Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 540 Alien In The Open-Air Hot Spring

In the sea of ​​trees in Aokihara on Mt. Fuji, the Battle Greymon vs. Groudon is taking place.

at the same time.

On the other side of Mount Fuji, in a hot spring hotel.

As the largest scenic spot in Sakura Country, Mount Fuji, this hot spring hotel is full of passengers, and today is no exception. The hotel rooms are all full, and even reserved.

"Boss, these shrine maidens and people from the shrine are so rich, they actually booked out the place, and it's still in this summer vacation season, which makes me want to become a monk."

said a hotel worker.

The boss smiled. Others don’t know about these witches and shrines, but how can they open a hot spring hotel in Mt. .

In the past few days, the previous head of the Sakura Kingdom passed away first, and then supernatural events broke out. Recently, Daxia Senluosi came to the Sakura Kingdom and wiped out the Shutendouji group of the three major monster forces. A real dragon guard, Yinyang Liao was exhausted from top to bottom.

In order to relax the tension of the staff, Yin Yang Liao reserved the Fuji Mountain Hot Spring Hotel.


A group of onmyojis and witches in Yinyangliao are on vacation, and they come here to relax in the hot springs for a day.

can be seen.

In the corridor of the hotel, the rooms where the witches lived were opened one after another. Each of them carried a wooden tub for soaking in the hot spring with bath products in it, and walked towards the hot spring with laughter and laughter:

"Wow~ It's finally our turn to take a hot spring. I've been waiting for several days."

"Hee hee, me too, I was notified a few days ago that I am looking forward to today's hot spring day trip every day."

"That's it."

"I like soaking in hot springs the most. It's just that there have been too many supernatural events recently, and so many things have happened. I don't have time to soak in hot springs. Now I can finally."

"I've decided, I want to have a refreshing bath later, sisters, if I get fainted in the hot spring later, remember to save me, hahaha, open-air hot spring, I must soak until I faint."

"Hehehe~ Okay, no problem."

They chatted happily, and walked towards the open-air hot spring of the hot spring hotel, preparing to soak in the hot spring, drink sake, and then enjoy the night view of Mount Fuji. This is also the biggest attraction of this hotel.

Not long.

They arrived at the open-air hot spring.

It was a large hot spring pool, surrounded by several small hot spring pools, curling up with water mist, surrounded by wooden boards to resist the cold wind, but the wooden boards did not block the scenery of Mount Fuji. The overall design is impressive. I can't wait to live here and soak every day.


For such a beautiful open-air hot spring, the maidens who were excited and eager to soak in the hot spring were stunned, to be precise, stuck in place.

"what is that?"

"Hey! Did you see that! Is that a monster? It doesn't seem right."

"What was it just now?"

They looked at each other, and they could see the astonishment in each other's eyes.

just now.

They opened the Japanese-style sliding door leading to the open-air hot spring, and they saw a figure in the corner farthest from the door in the hot spring. They said that the figure was more like a monster, with a dark body and a large body.

It was also when they found out that the monster also heard the sound of the door being pushed, rushed out of the hot spring, and jumped out on the wooden board. Although the open-air hot spring was foggy, the witches still vaguely saw it. The creature had a long head , like a slippery ghost, it can crawl on all fours, or stand up and jump out, with a long tail.

Think back to this.

Many witches were stunned, and a movie monster appeared in their minds. That monster was almost the same as the monster I saw just now...whether it was in size, appearance, or even the sound it made.

"That seems to be... an alien?"

"Huh? You also think that is an alien?"

at this time.

"Come and see here!"

A witch shouted, out of curiosity, all the witches came forward to check, and then this witch found that the ground where the monster had left before, there were corroded potholes, not only the ground, but also the wooden boards, hanging The green liquid is full of corrosiveness.


Those priestesses who recognized the alien were all stunned:

"This...isn't it really an alien?"

No matter how you look at it, it looks like alien saliva, and its saliva and blood are extremely corrosive.

Just thinking about it.


A scream came out, it was from another newly-promoted priestess, and all the priestesses were immediately attracted, looked over quickly, and then saw that the newly-promoted priestess was pointing at a small hot spring pool in front:

"There are monsters... corpses!!"

As soon as his words came out.

The witches stepped forward to take a look one after another, and many of them also screamed in surprise.

can be seen.

In the small hot spring pool that can only accommodate two people, there is a rotten corpse of a monster floating in the water. Green liquid hangs on it, making a hissing sound, corroding the corpse of the monster.


Although the corpse was severely corroded, they still recognized the identity of the monster after looking closely:

"It's like a slick monster."

"It's indeed a slippery ghost. I thought it was a dead alien. Its head is as long as a slippery ghost."

"It's not an alien. The alien's skin is like black armor, not the human-like skin of a slippery ghost."

in words.

The witches have strange looks, looking at the green liquid on the slippery ghost's body:

"Wouldn't this be killed by the alien?"

"This green liquid is the same as that left by the alien-like monster."

come to this conclusion.

The witches looked at each other in embarrassment and were a little confused. At this time, there was a knock on the Japanese-style door.

Boom boom boom.


"What happened to you, I heard your screams just now?"

The ones who spoke were the Onmyojis. They were all soaking in another open-air hot spring just now. They heard the screams coming from this side while soaking. They hurriedly put on their clothes and rushed over to ask.

To this.

The witches told about the discovery of the monster's body, and after obtaining consent, the onmyojis came in to check the situation.

When you see the monster corpse.

One of the onmyojis was shocked:

"It's the slippery ghost I hunted down, it's actually dead?!"

He is an onmyoji who was recently sent to Mt. Fuji to exorcise ghosts. He was responsible for capturing a half-step ghost king-level slippery ghost. From some characteristics of the slippery ghost's corpse, he judged that it was the one he wanted to capture.

As he told things.

The witches and onmyojis were all surprised:

"This slippery ghost is a half-step ghost king level? Depending on the situation, this slippery ghost died not long ago, and we have only been here for a short time. What kind of ghost is it that can kill a slippery ghost in such a short time."

An onmyoji could not help but speak, and asked:

"Have you seen any traces or clues of that ghost?"

The slippery ghost is different from other monsters in that it is very cunning and has a strong ability to escape. It is more difficult to kill it than ordinary monsters.

At this moment.

Facing the questioning, whether it was the onmyoji who was asking the question or other onmyojis, they all noticed the strange expressions of the witches:

"What's the matter with you? Why do you look like this? Did you find anything?"

"...There is a discovery. To be precise, we may have seen the monster that killed the slippery ghost."

"See? What kind of ghost is that?"

"It's not a ghost, it's a monster. It seems to be an alien."


The last words were uttered collectively by the onmyojis, who looked at the witches in a daze.


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