Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 58 The Female Ghost Looks Like A Big Wronged Species

at this time.

In addition to the lights in the hall, the hallway was not turned on, so I could only see the blurred scene in the hallway and Ren Chunchun walking out of the hallway from the corner of the hall.

She just walked out of the corridor slowly.

Not to mention the sound of opening the bedroom door, not even the sound of footsteps.

It was also after returning home that all the lights in the house were turned off, only the hall lights that he had turned on made Zhou Dacheng think that there was no one at home.

Who knew Ren Chunchun was there.

Zhou Dacheng was cursing, turned his head, and instinctively looked at the corridor and Ren Chunchun.

The structure of their home, the entrance of the corridor and the sofa in the hall are at a 90-degree angle, and the sofa leans against the place where the entrance of the corridor meets the wall of the hall. For this reason, Zhou Dacheng does not need to get up, sits on the edge of the sofa, and looks to the side and back. Look, you can see the corridor panorama.

Even with the help of the hall light, the corridor was still dim. Most of Ren Chunchun's body was shrouded in darkness, and half of her face could be vaguely seen.


She came out from the corridor.

Zhou Dacheng sat on the sofa and raised his head, just in time to see the profile of Ren Chunchun who walked out.

Look closely.

His wife Ren Chunchun's face was pale, and she didn't know it was because she had just been discharged from the hospital and hadn't fully recovered, her lips were almost bloodless.

However, Zhou Dacheng didn't care, he just couldn't help but curse again:

"Are you a cat? You don't make any noise when you walk. Fortunately, I have a good heart, otherwise I would really scare you."

"Forget it, hurry up and cook, huh? Didn't you hear what I said?"

He found.

Ren Chunchun simply ignored him.

Walking out of the corridor, without stopping, she slowly walked into the opposite kitchen.

Zhou Dacheng frowned:

"Have you lost your temper with me? Didn't it mean that I beat you a few times and sent you to the hospital? Forget it. I'm too lazy to argue with you today."

in words.

He took a sip of beer. Because of his smooth work and seeing the other party's pale face, he didn't plan to do anything again. If he was killed, his good Mr. character set outside would be gone. Anyway, the other party had already After entering the kitchen to cook, he continued to pick up the remote control and switch channels.

But at this time.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, and the caller ID showed that it was from my brother-in-law.

Zhou Dacheng answered the phone:

"Hey, it's Ren Lin. I just got off work. By the way, I've really troubled you these few days. I'm too busy with work to take care of your sister. Fortunately, you came to help."

its tone.

When he treated Ren Chunchun, he was a different person, appearing to be kind.

The brother-in-law Ren Lin Yi on the phone laughed and said:

"Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? No trouble, we are all family members. Besides, that is my sister. By the way, brother-in-law, I just asked the doctor. My sister will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Are you free tomorrow? Come and drive my sister back Home, if I'm not free, I'll drive my sister back."

Words come out.

Zhou Dacheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Haha, there's no need for Ren Lin, your sister has already gone home by herself, so I don't need you to carry her."

in words.

He looked at Ren Chunchun in the kitchen, who was standing in front of the stove with his back turned to him, and there was a faint sound of cutting vegetables.

However, the next second.

"Ah? Brother-in-law, you really know how to joke. Are you afraid that I will be troublesome, so you won't let me drive my sister home? No need, and you can't fool me with your joke, because I'm still in the hospital, right beside my sister. "

Ok? !

The voice of my brother-in-law from the phone echoed in my ears.

Zhou Dacheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Ren Lin, you want to pretend that you are by your sister's side. You can't fool me with this little trick."

"I didn't lie to you, I am indeed right next to my sister, haha, if you don't believe me, I will show you the video."

next moment.

The phone hung up, and a WeChat video call came instead.

Zhou Dacheng clicked on it subconsciously.

It was my brother-in-law Ren Lin who called.

And through the screen of the mobile phone, it can be seen that the brother-in-law is holding the mobile phone to shine on his face, and pointing to the sister beside him who is receiving the infusion.

"Look, my sister is by my side, sister, say hello to my brother-in-law."

inside the screen.

Ren Chunchun was hindered by his younger brother Ren Lin, who was still kept in the dark by Zhou Dacheng's image of Mr. Zhou Dacheng, so he could only greet Zhou Dacheng with a smile.

But it was this scene.

Zhou Dacheng's scalp exploded suddenly.

He's not blind. In the video, Ren Lin is indeed next to Ren Chunchun. It's not like someone pretending to be someone, let alone a special effect. After all, if it is a special effect, how much money can it be made.


Next to Ren Lin is Ren Chunchun, so who is this in his own family?

Zhou Dacheng subconsciously looked towards the kitchen.


Shouting in horror came from Zhou Dacheng's mouth.

I don't know where to go.

Ren Chunchun in the kitchen was standing at the door of the kitchen looking straight at himself, his eyes were wide open, and he was grinning at him.

It was the same as the Ren Chunchun I saw when I walked out of the corridor and passed by me before, this Ren Chunchun was the same as my wife Ren Chunchun, no matter in appearance or clothes, the only difference was the pale complexion.

Zhou Dacheng may not have felt that complexion before, but looking at it now, this Ren Chunchun's complexion is too pale, the paleness is not like the paleness of a sick person at all, more like... the paleness of a dead person.

But these were not the reasons for his yells of terror.

the real reason.

It was this Ren Chunchun, half of her pale dead face was rotten.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost!!!"

He screamed, unable to maintain his composure any longer, a coolness flowed from the soles of his feet to the top of the sky.

The rottenness of that face made it impossible for a person to survive, but the other party did indeed live and was smiling at him.



Sweeping Zhou Dacheng's body and mind.

He rolled and crawled, and rushed to the door of the house, wishing he could grow a few more legs.

Ren Chunchun, no, it's a female ghost to be precise, she also moved, and the moment her eyes met Zhou Dacheng's, she rushed towards Zhou Dacheng with a smile on her face.

this moment.

Zhou Dacheng wished he could grow a few more legs.


Zhou Dacheng screamed in horror.

The female ghost appeared in front of him and grabbed his neck.

The icy temperature of those dead hands spread along the neck and spread throughout the whole body, shattering Zhou Dacheng's last chance of luck. The temperature was too cold, it was not human temperature at all. The 'Ren Chunchun' in front of him was not a human being, but a bird. ghost!

Seeing the female ghost grinning grinningly, Zhou Dacheng was strangled to the point of death.

boom! !

The door of the house was kicked open.

The female ghost turned her head to look at the door behind her.

At the door, a young man stood there holding a little girl in the arms of a princess.

"help me……"

Although he didn't know Zhang Wei, Zhou Dacheng raised his hand hoarsely to ask Zhang Wei for help due to his strong desire to survive.

"Uncle hold on, I'm here to save you! Monster, don't be presumptuous!!!"

Zhang Wei shouted.

With these words, he rushed out like a cheetah, the speed was too fast, even though he was still holding Zhou Ying, he rushed to the female ghost in the blink of an eye.

next second.


Bang bang.

Zhang Wei raised his leg and kicked the female ghost suddenly.



The female ghost and Zhou Dacheng screamed together.

Zhang Wei's kick was too fierce, not to mention the female ghost was kicked away, flew out together with Zhou Dacheng in front, and hit the wall of the hall.

【Ding! The female ghost screamed. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

For a long time.

The female ghost was lying on the ground, unable to get up clutching her kicked lower back, and looked at Zhang Wei angrily.

【Ding! The female ghost was terrified and angry, fuck your mother, are you going to kick my medical insurance card for arrears, it hurts so much! my waist! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei helped up the dying Zhou Dacheng, glared at the female ghost, and shouted angrily:

"Damn female ghost, you have no conscience, look at what you have done, to torture the uncle like this, uncle, are you okay, your rib seems to be broken, it's okay, with me here, the female ghost can't hurt you. "

Zhou Dacheng: "..."

【Ding! The female ghost wanted to yell, I hurt your sister, did the old lady hurt him, that was clearly kicked by you. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

"Huh? You still dare to stare at me, you are justified in hurting others, don't you, evil!!"

When the female ghost heard this, her chest fluttered rapidly.

【Ding! The female ghost stared at the host like a big wronged species, so angry that she was inexplicably wronged, and almost wondered if she died unjustly. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]


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