Open profile information.

[Name]: Zhou Ying.

【Gender: Female

【Age】: 13 years old

【Father】: Zhou Dacheng.

[Mother]: Ren Chunchun.

【household registration】…

What caught Zhang Wei's eyes was a photo of a junior high school girl.

Scanning Zhou Ying's file information, Zhang Wei sighed lightly. He seemed to be lucky. The junior high school student he chose to protect had a good family. His father started a company and his mother was a junior high school teacher.

At this moment.

Lu Lianxue approached with a smile, curiosity in her eyes:

"Zhang Wei, is the junior high school student you drew okay? The one I drew is okay. It looks so cute."

Zhang Wei raised his head when he heard the words, and nodded solemnly:

"Xing, the junior high school I smoked grew very Xing."


Everyone was stunned, was it an illusion, why did it feel that what Zhang Wei said was not on the same topic as Lu Lianxue.

Lu Lianxue gave Zhang Wei a white look, and she knew Zhang Wei's brain circuit very well, and knew what Zhang Wei meant.


She still couldn't help looking at the file in Zhang Wei's hand, wanting to see what Zhang Wei said about a junior high school girl who looked so good that she wanted to commit a crime.

This look.

Lu Lianxue's beautiful eyes lit up: "Wow! So cute."

"That's right, I've said that he's too tall to be punished." Zhang Wei smiled.

Lu Lianxue covered her mouth and smiled, and glanced at Zhou Ying's information.

for a moment.

She has some emotion:

"Zhou Ying's family is not bad. His parents are intellectuals, and his mother is a teacher. How can such a wealthy and intellectual family be superstitious about playing pens? Before I came, I heard from Team Lin and the others that Zhou Ying and the other five did not hesitate. Yes, everyone wants to play with Pen Fairy."

Zhang Wei closed the file and said:

"Maybe she grew up abroad. After all, there are few foreigners."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone in the car laughed.

Then Zhang Wei also glanced at the file in Lu Lianxue's hand:

"Squad leader, do you want to change files with me? I see that the little junior high school girl you protected looks good, but she has tattoos. She looks like a bad student. Leave this to me. I'm good at it. I've seen it. There are many movies where teachers educate bad students, and they know how to educate bad students."


All the men in the car looked at Zhang Wei, even Lin Tong who was driving looked at Zhang Wei through the rearview mirror.

"Really? Zhang Wei didn't expect you to like watching educational films." The naive Lu Lianxue was surprised.

Looking at Lu Lianxue's innocent appearance, Zhang Wei couldn't help grinning:

"Of course it's true. I like educational films, but I'm a little embarrassed. I watch them when I'm alone. Of course, I also like to watch 'anime' ones."

Lu Lianxue smiled and said:

"There's nothing embarrassing about it, but it's true. If you're a big boy watching educational films, your roommates will be laughed at. But it's okay, I won't. Zhang Wei, let's watch educational films together when we have time."

Speaking of which.

She raised a bright smile:

"Actually, I also like to watch educational films. My childhood dream was to be a teacher. Since you like to watch them too, let's watch them together. I like watching films to communicate. We can communicate while watching."

Zhang Wei showed a mouthful of white teeth when he heard the words, and responded with a smile:

"Okay, let's watch together, and then we can have in-depth exchanges while watching."

"Haha, okay, in-depth communication, I like this." Lu Lianxue nodded.

at this time.

"Okay, let's not talk about the topic, we are almost junior high school students, so the distribution of files is like this, after all, it is fate to be able to draw."

It was Lin Tong who was driving.

I saw him listening to the two chatting on different channels, and finally couldn't listen to it anymore, and if the chat continued, Zhang Wei really wanted to take Lu Lianxue away.

He looked at Zhang Wei through the rearview mirror.

Is it you driving or me driving, the wheels almost hit my face, the demon king of 'dirty' is alive, you.

Zhang Wei felt Lin Tong's gaze on the rearview mirror:

"Indeed, Captain Lin Tong is right, if you draw, you will be aided."


Zhang Wei gave Lin Tong a look:

"Aid, it's amazing~"


They arrived at their destination, Fenghua Middle School in Habing City.

at this time.

It was around 12 noon.

Lin Tong opened the door and got out of the car, looking towards the school gate:

"Let's go in. I've communicated with the school teacher. It's lunch break now. The teacher has called the five students to the office according to our arrangement."


the other side.

Habing City Fenghua Middle School, office.

Since Fenghua Middle School is a boarding school, it was noon, and most of the teachers and students were taking a nap.


In the office, apart from one teacher and Zhou Ying, there were no other teachers or students.

"Ms. Zhao, when will the people you mentioned come? Can they really help us deal with... deal with ghosts?" A female student with ankle tattoos beside Zhou Ying turned pale, looked at the clock back and forth, and waited anxiously.

Teacher Zhao walked over on high heels and patted his shoulder.

She comforted:

"Yes, don't worry, my husband specially called for it."

"My husband was able to save you yesterday. You should know that my husband is capable of dealing with those dirty things."

"And the people he invited are much better than him, and they will definitely help you."

Teacher Zhao is the head teacher of Zhou Ying and others.

Zhou Ying and five people came to her yesterday, told Teacher Zhao and asked for help that they had run into a ghost.

Instead, other teachers listened to them.

Certainly not.

But Teacher Zhao is different. Although she is an ordinary person, her husband is a ghost exorcist. For this reason, she knows something about ghosts, so after hearing this, she immediately asked her husband to help.

As a result, when her husband came, he saw that Zhou Ying and the five of them were all darkened.

that symptom.

Her husband immediately determined that Zhou Ying's five people were haunted by ghosts, and they were fascinated by ghosts, which made them weak.

Afterwards, her husband cast a spell to help Zhou Ying and five people regain their health.

I thought it was all right.

Unexpectedly, afterward, her husband told Zhou Ying and the others that he was only helping them recover, but the ghost was still haunting them, and that ghost was very fierce, and they couldn't deal with it with their power.

Fortunately, her husband reassured everyone that it was all right.

After going out and making a phone call, I came back.

Her husband told them that he couldn't handle it by himself, but he had already hired experts to help him deal with it.

Now they follow the arrangement of Teacher Zhao's husband and wait for the master to come.

At this moment.

Zhou Ying was full of worry, and said worriedly:

"Then teacher, should we go out and wait at the school gate? What if the master we invite can't enter the school gate?" Zhou Ying was worried.

The teacher shook his head:

"It's okay. I've already told the security guard at the school gate. If someone comes looking for me, they will let them in."

is talking.

There was a knock on the door.

Everyone looked up.

I saw Lin Tong and Zhang Wei standing at the door of the classroom.

Lin Tong reached out and knocked on the door next to him:

"Hello, are you Teacher Zhao? I was invited by your husband to help. My name is Tong Lin."


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