Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 539 Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Vs Gulardo, The Ultimate Evolution Of Mechanical Tyrannosaurus

When they saw the huge monster in front of them, the young people and the ghosts were stupefied, thinking they were dazzled, many of them stretched out their hands and rubbed their eyes.

Wait to make sure you read that right.

They were dumbfounded:

"Damn it, isn't that Gulardo?"

"Is this true? Don't let us be confused, have you ever heard that Aoki Harajukai has a Pokemon?"

"I've heard of being haunted, but I haven't heard of Aoki Harajukai being haunted by Pokemon."

Not to mention the young people talking about it, the ghosts are also dumbfounded:

"Are you sure it's in Aokihara?"

"Can any of you tell me, does Aoki Hara have Pokemon?"

Just when the young people and the ghosts were talking about Gulardo's appearance.

But at this time.

Did not wait for them to discuss.


The gigantic Gulardo, which was in the shape of lava, seemed to have magma flowing through the cracks, suddenly let out a roar, the sound was loud, and when it roared out, a circle of terror burst out centered on its body. The air waves, rippling, swayed the surrounding trees, and people and ghosts were overturned.


They didn't have time to complain about being blown away, and looked up one by one, showing a confused and shocked look again:

"My Cao!? That's..."

"My God, what did I see."

"Mechanical Tyrannosaurus???"

【Ding! The ghosts are sluggish... Aoki Harajukai not only has Pokemon, but also Digimon? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

I see.

At the sky where the gigantic Gulardo roared, as it roared, there was a deafening roar from that sky:


Look intently.

In that part of the sky, a huge figure flew over, a terrifying creature with a body like a tyrannosaurus rex, but with a mechanically embedded arm and head, it stirred the six pairs of black wings that looked riddled with holes behind it, towards Flying towards Gulardo.


The young people and the ghosts didn't have horror and fear, but some were dull. Although the horror creature was scary, it was too similar, exactly the same as the Digimon "Mecha Greymon".


Accompanied by a bang, the ground vibrated violently like a trampoline, and many trees were shaken to the point that their roots flew up.

The terrifying creature landed in front of Gulardo. At this moment, the two giants roared and confronted each other. Everyone saw its whole picture clearly, and they were sure that it was... Mechanical Tyrannosaurus!

【Ding! The ghosts are sluggish... No, stop eating people first, let someone bite me first, am I dreaming]

[Host obtains system points +130]

at the same time.

The young people stared blankly at the scene in front of them. They were so shocked that they forgot to run away, so they just sat there and looked up at the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus and Gulardo not far away.

at this time.

There was only one thought left on their minds... Are you sure that Aoki Harajukai has a lot of haunted rumors? Are you sure it's not about Digimon or Pokémon?

the other side.

When young people and ghosts lose their minds.



The mechanical device on the Mechatyrannosaurus chest opened, and two cannonballs with teeth were fired from it.

【Ding! The ghosts are excited, that is the ultimate destructive cannon of Mechanical Greymon! So... is it really a mechanical tyrannosaurus? 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

Same time.

Gulardo opened his mouth and burst out a light that illuminated the whole place like daytime. The light burst out and shot straight at the two missiles.

"Hiss! This is the flame of the sun!"

"I'm not dreaming, right? Digimon and Pokemon are fighting."

The young people screamed.

Facing the fight between Mechanical Tyrannosaurus and Gulardo, not to mention them, even the ghosts were stunned. Even if the battle broke out between the two was terrifying, they didn't want to leave, they just wanted to watch the two fight.

at this time.

Although the young people and the ghosts have never met and don't know each other, but tacitly, they have only one idea... Wori, here we come, the impact of childhood memories, Digimon vs Pokemon, which side is stronger .

Also this moment.

After the battle between the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus and Gulardo, the system prompts sounded one after another:

【Ding! The ghosts are excited...Come on! Gulardo, that’s just a complete Mecha Greymon, not an ultimate Battle Greymon, you can win]

[Host obtains system points +60]

【Ding! The ghosts are excited... Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, go! I am optimistic about you, I like Digimon the most, don’t lose to Pokemon]

[Host obtains system points +60]

The goblins were cheering for their favorite Mecha Greymon and Groudon.

the other side.

The same is true for young people.

"Gulardo will definitely win. After all, if the mechanical tyrannosaurus evolves to the extreme, it can still fight."

"Come on, even if the ultimate evolves into a battle tyrannosaurus, I, Gulardo, will win. Gulardo is an ancient beast that created the continent. Mere machinery... I Cao! Evolved! Mechanical tyrannosaurus has evolved!"

Just when they were fighting with each other for the mechanical tyrannosaurus and Gulardo they supported.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus threw out the mechanical arm, and the mechanical arm flew out in an instant, attacking Gulardo like a flying scythe, and Gulardo sprayed flames to block its 'trident arm' move.


Gulardo grabbed the blocked mechanical arm, like throwing a shot put, grabbed the chain of the mechanical arm, and threw the connected Mechanical Tyrannosaurus away.

There was a bang.

This scene is shocking.

With Mount Fuji in the distance as the background, the mechanical tyrannosaurus fell in the forest under Mount Fuji, splashing leaves and smoke all over the sky.

To this.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus seemed to be irritated, and when it got up, it let out a monstrous roar.



Its whole body burst into light, accompanied by beams of light condensed by codes, hanging from the sky and falling on its body, the ultimate evolution of the mechanical tyrannosaurus-battle tyrannosaurus!

【Ding! Ghosts... crooked sun! ! Fight Tyrannosaurus! 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

next moment.

Evolved into a battle tyrannosaurus, although its size has become smaller, it is not proportional to the huge Gulardo, but the two sides have never lost in momentum, the battle tyrannosaurus stands in the sky with its wings spread, and when Gulardo opens its mouth to emit sunlight and flames, It raised its hands upward, and a huge ball of light condensed on it.


Be it young people or ghosts, they all cried out:

"Here it comes, it's the Gaia energy cannon of Battle Greymon!"

"Go! Gulardo!"

"Tata Kai (Let's fight), Battle Greymon!"

Accompanied by the shouts of young people and ghosts.

Battle Tyrannosaurus and Gulardo each released their ultimate moves, and their shouts were completely covered by the collision of Gaia's energy cannon and the sun's flames, but even so, it was hard to hide the excitement in their hearts .

this night.

Destined to make them unforgettable, the young people should send at least a dozen tweets when they go back, and the ghosts should tell everyone they know when they go back... Aoki Yuanshuhai has Digimon and Pokemon, I have seen them with my own eyes, and they happened big fight!


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