Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 56 Turning Talismans Into Swords, Moving 'Nuclear Weapons'

For Lu Lianxue's joke.

Zhang Wei touched his nose.

Immediately afterwards.

He came in front of Xiao Xuan: "Nizi, your name is Xiao Xuan, right? There is no difference between following me and the squad leader. Let me tell you quietly, she is a disciple of Longhushan, and she will be the head teacher of Longhushan in the future."

Under Zhang Wei's lack of praise.

Xiao Xuan dismissed the idea of ​​following Zhang Wei.


The school bell rang.

This is the time for lunch break, and the afternoon class is about to start.

Teacher Zhao clapped his hands and signaled Zhou Ying and the other five:

"Okay, it's time for class, you go to class first, and when you let go, Mr. Zhang Wei and the others will go home with you and protect you."

The words fell.

She bowed to Zhang Wei and the others:

"I'll trouble you next."

Zhang Wei and the others shook their heads, expressing that you are welcome.

Follow Lin Tong's plan.

The five of Zhou Ying are still students, so they have to go to class. During the class, they take turns to monitor the classroom to protect their safety, and then protect them when they go home.




"Zhang Wei, what are you looking at?" Lu Lianxue turned her head and looked at Zhang Wei's phone.

It wasn't her turn to monitor the classroom yet, bored, she looked around and saw Zhang Wei's mobile phone sliding there, as if she was looking at something.

Take a closer look.

Lu Lianxue looked surprised.

Zhang Wei is using his mobile phone to log in to the 'Secretary of Health Forum' app, and browse the 'Item Trading' section there.

That section said it was a section.

In fact, it is more like a certain treasure platform for exorcists to trade.

Ghost exorcisers can post on it, sell and sell their own things, such as magic tools, ghost exorcism materials, and even sell ghosts!

You can also post on it and post what you want to buy.

If a ghost exorcist has something that the other party wants, they can chat with each other privately, and the two parties can discuss the price.

Say it bluntly.

That is an online trading market.

Zhang Wei is currently clicking through the posts for sale one by one, browsing the list of items above.

"Zhang Wei, do you want to buy anything?" Lu Lianxue asked curiously.

"I want to buy a large-scale exorcism of yellow talismans."

Zhang Wei responded with a sentence, but did not raise his head, and was brushing the post seriously.


Buy a large-scale ghost exorcism like a yellow talisman?

Lu Lianxue was stunned, and the doubts on her face became more serious.

"Large-scale ghost exorcism? Why did you buy that? It's expensive, and it's not very practical. It can only be used in certain situations."

What is a large-scale exorcism.

As the name suggests, it is an exorcism technique with great power and a huge scene.

For example.

Opening the altar to exorcise ghosts is the most common large-scale exorcism.

In Lin Zhengying's movie, Uncle Jiu opened the altar and placed incense burners, ink fountains and other props on it, and then danced swords in front of the altar like a god, using various props, which is one of the large-scale ghost exorcisms. practice'.

That's why.

It is generally difficult for ghost exorcists to use large-scale ghost exorcism anytime and anywhere, because various ghost exorcism supplies need to be prepared.

And the large-scale ghost exorcism of the yellow talisman.

Naturally, it refers to the exorcism technique that requires a large number of yellow symbols.

You must know that one yellow talisman is very light and easy to carry, but if there are a thousand or ten thousand, they can all be tied into a large bundle, and it is impossible to carry it with you.

The most critical point.

Yellow talismans also ask for money.

Each yellow talisman is not ordinary paper, but paper made of special materials.

And the large-scale ghost exorcism of the yellow talisman.

The required talisman papers must be at least a thousand or more at a time, which is quite expensive.

She raised her head and glanced at Lu Lianxue's puzzled face.

How could Zhang Wei not know what he was thinking.


The large-scale exorcism of yellow talismans is very expensive.

But this is for other ghost exorcists, not for Zhang Wei, he has 'infinite yellow symbols', there is no shortage of yellow symbols at all, and he can take out a lot of yellow symbols anytime, anywhere.

In other words.

He can perform... large-scale exorcism of yellow symbols anytime, anywhere!

after all.

Not long ago, through the "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva", he saw Captain Li cast the "Five Thunders Mantra".

A yellow talisman was thrown, and a thunder burst out.


What if it was the "Five Thunder Curse" of the yellow talisman large-scale exorcism technique! !

Just imagine.

Thousands of yellow talismans burst into thunder together, this is no longer a thunderstorm.

It was a vast and vast sea of ​​thunder!

And Zhang Wei can use this kind of exorcism anytime and anywhere.

As long as it is a large-scale yellow talisman exorcism, he can use it anytime and anywhere, which can be called a mobile 'nuclear weapon'.

But Zhang Wei can't explain too much.

He prevaricated casually:

"No, just strolling around, I'm more interested in the yellow talisman exorcising ghosts."


Lu Lianxue responded, then blinked her eyes, and said bluntly:

"If you want a large-scale yellow talisman to exorcise ghosts, I have one on hand."

in words.

Lu Lianxue recalled:

"The ghost exorcism technique is called 'Turning Talismans into Swords'. Once performed, it can control 3,800 yellow talismans and turn them into sharp swords to cut down all evils. Otherwise, I'll sell you cheap."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei looked up suddenly: "Are you sure?"

Lu Lianxue's forehead: "Yes, I got it by accident before, if you want, I will copy it for you now."

"Okay, how much is it?"

"100,000, I'll sell you at the lowest price in the market."

"How about that, I'll give you 150,000, I won't take advantage of my friends, haha."


Time flies.


As the bell rang, it was the bell for school.

Zhang picked up Zhou Ying and the others for them, and was about to walk towards the community where they lived.

But at this time.

"Big brother, can you not go home?" Zhou Ying said timidly, pulling Zhang Wei's sleeve suddenly.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Then Zhang Wei guessed:

"Are you afraid that ghosts will follow you home and harm your parents? Don't worry, with me here, ghosts can't hurt you and your parents."

Zhou Ying shook her head and faltered: "No, I just, I just don't want to go home."

Zhang Wei frowned slightly.

But he still agreed to Zhou Ying's request.

"Since you don't want to go home, that's fine too. It just so happens that my friend and I have an appointment to eat barbecue skewers tonight, and I'll invite you to have barbecue."

"Thank you big brother." Zhou Ying nodded his thanks repeatedly.

Zhang Wei smiled: "It's okay, I'll go tell Captain Lin, just wait."

He called out Lin Tong who was walking in front.

When he learned that Zhang Wei was going to take Zhou Ying to a barbecue, he didn't wait for Lin Tong to speak.

Xiao Xuan glanced at Zhou Ying, and immediately stretched out her hand:

"I also want to eat barbecue, Brother Zhang Wei, take me to eat barbecue too, okay, Sister Lu, let's go have barbecue together, okay?"

Xiao Xuan couldn't resist her stalking.

Lu Lianxue also agreed, and took Xiao Xuan and Zhang Wei to have a barbecue together.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone.

Called Zhang Chao's phone.

"Hey, Zhang Chao is coming out now to have sex."

"Ojbk, Zhang Wei, where are you now, Wu Nian and I will go over here, let's find a nearby barbecue restaurant to eat."

"Okay, I'll send you the address, by the way, can I bring some companions over there."

"No problem, hey, actually I just want to treat you to a barbecue, thank you for saving Wu Nian, it's fine if you bring a companion."


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