Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 546: It's Time For The Naruto Team To Work Hard

the other side.

The residents were shocked.

Kuchiki Byakuya didn't stay long after killing the Hundred Eyed Demon Empress in seconds. He glanced at Kumamon. At the same time, Kumamon also looked at the other party, and the two looked at each other.


The hearts of the residents trembled, and they had no time to get excited about Kuchiki Byakuya's instant kill:

"Wori, Kuchiki Byakuya and Kumamon have met eyes, they won't fight."

"Hey, we were too busy paying attention to Kuchiki Byakuya's killing of the Hundred Eyed Demon, and didn't think about whether Kuchiki Byakuya was called by Kumamon..."

"It's not like Kuchiki Byakuya and Kumamon don't know each other."

"Can Kumamon beat Kuchiki Byakuya?"

For the situation at hand.

All the residents swept away their previous excitement and were so nervous that they raised their hearts to their throats.

But tense for less than two seconds.

Both Kumamon and Kuchiki Byakuya made movements.

I saw...

After Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Kumamon, the two looked at each other, and he slightly nodded towards Kumamon, and Kumamon also raised his hand at this time, and bowed to him in return, which meant nothing In other words, thank Kuchiki Byakuya.


Kumamon seemed to feel that it wasn't enough, so he flew up, gave Kuchiki Byakuya a big hug, and thanked Kuchiki Byakuya strongly.

"You're welcome, my own."

Kuchiki Byakuya saw what Kumamon meant, and replied softly.

It's not loud.

But the residents heard it all, and all of them were shocked:

"Did I hear you right? Byakuya Kuchiki seems to say that Kumamon is one of us? What does that mean? Are they all from Sakura Country?"

"Thank you, don't you mean people from Sakura Country? Look at Kumamon's enthusiasm and Kuchiki Byakuya's reaction. They obviously know each other."

When realized here.

Everyone was stunned, as if they had seen a ghost:

"Kumamon and Kuchiki Byakuya are on the same side? Fuck?! Kumamon belongs to the Shinigami team? Is this... possible?"

"It's not impossible, Kumamon is the mascot, but Captain Death also has a mascot, that Captain Kotou."

"My Cao, it's true, Kumamon won't be in the dog-headed team, hiss—"

in words.

The residents unanimously looked at the toy knife in Kumamon's hand:

"That toy knife, it can't be Zanpakuto."

"It's impossible for a toy knife to cut out a sword glow, but a Zanpakuto can. For example, Kurosaki Ichigo's Zanpakuto's Crescent Moon Tenchō move is not a sword glow."

"So... Kumamon joined the Reaper team, Kumamon isn't Venom, it's...Reaper?!"

with that in mind.

At this moment, all the residents couldn't help but have a picture in their minds. Kumamon was wearing the Shinigami Shiba costume, holding the Zanpakutō and shouting "Shikai", and then turned into that toy knife.

at this time.

"Hey, Captain Kuchiki, have you dealt with it here?"

The sudden childish and cruel voice interrupted the thinking of the residents.

His words come out.

The residents looked subconsciously, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a child standing on the eaves of the street at some point, dressed in the same captain-level death tyrant costume as Byakuya Kuchiki, with a childish and handsome appearance.

"Hitsu Valley East Lions!"

"I'm Cao, I'm Ritsu Valley East Shilang!"

They recognized the comer.

That's Hitsugani Higashishiro, the captain of the Shinigami 10th squad in "Bleach".

Not only Hitsugaya Higashishiro, the residents quickly saw that on the eaves, there were not only Hitsugaya Higashishiro, but also eleven figures, who were from the Thirteenth Brigade of Shinigami Seireitei Gotei. All the other captains are here!


"Captain Reaper is here?!"

The residents were shocked, unable to hide the horror on their faces, and felt their blood boiling hot in their hearts.

the other side.

The Shinigami captains looked at Kuchiki Byakuya.

To this.

Byakuya Kuchiki said:


After hearing this, East Lion of Ritsu Valley said bluntly:

"Then let's deal with the rest."


He looked to Shigekuni Yamamoto Motoryasai, the captain of the first squad, and asked for his opinion.

Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni also held the Zanpakuto with both hands, and nodded slightly to show his agreement.


Kuchiki Byakuya also nodded, and then said to Kumamon beside him:

"Let's go."

Kumamon nodded.

next moment.

Kuchiki Byakuya and Kumamon jumped to the eaves, joined the other captains of Reaper, quickly jumped together, and disappeared into the distance, going to perform Zhang Wei's task - to find ghosts to gather wool.


The residents didn't know the truth. Seeing Kumamon and Captain Reaper 13 go away, they were all excited and excited:

"Am I dreaming."

"Look! Let me just say, the mascot of our Kumamoto Prefecture. Kumamon belongs to Team Reaper."

"I thought Kumamon learned venom, but is it true that he learned death?"

"It seems that in the future, don't call it Kumamon, which is the mascot of our county, but call it Kumamon Death!"

That's all for words.

The residents picked up their mobile phones one after another, wanting to tell relatives and friends what they saw today.


On the local forums in Kumamoto County, there was a strange statement——Kumamon bear is real, it comes from the Shinigami Seireitei Gotei 13th team, it may belong to the captain of the seventh team, that is, the captain of the dog head, and Kumamoto After Xiong's initial solution, Zanpakuto will turn into a toy knife, with the ability to heal the body infinitely, similar to venom + deadpool.


the other side.

Sakura Country, Mount Fuji Hotel.

"Early in the morning, the Hundred-Eyed Demon was indeed caught."

Zhang Wei yawned. He wanted to get up early in the morning. Unfortunately, after returning home last night, Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue came to chat with him. They chatted too late and couldn't get up in the morning. Originally, he wanted to stay in bed, but instead Woke up by the system notification sound caused by the Hundred-Eyed Demon.


Zhang Wei is not angry, looking at the accumulated system points, his face is full of smiles:

"You should bless a bunch of figurines with 1 system point, then spread out, find ghosts, and add other system points. I'm such a genius."

As he spoke, he turned on the phone and murmured:

"The Tiga group has gained, the Alien group has also, the Reaper group has also made good news, and the Pokemon and Digimon have also been obtained. The only difference is that there is no Hokage. Give some strength, the Hokage group."

not long ago.

After talking on the phone with his father Zhang Ping, Zhang Wei was not idle, and planned to use the remaining three days to collect more sheep wool in the country of cherry blossoms, that is, to group the Tiga figures, alien figures, etc. that he brought this time, to bless 1 system point, let them find ghosts by themselves.

The words fell.

Zhang Wei got up to have some breakfast.

But he just got up and put on his clothes, and before he opened the door, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly, Zhang Wei raised a smile:

"The Hokage team has also begun to work hard, it can be done, and it can be used again."

in words.

Zhang Wei looked towards one direction, which was the direction where the Naruto group was currently located - Sakura Country, Osaka.


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