang Wei to beg for mercy, but it was the next second.

Ding sound.

There is only a father's treasure notification sound from the mobile phone:

[Only transfer 100,000 yuan from Fubao]

sound up.

Dad Zhang Ping's eyes widened, and without waiting for his thoughts, Ha Zhang Wei's words came from the phone:

"The hush money of 100,000 yuan has been transferred to you."


Dad Zhang Ping heard the words with a ghostly expression on his face:

"Fuck, son of a thief, you really turned around, no, you made money again? You're just a college student, so why the hell are you going to play professionally?"

"Dad, what are you talking about playing a job?"

"I just read the news. It's not about China's s12 game this year. Before the game, it was claimed to be the strongest. After the game, the Chinese team was wiped out, but each player's annual salary is tens of millions. I remember you don't often play that game?"

"You mean lol, I'm just for fun, I'm not playing professionally, I just do some business to help people."

"Do some business that helps people? Is it to help women solve their physical needs, or to help middle-aged women relieve their loneliness? Son thief, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why are you like this, don't say anything, do more to help, Make more money, and your father will rely on you for the rest of his life."

"Dad, what you said, if I really do this, can you spend the money, can you feel at ease?"

"Yes, a safe horse, I can still use it for prostitution, hey, you do it, I will spend it for prostitution, the woman will go to you again, directly complete the perfect closed loop, and promote an industrial chain, hahaha."

Speaking of which.

Whether it was Zhang Wei or his father Zhang Ping, both of them laughed out loud at their dialogue.

To this.

Feng Hemeizi, who was listening to Zhang Wei's phone call, looked over, with curiosity in his eyes, he pulled Yu Xiaoqi's hand and asked quietly:

"Xiao Qi, Mr. Zhang Wei is chatting with his father? The atmosphere looks good."

"Yeah, Brother Wei is talking to his dad. They are like that. I used to go to the dormitory to find Brother Wei. I saw Brother Wei chatting with his dad like this. They even fight each other. The relationship is very good. Me and my dad do the same."

"Is that so? I and Odou-sang (dad) can't do this. Odou-sang is too strict and I don't dare to smile. Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang Wei's father is very powerful, and he can raise such a strong Mr. Zhang Wei. "

"Brother Wei is not a son of power, he is a loose man, his father seems to be an ordinary man."

"Huh? Ordinary people? True or false?"

It was Feng Hezhengren who spoke, and he was also eavesdropping beside him, and when he heard this, he couldn't help opening his mouth.

From Fenghe's point of view, the support of Zhang Wei's family is indispensable for Zhang Wei to be so powerful. After all, compared with ordinary people, children of influence grow up faster and stronger. This is a common phenomenon, and Zhang Wei can only be a special case.

"Yes, I always thought that Brother Wei was a child of a powerful force, and I asked the monitor, but the monitor said that Zhang Wei is not a big force, because she herself is from Longhushan, and she knows the child of other forces, and has never heard of Zhang Wei. "

"Zhang Wei big brother, Si Guoyi!"

The wind and the gentleman are full of admiration.

Also at this time.

Feng and Miko asked curiously:

"Then what does Mr. Zhang Wei's father do?"

"Well, let me think about it, I remember Junfei told me, oh, I remembered, I heard that Brother Wei's father was a well digger, but later times changed, and now he is contracting for pipeline digging and other projects. Engineering."

"Dig wells? Water wells? I've seen Lin Zhengying's movie. They dig wells and set up altars to gossip. Does Mr. Zhang Wei's father do the same thing?"

"It's a water well. As for the one you mentioned, Meizi, it's in a movie, but there should be a way to find a water well in ancient times. The ancients were very wise. The people who dug the well must have a way to find the water source. It's like looking at Feng Shui. "

Yu Xiaoqi said with some emotion:

"Speaking of which, our Daxia started to develop in the past few decades. Before that, most of them used to dig wells for water. Later, with the advancement of technology, there were water pipes and so on."

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't know that Yu Xiaoqi was discussing himself, and chatted with his father Zhang Ping:

"Then dad, are you with the distant uncle now?"

"No, we were drinking tea together just now, and now the old uncle from a distance has left beforehand. He has been very busy recently, running across the country, saying that he is looking for something that will hurt the tired egg, and that he can't let people get it first, and now I heard that I am planning to go to the beautiful country, and it seems that the tracking thing has been taken to the beautiful country."

"Something? An antique?"

"It should be an antique. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought so much. It's probably worth my money. It might even be a single item, just this one."

"Haha, the old uncle Yuanfang is so miserable. If he runs across the country, he won't break his leg. I hope the old uncle Yuanfang can be found quickly, so that he won't be caught first."

Zhang Wei responded with a smile.

Zhang Ping nodded and responded when he heard the words:

"It's okay, let him look for it. He's a busy man anyway. By the way, when will you return home, son thief?"

"What's the matter? I will return to Daxia in three days."

"In three days? That's okay. I'll pick you up at the airport then."

"Do you want to be so grand, Dad, this is not like you. You always ask Aunt next door to pick me up and drop me off when I get home from school. Why are you so fatherly this time?"

"Isn't this nonsense, I'm sure I'm not grand, I'm picking you up to do something."

"Do what?"

"Take you to visit the grave, haha."


This time it was Zhang Wei's turn to be stunned, and said in surprise:

"Grandpa and grandma's death day hasn't come yet, is it our relative who died? Do you want to give a white gift?"

"Go, go, your relatives just died, bah, no, you just died, shit, let's talk about business, it's not our relatives, it's a friend I want to take you to visit the grave. You go to see her."

Seemingly knowing what Zhang Wei wanted to ask, dad Zhang Ping spoke first:

"This friend, I told you before, He Juan, my former classmate."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei was the first to be taken aback, recalling the conversation with his father before. (For details, please refer to Chapter 478)


Zhang Wei said:

"Dad, you mean that classmate He Juan who was chasing you crazily? Later he died because of you."

"is her."

"Ahem, I said, Dad, you brought a thief to see He Juan, isn't that a bit of a slap in the face, why does this feel like the ending of Attack On Titan, Mikasa took her children to see Eren, it's not too much ntr."

"Hey, what you said is that I want He Juan to let go of her obsession. She liked me so much that she died. I think if she is in the spirit of the sky for so many years, she should let go of it. I am now a friend. What happened to the child to see a friend?"


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