Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 543: The Kumamon Bear Appearing In Kumamoto Prefecture

the other side.

Hotel riverside of Mount Fuji.

"It seems that there is a fighter plane. It should be the Maritime Self-Defense Force of Sakura Country. It turns out that they are on a routine patrol at this point."

Zhang Wei muttered.

Tijia and Melba, who are blessed with system points, knew what happened there, and found the patrol fighter plane immediately, but he didn't pay attention to it, and the other party just watched it. To myself far away on Mount Fuji.


Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Wei patted his butt and got up, yawned and said:

"Go to bed first, I have to get up early to catch the next sheep later."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei put the alien figure in his pocket and walked into the hotel.


Time flies.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky just dawned, and the first ray of sunlight climbed up from the east and shone on the earth.

at this time.

Sakura Country, Kyushu, Kumamoto Prefecture.

This is one of the famous tourist attractions in the country of cherry blossoms. Among them, the most famous removal attraction is the mascot of Kumamoto Prefecture, "Kumamon Bear", which is widely known in Daxia and has been made into many emoticons.

"Ha~ What the hell is going on outside? Why is it so noisy, and let no one sleep."

The one who spoke was a resident of Kumamoto Prefecture.

in words.

He glanced at the electronic time on the table next to him, and it showed that it was 5 am in the morning. Seeing this, and listening to the ping-pong-pong sound from outside, he suddenly became angry.


Without saying a word, he got up and walked towards the window. As soon as he opened the window and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, he was about to curse:


But before the first word is called out, the voice stops abruptly, the eyes stare suddenly, and the drowsiness on the face is gone at this moment, and some are dull and bewildered.

see you.

The corner of the street in front of his house happened to be the furthest distance he could see from the second floor, and there were two figures fighting there.

One is a woman with loose long hair, wearing a fiery red bathrobe, her complexion is as pale as death, her mouth is open, and her tongue can stretch out like a snake. However, this is not the most eye-catching thing, the most eye-catching thing is her Eyes, its face, hands, arms, feet, neck, etc., all have eyes.

That look.

It looks very much like the hundred-eyed demon in the legend of ghosts in the Sakura Kingdom.


Compared to seeing the Hundred-Eyed Monster, the most sluggish thing among the residents was the other figure fighting the Hundred-Eyed Monster.

It was a black bear doll, with red circles on both sides of the cheeks, white eyes, and a little white eyeball. It looked rather cute. The bear doll was holding a toy knife, fighting with the hundred-eyed monster .

Its chubby body is quite nimble, and it dexterously dodges the attack of the Hundred Eyes Monster. The toy knife cuts out. It is obviously a toy knife, but it actually cuts out the blade light, which is like a crescent moon, flying towards the Hundred Eyes Monster. .

To this.

Baimu Yao dodged the knife light, and with a bang, the knife light chopped on the trash can beside it, causing a ping-pong-pong sound.

"Is this... a movie?"

The residents poked their heads in bewilderment, their faces were full of bewilderment, and their eyes fell on the bear doll:

"That's Kumamon, right? Wori, who is the actor in the leather case? He's so nimble and flexible. Is this a promotional video for Kumamon?"

He recognized it, that bear doll, isn't it the mascot of his own Kumamon.


Before he was surprised, why no neighbors on the street said that there was a promotional video notice here, he watched the battle between Kumamon and Domemon, and his expression became more and more strange.

How did the blade come out?

I can see clearly that Kumamon's toy knife, with a wave of his hand, cuts out sharp blades one by one, not only splitting open the trash can next to it, but even the concrete floor was cut with blades. Look carefully, the ground The knife marks are sharp, and the blasting technology can't make such smooth knife marks.

not only these.

He noticed again, seeing Kumamon chopping himself one after another, Baimuyao got angry, and opened the sleeves of his hands, revealing all the eyes on his arms.

can be seen.

On the Danzo-like arm, the eyes on it were exposed for a moment, and they all opened. Not only did the eyeballs turn one by one, they even started to walk on the arm, and then all of them glowed, shining on the Kumamon in front.


Kumamon jumped up, jumped ten meters into the air, avoided the glare of the eyes all the way, and then slashed a toy knife in the air.

"I am Cao!"

Seeing this, the residents screamed in shock. They looked at Kumamon in disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost.

"No wire? No ceiling? How did you do that?!"

He found that there was no hanging steel wire on Kumamon's body at all, and there were no coercion wires or hanging platforms around it.

A series of incidents made the residents' hearts beat wildly, and an unbelievable idea emerged in their minds...

It's not like shooting a promotional video.

But really, right?

Is that hundred-eyed monster real? And that Kumamon?

Just when the idea just popped up.


Hundred Eyes made a move again, and opened four pairs of eyes again, staring straight at Kumamon.

This look.

A scene of surprise appeared.

The Kumamon jumping up in the air was frozen in the air as if the picture was frozen, and then in the sneer of the Hundred Eyed Demon, a pair of eyes were exposed on its chest, and a ray of light shot out, hitting Kumamon's arm directly superior.


Blood splattered.

Kumamon's arm drew a parabola in the air and landed on the street directly in front of the resident's house.

Seeing the bloody arm, the blood flowing out, and the strong smell of blood, the residents trembled in their hearts.

I Cao! !


That hand has flesh and blood? !

He was stunned, looking at the fallen Kumamon's arm, which was full of flesh and bones, and there was no human arm falling out of the Kumamon's arm holster as he imagined. At this time, I was completely awake, and I realized that my unbelievable thoughts were true.

"Is that real Kumamon?! The mascot... came to life?!"

at the same time.

Not only was he stunned, but the Hundred Eyed Demon was also stunned, all eyes staring at the Kumamon arm that fell in the distance:

【Ding! Hundred-eyed demon... Wori? Is that a real arm? Isn't that the holster man? 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

at this time.

With the help of the Domemon in a daze, Kumamon also regained his mobility and fell from the air. A classic expression bag Kumamon backflipped, but it was more dexterous than the expression bag, and it was not clumsy. It rolled directly in front of the arm.


Under the watchful eyes of the residents and the Baimu Yao who kept calling out "I Cao" in their hearts.

Kumamon picked up the fallen arm and pressed it on his broken arm. Threads flew out of the broken arm in an instant, and he sewed the broken arm and arm back together.

When looking again.

His arm has been restored to its original state, and it returned to Kumamon's body, looking intact. If it weren't for the Kumamon's blood on the ground, it would seem that the scene of the severed arm never happened.


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