Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 542 Appearance Of Super Ancient Ruins

Hearing the voice from the communicator, the pilot recovered from the shock.

at the same time.

Seeing that there was no response, Kato and the others in the base thought that the patrol plane flew into the thunderstorm area, thought that the thunderstorm interference affected the communication, or that something more serious happened to the fighter plane in the thunderstorm area, so they hurriedly continued the call:

"Call twelve, can you hear me, please reply if you receive it, please reply if you receive it, please reply if you receive it, over."

"Call Twelve, why are you still flying in the thunderstorm area? The radar has already shown that the scale of the thunderstorm belongs to a storm. To this extent, our patrol fighters can't resist it! Detour quickly! Please reply, over"

"Call Twelve..."

After calling several times in a row, they finally received a communication from the pilot:

"Call Fruit, I can receive the communication, over."

As soon as his words came out.

Kato and others who were far away at the military base breathed a sigh of relief. The voice from the communication was clear, and it seemed that the worst situation they had imagined did not happen:

"Made, I was scared to death. I thought the patrol fighter plane was hit by a thunderstorm, and we would be dead. It's okay."

in words.

Kato and the others glanced at the radar instrument, which showed that the thunderstorm was strengthening, and did not forget the communication channel:

"Call Twelve, received the communication, why don't you go out of the thunderstorm area quickly, the thunderstorm is intensifying, can't you feel your mother, why are you still inside, over."

"Call the fruit, you are mistaken, I don't have any thunderstorms here, there is no thunderstorm area, over."


Listening to the sound from the communicator, Kato and the others were stunned for a moment, and instinctively glanced at the weather radar instrument, which indeed showed that there was a large-scale thunderstorm reaction on the weather radar:

"Call twelve, you're kidding me, I'm showing a thunderstorm here, I just heard loud thunder, over."

That's all for words.

They all heard it from the communicator, and there was a sudden thunderous noise from the pilot.

"Call plus... no, fruit, is it possible, what you heard is not thunder, over."


The corner of Kato's mouth twitched, he couldn't help picking up the communicator and said:

"Call 12, such a loud thunder, you say it's not thunder? What is that? Is it the fart sound of you eating too much sweet potato? The thunder fart is it, and the direct fart made our radar burst into a thunderstorm response, right? , over."

"Call fruit, I didn't fart, but it's not thunder, I promise with my life, over"

"Call twelve, then tell me directly, what caused that sound, over."

Whether it's Kato or someone else.

from their perspective.

The patrol fighter plane has a soundproof windshield and an oxygen mask. If the sound in the air is to be transmitted into the communication, it must be extremely loud. They really can't think of anything other than a thunderstorm that can cause this sound.

Just when they were wondering, the voice of the communicator came:

"Call the fruit, that's Ultraman Tiga fighting with the super ancient monster Melba, over."

As soon as his words came out.


The communication towers of the entire military base were like a sudden death in the air. Everyone was silent, and the corners of their mouths twitched, thinking that they had auditory hallucinations in their ears.

"Call twelve, say it again, I didn't hear clearly, what did you say? Ultraman? over."

As the communicator sent another message, it was confirmed that they had heard correctly, and Kato and the others felt like cursing.

"Fuck you, Tian Shan is definitely on drugs."

"100% addicted to drugs, quickly contact the military doctor, check his urine and blood, there must be drugs."

"I think what he's urinating now is no longer urine, it's 100% pure drugs. How much does it take to be addicted to drugs to say something like this, Di Jia fights monsters?"

"It is recommended not to be tested. After getting off the plane, take him directly to a military court for sentencing. Tian Shan has taken drugs 100%."

Just now when Tian Shan said that it was not a thunderstorm, they thought about all kinds of reasons that could produce the sound of thunderstorms, but they never thought that Tian Shan could say such an outrageous reason, even Dijia came out.

with that in mind.

Tian Shan's friend Kato gritted his teeth and wanted to make a final confirmation:

"Call Twelve, are you sure that what you saw was Ultraman Tiga fighting the monster Melba? over."

"Call the fruit, I'm sure, Dijia is fighting the monster Merba, they are fighting against each other, the sound made... I Cao!!! No, I read it wrong!!!..."

Suddenly the conversation changed.

Kato breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, before he felt that Tian Shan was still normal, another voice came from the communicator:

"It's Dijia and Melba fighting something else, it seems to be a...ghost! I Cao, it's a ghost, Dijia and Melba are fighting ghosts!"


"Sorry, I was wrong, that ghost is too small, mainly because I was too far away, I didn't notice that ghost, it was a flying monster, he was beaten by Melba and Tiga, I I just noticed, hiss! That ghost is so strong, it knocked Melba into the air."


"The ghost is going to escape! No, it didn't escape successfully. Melba's speed is too fast. It is worthy of being a super ancient monster known for its speed. Di Jia also came up in its air type. The monster did not escape and even ate it. One shot of Tiga's Dilashum light flow, haha, the ghost was seriously injured."


"I Cao, look, look, no, you can't see it, I Cao, the ghost was caught by Di Jia and Melba, God... a pyramid appeared in the sky!"


"My God, it's the super-ancient relic pyramid in Tiga. I seem to see the statue of the ancient light titan in the pyramid. My God, is the pyramid of the super-ancient relic in the sky?"

Accompanied by the words of the communicator.

this moment.

Regardless of whether it was someone else or Kato, they all affirmed unanimously:

"Notify the court-martial and the guards that once Tian Shan gets off the plane, arrest him immediately. crazy."

"Could it be more outrageous, even the ancient ruins of Nimachao have come out."

at the same time.

The so-called thunderstorm zone.

Tian Shan didn't know what Kato and the others were talking about, and he was staring at the distant sky with an undisguised shock on his face.

Just now, after the ghosts were defeated by Tiga and Melba, Tiga shot a ray of light towards a sky. Suddenly, the sky seemed to be distorted by light, and a vaguely huge pyramid appeared. That was Tiga. It is also the ultra-ancient ruins where the statue of Titan of Light is stored!

Also at this time.

Dijia grabbed the ghost, no matter how the ghost cried and shouted, it remained indifferent, and flew towards the super ancient ruins with the ghost, and Melba also flew in next to him.

This scene.

It shocked Tian Shan, and made him insist on telling Kato and the others about this matter as much as possible.

"Call the fruit, after Tiga and Melba brought the ghost into the super ancient ruins, the super ancient disappeared, but I wrote down the coordinates, you can investigate afterwards, and it turns out that Tiga really existed, over."


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