Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 55 Standing Chopsticks, There Is A Ghost

In the office.

As soon as I saw Zhang Wei and others at the door.

Teacher Zhao was stunned.

I didn't expect my husband to ask for help from experts, so I found five people directly, but...

Teacher Zhao glanced at Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei are too young.

Younger than her... Could this be... a master? ?

Not to mention Teacher Zhao, Zhou Ying and the others were all muttering.

"Teacher, are they the masters you mentioned?"

The tattooed female junior high school student pointed to Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue and said bluntly:

"I think those two are not as old as you, teacher. You have only graduated from college for three years, and those two have not yet graduated from college. They..."

The words are not finished yet.


There was a sound at the door.

next second.

【Ding! Bless the Yellow Talisman 10 system points]

A yellow talisman, shot out like an arrow, quickly turned into a yellow afterimage, pointed directly at the tattooed female junior high school student's mouth, and sealed it on his mouth in an instant.

No matter how much she picks and pulls, she can't tear off the yellow talisman with the word "seal" written on her mouth.


All neatly.

Everyone present, including Lin Tong, looked at Zhang Wei.

The person who threw the yellow talisman was none other than Zhang Wei. He took out a yellow talisman from his pocket and shot it at the tattooed female junior high school student.

"Look at what I'm doing. I've been wanting to go to secondary school for a long time, and I finally got the chance to pretend to be a master." Feeling the eyes of Lin Tong and others beside him, Zhang Wei grinned: "How about it, my Isn't it handsome to be noisy?"

Lu Lianxue chuckled, and the others also smiled, and did not preach to Zhang Wei, on the contrary, they felt that Zhang Wei did a good job, and that tattooed female junior high school student was too big or small.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei looked at the tattooed female junior high school student:

"Xiao Nizi, little girls, don't be so swearing, it's not good."

Tattooed junior high school girl is scared.

He repeatedly nodded to Zhang Wei, indicating that he knew he was wrong.

To this.

Zhang Wei put his fingers together, and pointed at the yellow symbol on the mouth of the tattooed female junior high school student, and hooked it.

call out!

The yellow talisman paper flew towards Zhang Wei's pocket like a spirit.

This scene.

Lin Tong and the others were amazed. They did not expect Zhang Wei to be able to do so well in the yellow talisman of exorcising ghosts. One must know that the yellow talisman of void control must be at least at the Tiger Guard level to learn it. Doesn't that mean, Zhang Wei's strength is not Eagle Guard, but... Tiger Guard? !

Zhou Ying, Teacher Zhao and others were also shocked.

That 'spell' beyond the scope of science is enough to prove that the five comers are extraordinary, even if some of them are very young.

for a while.

Teacher Zhao and the others labeled Zhang Wei as an 'expert'.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Xuan didn't mean it, don't be angry, come in and sit first." Teacher Zhao hurriedly invited someone in.


Not long.

"Several gentlemen and ladies, Zhou Ying and the others really encountered a ghost, please help and save them, they are just a group of children."

Teacher Zhao got up and bent over to Zhang Wei and the other five.

Sincere and pleading.

Just now, according to the usual practice, in order to ensure the type of ghost bumping and find out the type of ghosts encountered, Lin Tong consulted Zhou Ying and five people about their experience of bumping ghosts in detail.

Teacher Zhao didn't know the truth, thinking Lin Tong thought they were lying, so he quickly explained and asked them for help.

Lin Tong saw what Mr. Zhao was thinking.

Can't help it.

He smiled and motioned Mr. Zhao to sit down:

"Miss Zhao, you misunderstood. It's not that we don't believe you. We just confirmed what kind of ghost you encountered. Don't worry, we are here to help you."

Upon hearing this, Teacher Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"That must be something."

"It's confirmed, the ghost is consistent with what your husband described to us"

"May I take the liberty to ask, when will the ghost exorcism start?"

"It's not urgent, we have to confirm one thing before that."

Lin Tong said and looked at Mr. Zhao:

"Mr. Zhao, do you have bowls and chopsticks here? When I entered the school gate, the security guard said that for the safety of the students, outsiders were not allowed to bring backpacks in. They put them in a security locker. We put some of our supplies in backpacks." gone."

"It's okay. I have the bowls and chopsticks here. I'll get them right away. Do you need anything else?"

"No, just a bowl, three wooden chopsticks, and some clear water in the bowl, that is, tap water, or mineral water."

"Okay." Teacher Zhao hurriedly got up to get it.

This is a private boarding school. For this reason, teachers and students will bring their own bowls and chopsticks to eat, and Teacher Zhao naturally has them too.

Not long.

Teacher Zhao came over with a bowl of water in one hand and three chopsticks in the other.


Under Zhou Ying's suspicious eyes.

Lin Tong took the bowl and chopsticks.

Let Zhou Ying and five people come to the table, put the bowl on the table, then put the three chopsticks upright, and insert them into the bowl filled with water.

This scene.

Zhou Ying and the others looked curious.

The first time I came into contact with this kind, the children's thirst for knowledge was fully stimulated.

Xiao Xuan, a female junior high school student with tattoos, couldn't bear it, and carefully asked Zhang Wei beside her politely:

"That... big brother, what are you doing?"

In her opinion.

This big brother named Zhang Wei in front of him is very capable, like a fairy written in a novel, if you ask him, he will definitely know what he is doing.

Feel the expectant eyes of Zhou Ying and five people watching together.

Zhang Wei explained slowly:

"This is called standing chopsticks, a folk method to test whether it is entangled with dirty things."

"This test method can be used even by ordinary people."

"The specific steps are to insert the chopsticks into a bowl filled with clean water. If the ghost is entangled, the chopsticks will stand in the bowl."

"Captain Lin is just testing whether you are still haunted by ghosts."

"After all, you are playing the pen fairy, and you said that you followed the steps to invite the pen fairy away. Although you ghosts are sick, it seems that the ghost didn't ask you to leave, but instead entangled you."

"But it is not ruled out that the ghost has already left."

"It's just dissatisfied with your steps, so it will give you some ghosts and teach you some lessons."

"in addition."

"Standing chopsticks, there is another usage."

"That is, if the ghosts haunting you are actually your dead relatives, and they just miss you to visit you, then you can use your chopsticks three times, read some words, burn some paper money, and send the dead relatives away."

The tattooed female junior high school student nodded suddenly: "So it's like this... Ah!! Chopsticks! Chopsticks!"

she said.

Looking away from the corner of the eye, I was horrified to see the three chopsticks in the bowl. After being inserted into the bowl, they stood upright without falling over!

Even though he already knew that he was haunted by ghosts.

But seeing the scene in front of him.

The tattooed female junior high school students also felt chills down their backs, subconsciously staying away from the dishes.

Also at this time.

It was confirmed that Zhou Ying and the others were haunted by ghosts.

Lin Tong got up and said seriously: "Then follow the plan, and each is responsible for a child."

Zhang Wei and the others nodded in response.


Lin Tong told Mr. Zhao about the plan. Since there were other children in the school, in order to prevent other children from being injured, and the parents of the children might not believe their words, and also to prevent the parents from taking the children away, which caused the parents to worry, they decided to take the children back to their own homes. , for protection and exorcism.

"Ah? I'm following this sister."

The one who spoke was Xiao Xuan, a junior high school girl with tattoos.

When she learned that she was being protected by Lu Lianxue, her little face collapsed and she couldn't help turning to Zhang Wei.

Not only Xiao Xuan.

The others also looked at Zhang Wei and Zhou Ying with admiration.

Its meaning is self-evident.

They want to follow Zhang Wei and be protected by Zhang Wei.

After seeing Zhang Wei's yellow talisman, they recognized Zhang Wei's strength and felt that it was safest to stay by his side. As for the others, they seemed unreliable at all.


Xiao Xuan tugged on Teacher Zhao's sleeve, faltering and saying:

"Teacher, I, I, can I... follow, follow this big brother."

His words speak out.

Lin Tong and the others twitched their mouths, looked at Zhang Wei and Xiao Xuan, and suddenly remembered that before coming here, Zhang Wei said that he likes to watch movies where teachers educate students.

the other side.

face this situation.

Lu Lianxue next to Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

"Zhang Wei, it seems that your education is very good, and you have taken away my protection object." Lu Lianxue said jokingly.


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