Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 541 Patrolling The Sea, Encountering Ultraman Fighting Monsters?

the other side.

At the foot of Mount Fuji, by a river outside a hotel.

At a time when the onmyojis were stunned by the shaman's strange appearance.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was sitting by the river, driving a fire, roasting the freshly caught fish there, as if feeling something, he raised his head and looked across the river.

can be seen.

On the opposite bank of the river in front, stood a dark figure, borrowing the mottled night light of the leaves through the moonlight, the figure was faintly visible, it was a strange shape, which disappeared in the woods on the other bank of the river, just stood opposite Zhang Wei and whispered softly One sound.

"Is it over? That slippery ghost?"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei asked while chewing the fish.


The alien raised its head and nodded in response, its meaning is self-evident, its long black head reflected the cold and dark light under the moonlight.


Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth:

"Thank you for your hard work, you can come back."

His words fell.

The alien screamed, and the next moment, it jumped to Zhang Wei on the other side, accompanied by the system prompt sounding in Zhang Wei's mind.

[Recycling Alien Figure System Points...]

The alien draws an arc in the air. Its one-person tall body shrinks in the blink of an eye to a Q-version small alien that is half the size of a palm, and the base is a hot spring. It looks like a figure of an alien soaking in a hot spring. .


Zhang Wei lifted it casually and spread his five fingers. He didn't even need to stand up or move. The alien figurine landed in his hand accurately.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei took a bite of the grilled fish, looked in one direction, and muttered:

"This side is done, Gulardo's side is over, and the other side is about to start. The system points can be allocated."


at the same time.

Sakura Country, a military base.

This is the closest military base to Tokyo, where the Marine Defense Force that protects Tokyo is stationed.


Although it was night, the base did not rest. There was a patrol fighter plane preparing to take off on the apron. It was a routine night training and a routine maritime patrol.

"Look at me today, I will fly back in the shortest possible time, please order this meal, Kato, hahaha."

The one who spoke was a pilot of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, who was also the pilot of this patrol.

In today's peaceful era, military bases basically practice and practice. For this reason, pilots like to bet and compare their own skills when they have nothing to do. This time is no exception. They bet that they can fly fast enough to patrol in the shortest time.

"Come on, don't just pretend to be an ace pilot. If you can match my time, you will be considered amazing."

Followed by the four words of "you are amazing".

For girls, this may not be a big deal, but for men, it is definitely the highest honor for betting if the other party says "you are good" in a bet between men. For example, if you can reach that leaf, it is considered You are good, for example, if you can pass the blue, you are good, this is the highest bet for a man.

"Then just watch."

The pilot responded bluntly, and then got on the patrol fighter and flew out.

can be seen.

Its technology is really good.

The patrol fighter flew out, and it skillfully drove the plane straight into the sky and flew towards the patrolling sea. The speed was so fast that it drew a white belt in the night sky.

Not long.

He arrived at the coastal area of ​​Cherry Blossom Valley, looked at the time on the patrol fighter plane, raised the corner of his mouth, and then turned on the communicator with a trembling:

"Call the fruit, I have reached the edge of the sea, over."

Although it is a routine patrol, in order not to reveal that the communication information is intercepted and the timing of the patrol is known to those who are interested, the call bases of various countries are replaced by various strange codes to prevent the specific information of the communication from being discovered.

"Call Twelve, I have received your positioning coordinates, yes, you, the speed is faster than mine, but you have to return. Thunderstorms and strong winds have been detected 30 miles ahead of your return journey. I suggest you bypass it, over."

"Thunderstorm? Are you kidding, the weather was fine when I passed by just now, you are not trying to deceive me, so that I can take a detour and delay the time, over"

The pilot thought for a while, and finally decided to pass through. He knew that the section of road where he came just now was clear and clear, how could it be possible for a thunderstorm to form in just a few minutes, it was obvious that the other party was cheating.

Think here.

The pilot hehe said:

"You want to lie to me, you're still young, Kato, you have to invite this meal."


Regardless of what the communicator said, he swung the joystick and flew straight ahead, quickly reaching thirty miles ahead.

as predicted.

The sky in this area is clear, there is not a cloud, and the starry night tonight is clearly visible:

"Haha, I really guessed right, this guy Kato just wanted to lie to me, what kind of thunder is there..."

boom! ! !

A deafening loud noise exploded, interrupting his words. At the same time, a dazzling light burst out from the sound source far to the left.

"Vori, there's a real thunderstorm? Huh? What's that?"

The sudden change made the pilot startled, thinking that there was a thunderstorm, he quickly looked to the left side of the cockpit.

This look.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

In the night sky on the left side in the distance, there is a dazzling light blooming, but it is not the light of a thunderstorm, but the light of a collision fire. If you look carefully, there are two figures in that place, a monster like a bird, its overall color It is mainly dark red, with white and black cross spots on the body, and has a huge tail and wings.

The other is like a titan, with red, blue and silver intertwined all over its body, and a blue lamp on its chest.

The flames were emitted by these two figures.

The strange bird's eyes emitted golden light, and the titan, with his hands crossed on his chest, emitted colored light.

With a clear view, the night sky picture in the distance.

The pilot was stunned, his eyes almost popped out, and he subconsciously screamed:

"Oh my God, are you kidding me? Isn't that horse riding Ultraman Tiga?! That seems to be... the super ancient monster Melba?"

in words.

At one point he thought he was hallucinating.

But as the monster Melba fired light again, and Ultraman Tiga also fired Zapelio light, both of them shot toward a place in the air, bursting out a wave of air, forming a gust of wind, It spread to his side and almost overturned his patrol fighter plane.

Fortunately, the pilot is worthy of being an ace pilot. He stabilized the patrol fighter in time, and finally stabilized the fighter after being overturned several times.

To this.

The pilot didn't have time to get rid of the lingering fear. After getting off the patrol fighter plane, he shook in the direction of Ultraman Tiga and the monster Melba, and murmured with incomparable shock:

"Not a hallucination?"

As an ace pilot, he is very clear about the strong wind in the sky, and he knows better that he was overturned by the air wave. It was definitely not a strong wind, that is, he was indeed overturned by the collision air wave. What you see is not a hallucination? You must know that hallucinations will not overturn your own plane.

Just then.

A voice came from the communicator:

"Call 12, what are you doing? I saw the radar display, you flew into the thunderstorm area, are you crazy, don't you really think I'm lying to you, I'm not joking with you, go around Get out of the thunderstorm zone, over."


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