Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 544 Grim Reaper, Captain Kuchiki Byakuya Of The Sixth Division

【Ding! Hundred-eyed demon... Fuck? ! Is this self healing? No, or self-stitching? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

Watching Kumamon sew his arm back.

While the Hundred Eyes Monster was shocked, he inexplicably recalled something that a monster told him before. It told him that in Daxia there was a job of exorcising ghosts. Use, is the profession of exorcist who is least afraid of losing hands and feet, and is called a mortician.

at this time.

Domemon feels that Kumamon is exactly the same as the mortician he described.

One thought here.

Inexplicably, an idea came to his mind. In order to promote Kumamon, Kumamoto Prefecture sent people with Kumamon leather jackets to travel around and take promotional photos. The same is true for the Kumamon itself. The corpse maker, now Kumamon is one of the xxth generation disciples of the Corpse Sewing School.

【Ding! Domemon... the Kumamon of a professional mortician? 】

[Host obtains system points +110]


Baimu Yao didn't have time to think.

After Kumamon sewed his arm, he raised the toy knife in his hand and rushed over without giving Baimuyao a break.

This scene.

It's obviously menacing, but that funny body makes Kumamon's impact look cute.

at the same time.

Unlike Baimuyao, the resident standing by the window on the second floor has a lot of time to think. After seeing Kumamon's severed arm flying out of the thread to be stitched, he has already confirmed:

"This is not propaganda, is that the real Kumamon... the body? Or... the mascot of Kumamon is alive?!"

in words.

He saw again that Kumamoto was hit by the Hundred-Eyed Demon again. As rumored, as long as the Hundred-Eyed Demon is directly stared at by its eyes, the target will be unable to move and will be frozen in place. That, and then Kumamon was shot by a ray of light from the Domemon.


Kumamon's body was shot by the light and split into two halves.

But the next second.

A Cthulhu-like picture was staged, the upper and lower parts of the Kumamon bear were cut, and the upper and lower parts of the body shot out dense threads, dancing like tentacles, pulling each to the other half of the body, and the upper and lower bodies fell together in the blink of an eye, while the threads were flying, Kumamoto The bear came back to life perfectly.

Immediately afterwards.

Baimu Yao didn't believe in evil, and controlled Kumamon again, with rays of light in his eyes, this time he dismembered Kumamon's head and limbs.


Like Gundam, Kumamon's head and limbs are all threaded, and the thread shot from the head is connected to the body, and the head is pulled back to the body, and the body is stitched together again.


Hundred-eyed demon: "..."

【Ding! Hundred Eyes... Fuck, the one you ride on is not the mortician version of Kumamon, but the Deadpool version of Kumamon, right?]

[Host obtains system points +120]

"Dismembering you won't kill you, so blow you to pieces and see how you heal!"

Baimu Yao cursed in his heart.


Under the eyes of the hundred-eyed demon, Kumamon couldn't get close, and was frozen again, and this time, all the eyes of the hundred-eyed demon burst into light, and they all blasted on Kumamon's body.

boom! !

With a bang.

Kumamon's body was blown apart as if being bombarded by lasers.


The residents' eyes were tearing apart, and they stretched out their hands in their hearts and shouted at Kumamon, wanting to rescue, but they could only look at the mascot of their own place, being bombarded and killed by monsters.

Seeing the fragments of Kumamon scattered into fluffy fragments, the residents fell silent... Now it's over, Kumamon was blown to pieces, how can this be repeated... Sigh!

There was no time to mourn.

The residents just stared wide-eyed.

at the same time.

【Ding! Hundred-eyed demon... Wozhinima! kidding me! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

The fragments of the Kumamon bear scattered all over the ground, like wriggling worms, moved very fast. They squirmed and gathered in the blink of an eye to form the limbs. Finally, the head threads formed were shot out, entangled with the body threads, and the two were sewn together again.


The corner of Baimu Yao's mouth twitched violently, with a look of cursing while hesitating to speak.

【Ding! Hundred-eyed demon... Is it really Kumamon that you are riding a horse? This is not a mortician or a dead waiter. This is clearly venom, is it drafted? Venom, come out of Kumamon's holster quickly]

[Host obtains system points +140]

the other side.

Seeing the resurrection of Kumamon, the residents danced excitedly:

"Hahaha, is this the mascot of our Kumamoto Prefecture? It's too strong. It's no longer a mascot. It's clearly the patron saint, the patron saint of Kumamoto Prefecture."

"No, I feel like I need to crowdfund next time. Don't use Kumamon as a mascot. Let's set up a shrine and enshrine it."

The resident said to himself.

Not only him, but at the same time, the residents who are also living in the street have similar thoughts.

The battle between Kumamon and Domemon was so loud that it woke up the residents of this street. Without exception, when they saw Kumamon vs. Domemon, they reacted the same way as the residents did, and turned from being stupefied. To shock, then to exuberant pride adoring.

the other side.

Different from the excitement of the residents, Baimuyao has a depressed face:

【Ding! Hundred-eyed monster... I knew I would never come to Kumamoto Prefecture, there are guardian beasts in Kumamoto Prefecture]

[Host obtains system points +100]

Baimuyao really wants to curse people, although it is powerful, and with its ability to fix body, Kumamon can't beat it, but he can't walk away, every time he wants to leave, Kumamon stops him, forcing him to I can only fix it myself.

Can't help it.

Hundred Eyes killed Kumamon once again, and when Kumamon came back to life again, it couldn't hold back any longer, stopped and said:

"Kumamon, stop hitting. You can't beat me, and I can't kill you. It's boring for you and me to waste time here. Why don't you let me go? I promise I will never come to Kumamoto again in this life, and let me go." The youkai you met won’t come to Kumamon, how about it?”

As soon as his words came out.

Kumamoto looked at the Domemon, and seemed to stop his attack, as if he was listening to the Domemon.


【Ding! The hundred-eyed demon is delighted]

[Host obtains system points +110]

Baimu Yao hurriedly said again:

"Kumamon, look, my Hundred Eyes Demon ability, you can't get close, so it's almost impossible to kill me, you can only kill me if you get close, and I can't do anything to you, why don't we retreat One step, I go, you go too, how about it?"

Kumamon didn't speak, just looked at Domemon.

The hundred-eyed demon said again:

"Huh? Did you accept my proposal? Oh, I almost forgot that Kumamon can't talk, right? If you agree, you nod."

Kumamon didn't nod his head, but continued to look at the Hundred Eyed Demon.

Just when the Hundred-Eyed Demon was about to say something.

It seems to have a feeling.

Baimuyao suddenly realized that it seemed that Kumamon was not looking at him, but to be precise, he was looking behind him. At this moment, Baimuyao heard the movement from behind, someone was walking towards him.


Baimu Yao instinctively looked back.

at the same time.

The residents upstairs also noticed the movement behind the Hundred-Eyed Demon from the "God's perspective", and followed their gazes...

Both the residents and the hundred-eyed demon were stunned.

It was a man dressed in the costume of Captain Bleach from the anime "Reaper", with his hand on the samurai sword at his waist, strolling in the courtyard, walking towards this side.

look at this man.

Residents are stunned:

"Damn! Byakuya Kuchiki?"

【Ding! Hundred Eyes was stunned, my eyes must be dazzled, I seem to have seen... Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the sixth team in Shinigami? ? ? 】

[Host acquisition system +110]


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