Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 538 Crazy Urban Legends In Three Days

For his father Zhang Ping, Zhang Wei didn't joke too much. After all, he was a friend of his father, and they both passed away. He couldn't help saying:

"Okay, Dad, you're right. Then I'll go back in three days. Remember to pick me up. I want eight Rolls-Royces to pick me up. If I don't come, I won't leave the airport."


After chatting with his father Zhang Ping for a while, Zhang Wei hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei looked at the time. He has eaten dessert so far, and it is around 1:00 p.m.:

"Xiao Qi, I'm going out for a while."

"Brother Wei wants to go out? Meizi has a driver's license, we will drive with you."

"No need, I just took a stroll before going back, don't worry about me, you play with yours, by the way, my parents have returned to China, Xiao Qi, help me prepare some specialties here. "

He was going back in three days, Zhang Wei didn't plan to be idle, he planned to use the remaining three days to gather some wool, so he just gathered some wool, and for this reason, he didn't intend to let Yu Xiaoqi and the others accompany him, so he found a reason .

Yu Xiaoqi listened and nodded:

"Okay, then Meizi and I will go buy some special products for you."

Zhang Wei nodded, got up and walked to the room, he didn't intend to go to the ghost to collect the wool with empty hands, he had to bring something out, otherwise I'm sorry I came with a big suitcase.


For the next three days...

In the country of cherry blossoms, in a river named Edogawa.

As one of the best-known rivers in the country of cherry blossoms, with a total length of 595 kilometers, it is at the bottom of a river at this time.

can be seen.

The four kappa were sitting on the stone pier at the bottom of the river, holding the fish in both hands, laughing and talking about their experience of coming out in the middle of the night to scare passers-by to death and drown people to death.

"Huh? What's that?"

Just when they were chatting happily.

The Kappa boys seemed to have sensed something, and looked down the river, Qiqi was dumbfounded.

【Ding! Kappa are sluggish]

[Host obtains system points +80]

"My Cao, what a big fish! No, damn, this is... a whale?"

"What's the matter? Why did the whale run into the river?"

"Is this lost? Why are there still whales swimming in freshwater rivers? Whales are not seawater?"

"Hey, that doesn't look like a whale."

The last word is that the kappa who recognized the whale before said that at first, it thought it was a whale, because the fish was very big, and it was comparable in size to a whale, and its body shape was also similar to a whale. The other party swam closer and saw the whale clearly, and it realized that it was wrong.

Although the whale has a blue top and a white belly, but if you look closely, you can see that there are red stripes on its jaw, eyes, the back of its fins, and its torso. With the swing of its fins, the red stripes all over the body glow red. , and his eyes are as charming as lights.

You must know that whales are big, but they don't shine.


How do you feel that this glowing whale is so familiar.

next second.

As if thinking of something.

【Ding! The kappa stared wide-eyed, it was...]

[Host obtains system points +90]


The kappa screamed in unison.

Isn't the one riding the horse the mythical beast Kyoka in Pokemon?

Accompanied by their shock, the Gaioka opened its mouth and let out an ear-shattering cry, and when it opened its mouth, a blazing light condensed in its mouth, and a suffocating breath followed closely from that light... …

【Ding! The kappa were shocked... This is Kyoka's frozen beam! ! No, why are we still standing there, run! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

Accompanied by a system beep.

The frozen light burst out and shot at the kappa boys.

Also this moment.

on the river bank.

This is a park next to the Edogawa River. It is a place that many couples like to come to. At this moment, the cleaning here, whether they are having sex, holding hands, or even fighting in the field, are all shocked. Looking at the Edogawa River , eyes full of horror:

"Ah~ Hurry up~ Huh? My Cao! Nobita, look at Edogawa!"

"Illusion? Why do I feel so cold? Isn't it just autumn? Hiss! The river is frozen?!"

"Look, it's frozen, that section of the river is frozen."

"What's the matter? Why is the river frozen over?"

People in the park are paying attention.

The Edogawa river, the section of the river leading to the park was frozen, and it was frozen for a distance of hundreds of meters. It seemed that something froze this section of the river in an instant, shocking everyone for a while. Get everyone to take pictures.

Also while taking pictures.

Many people screamed out. They found that in the photos they took, there was a huge red glowing creature at the bottom of the river, which looked very much like Kyoka in Pokemon.


That night.

Cherry Blossom Country, a famous scenic spot under Mount Fuji - Aoki Hara Sea of ​​Trees.

This is a sea of ​​forests and trees. It is one of the famous scenic spots in the country of Sakura. At the same time, it is also a holy place for suicide in the country of Sakura. Many people in the country of Sakura choose to commit suicide. Because of this, ghosts like to stay here for no reason. He killed people here, and others didn't know about it, they just thought it was suicide.

at this time.

Just as night fell.

A group of young people stepped over the warning sign and walked into the sea of ​​trees.

There are men and women, one of them is holding a mobile phone and broadcasting live. That person is an internet celebrity anchor. He came here to explore today. Since Aoki has become a holy place for suicide, there have been many rumors of curses and ghosts here. Therefore, Not only people who commit suicide like to come here, but also attract some Internet celebrities to live broadcast here in an attempt to attract traffic.

Just when they were live.

The host is still working hard to introduce Aoki Yuanshuhai to the audience in the live broadcast room. They did not notice that there are a few ghost figures invisible to the naked eye standing on a tree behind them. human laughter:

"Jie Jie Jie, there are a few more people who are going to die."

"Thanks to the current Internet age, there are always a group of idiots who want to be famous who come here to attract people's attention, and they can eat for free again."

"Before eating, should we scare them routinely, and then eat them after fear, the meat will be more fragrant."

"Okay, then we..."

The discussion is not over yet.

Boom, boom, boom...

Accompanied by dull sounds, the ground vibrated violently. Every time the sound fell, the ground trembled violently, and the surrounding trees shook, and the leaves rubbed against each other, making a rattling sound.

【Ding! The ghosts were stunned, what's the matter? earthquake? No, the sound doesn’t seem to be coming from underground.]

[Host obtains system points +100]

Just when the ghosts were about to glance around.


"My God, what is that!"

"Strange, monster?!"

The group of young people screamed and looked in one direction in horror, their faces were full of horror, and some even fell to the ground in fright.

To this.

The ghosts also noticed this, and out of curiosity, they looked up in the direction they were looking.

next moment.

【Ding! The ghosts are scary, my Cao! Strange……】

[Host obtains system points +110]

They saw that in the Aoki original tree sea in that direction, there was a colossal figure covering the sky and the sun. The text exuded a lava-like light, as if magma was flowing between those gaps.

Look at this huge monster.

Both ghosts and young people were frightened and wanted to run away immediately.


When the huge monster took a step forward, the huge body fell, shaking the ground like an earthquake, and its figure approached the people and ghosts, so that they could see its face clearly by the moonlight. There is an "Ω" icon style at the base of its huge arm.

The young people and the ghosts all stared wide-eyed.

next second.

They cried out in unison:


【Ding! The ghosts are confused, Wori, isn't that the Pokemon beast Gulardo? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]


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