Habing City, a barbecue restaurant.

"Wu Nian, what do you want to eat?"

Zhang Chao was holding a basket, picking out the skewers on the shelf of the freezer.

After talking with Zhang Wei on the phone.

They came to this barbecue restaurant by car and waited for Zhang Wei to arrive.

Not long.

After they finished picking the skewers, they chose a table and sat down.

Zhang Chao picked up his mobile phone and sent a WeChat voice message to Zhang Wei: "Zhang Wei, have you arrived yet?"

The words just came out.

Haven't clicked send yet.

"Zhang Chao, Wu Nian." Zhang Wei's voice came from behind.

Zhang Chao immediately turned around to look, he was stunned for a moment, and saw Zhang Wei holding a little girl, followed by Lu Lianxue, who was also holding a little girl, walking side by side , Zhang Wei waved hello to Zhang Chao and Wu Nian.


Zhang Chao raised his brows: "Good guy, Zhang told me that he wanted to treat me. It's fine if you bring your companions. You just dragged your family and brought them here."

in words.

He looked at the little girl beside Zhang Wei, and Lu Lianxue, and joked:

"Have you become parents after only seeing you for a day? You have children so soon."

Zhang Wei laughed:

"Yes, I got the certificate in the morning, got married at noon, and gave birth in the afternoon."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhou Ying and Xiao Xuan, and continued:

"I also responded to the call for a second child and gave birth to two children. Here, Yingying, Xuanxuan, let me introduce you. This is my good brother. Call him Uncle Zhang Chao. Kowtow to him and ask for a red envelope. Cut your hair and take uncle away."

There is a folk custom that in the first month, children cannot cut their hair, otherwise their uncle will die.

After some squabbling.

They sat down, and soon Wu Nian, Zhang Chao and the others learned about Zhou Ying and the others from Zhang Wei.

And relying on Zhang Chao's talkative nature and familiarity.

Everyone chatted happily.

Even the introverted Zhou Ying let go and smiled.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chao bluntly asked:

"By the way, if you come out with Zhang Wei, aren't you afraid that your family will worry?"

Zhang Wei also spoke at the right time.

The two sang together, following Zhou Ying's words.

It turned out that Zhang Wei had contacted Zhang Chao on WeChat long before he came here, colluding with the two of them to take the opportunity to talk to Zhou Ying and the other two. There was no other reason. Intuition there is a problem.

You must know that Zhou Ying and the others had run into a ghost. It stands to reason that children should seek their parents and close people immediately when encountering something frightening. However, Zhou Ying was on the contrary. Zhang Wei did not dare I missed it, and decided to cooperate with Zhang Chao.


Zhang Wei played Zhou Ying's two little girls in his hands, and easily got out of the way.

It turns out that the reason why Zhou Ying and the five play with the pen fairy is not because they really like to play dead, but because they heard that the pen fairy can fulfill their wishes.

That's why Zhou Ying and the others wanted to hire a pen fairy.

The purpose is to help Zhou Ying realize her wish... Ask Bixian to kill her father!

"I thought this kind of thing could only happen in novels." Zhang Chao said with a wonderful expression.

If it weren't for the public.

He almost burst out laughing like thunder.

To this.

Zhang Wei also had a strange expression, and said leisurely:

"Sometimes reality is more magical than fiction. After all, the national football team can lose to Vietnam. Is there anything more magical than this?"

Not only Zhang Wei two people.

Lu Lianxue and Wu Nian also changed their expressions.

The former looked at Zhou Ying like a ghost, while the latter put his hands together habitually:

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

At this moment.

As if thinking of something, Zhang Wei looked at Zhou Ying and his daughter.

"I don't know what is the reason for you to do such a thing of fatherly kindness and filial piety, but it is not for you to get involved in strange powers."

"Even if you have the ability to get involved, you shouldn't use this method to solve the problem."

"I think Mr. Zhao should have taught you."

"There is nothing free in this world."

"If you invite ghosts to kill people, it seems that you have solved the problem, but have you ever thought about it? If you invite ghosts to kill people, why should ghosts help you? Everything has a price. If you plant melons, you will get melons, so you will get beans, and ghosts will help you. If you kill someone, you will also pay a corresponding price, in the world... there is no such thing as getting something for nothing."

"Whether the reason is good or bad, if you kill someone, you will bear a sin. You will be punished by law during your lifetime. After death, karma will be added to your body. Reincarnation... is difficult to enter."

Although the words are a bit heavy.

Zhang Wei didn't intend to choose consolation, he must make Zhou Ying and the others realize their mistake.

next moment.

He got up: "Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, I won't eat barbecue for now, monitor, you take Xiao Xuan home first, and I will take Zhou Ying home now."

From the cliché just now.

Zhang Wei learned that Zhou Ying did not come home, it was their wish that the ghost would kill Zhou Ying's father today. She was afraid that she would see the ghost when she returned home, and she was also afraid that Zhang Wei would stop the ghost from killing her father when she returned home.

Zhang Chao also knew the seriousness of the matter.

want to go together.

But it was stopped by Zhang Wei.

"I will take charge of Zhou Ying's side. Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, you and the squad leader will go to Team Lin to prevent ghosts from attacking other people's parents."

As a ghost exorcist, Zhang Wei knows better than Zhou Ying and the others that the price for ordinary people to invite ghosts to kill is cruel. If you invite ghosts to kill, ghosts will also demand one or more lives from you. Zhou Ying's father, the next step is very likely... Zhou Ying's five people, even their family members.

The words fell.

Zhang Wei hugged Zhou Ying with a princess hug:

"Time is of the essence, let me run with you in my arms, so hurry up."

Since the barbecue shop is not far from the neighborhood where Zhou Ying's family lives, the time it takes to call a car is better than running home.

next moment.

【Ding! Bless the host's legs and arms 2328 system points]

With the ability of 'synchronization', Zhang Wei's body can be synchronized with system points, but it doesn't mean that he can no longer use system points to strengthen himself.

This is a system bug discovered by Zhang Wei after learning about the 'synchronization' function, or... a hidden function!


In Zhang Chao's surprised eyes.

Zhang Wei disappeared in the blink of an eye, too fast.

This is still running with someone in his arms.


Zhang Chao and the others also took action, and when they left, Wu Nian stared in the direction Zhang Wei was leaving:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, may the Buddha bless you, and you must stop Zhou Ying's hands from being covered in blood. She shouldn't go to Avici Hell after she dies."


at the same time.

The apartment where Zhou Yingwu's family lives, Zhou Ying's house.


The keyhole turns.

Zhou Ying's father, Zhou Dacheng, came home from get off work.

Once home.

Zhou Dacheng untied his suit and tie, took out a few cans of cold beer from the refrigerator, then sat lazily on the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched TV while drinking.

"Hey, wife, is the meal ready? I'm starving to death, hurry up..."

Halfway through the shouting, it stopped abruptly.

He suddenly remembered that his wife was not at home and was still living in the hospital.

"Unlucky, let's order takeaway."

Zhou Dacheng picked up his phone.


Just as he was about to order takeaway, there was a sound from the corridor beside him, it was the sound of footsteps.

Zhou Dacheng was taken aback.

At some point, his wife Ren Chunchun came out from the corridor.

"Huh? When did you leave the hospital? I said, are you going to scare me to death? If you walk out without turning on the light, I thought it was a thief."


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