Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 547 Akatsuki Organization, Liu Dao Payne

at this time.

Sakura Country, Osaka.

Osaka is the third most populous city in the country of cherry blossoms. Although it occupies the second last place in the country, it has a large population and a leading economic development in the country. But this is for people in the country of cherry blossoms, and for people abroad, Osaka is a historic city.

Many people come to Osaka not for the economy of Osaka, but for Osaka Castle. There are many ancient castle buildings with a long history in Osaka, among which Osaka Castle is the most famous in the world.

Especially during the holidays.

Osaka Castle has a lot of traffic, and people are coming and going as far as you can see.

"Students, this is our Osaka Castle in Osaka, once..."

The one who spoke was a teacher from Sakura Elementary School. She led a large group of elementary school students behind her and introduced Osaka Castle to them.

As soon as his words came out.

Those elementary school students looked at the Osaka Castle in front of them one by one, with little stars in their eyes, and carefully looked up at the huge Osaka Castle in front of them. The girls were dreaming of the princess dream living in it, and the boys were there. attack.

at this time.

"Hao Ye, look quickly, there is a man standing on the roof."

A primary school girl pulled a classmate beside her and pointed straight at the eaves of the roof of Osaka Castle. Because of the cascading roofs of Osaka Castle, there was a figure standing there just in the direction.

"Ah? True or false, hey, it's really true..."

The classmates heard the words and looked.

next second.

When he saw the appearance of the person on the roof, his eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly:

"Wow! It's from the Akatsuki organization!"

It was a person dressed in the black background red cloud costume of the villain Akatsuki in the anime "Naruto", standing on the eaves and looking into the distance.

Maybe he heard the classmate's cry, or maybe he noticed that the classmate was looking at him, so the figure turned his head to look down at the classmate.

This look.

The classmate was stunned, and then became even more excited:

"Yoko, that's Payne, wow! So handsome!"

He recognized the person who came, and the other party was not the person wearing the costume of the Xiao organization, but a person from the Xiao organization. It was Liudao Payne who had the eyes of reincarnation in the Xiao organization.

It's loud.

He didn't hide his excitement, not to mention the students around him, even the teacher in the lecture, and passers-by all looked sideways.

"Haoye, what are you shouting for? The teacher is teaching, don't make trouble."

The teacher came over and gave a soft lesson.

"No, teacher, I didn't make trouble. I saw Payne, and he was standing on that roof."

"Huh? Payne? Who is that? You must be dazzled. How could there be someone on the roof?"

"Teacher, Payne is from the Akatsuki organization in Naruto. I drew his picture before and showed it to you."


The teacher was speechless when he heard that, let’s not say that the painting you drew is too abstract, you wouldn’t even know it was Penn, the key point is that Penn is an anime character, this is reality.

I thought about it.

The teacher didn't say it directly, adhering to the illusion that she couldn't destroy the child, she responded:

"Hono, climbing windows and going up to the roof are very dangerous behaviors. It is not allowed at home or in Osaka Castle. It is even more impossible for someone in Osaka Castle to climb on the roof. The staff will not let you, so Payne Impossible to be there, you are dazzled when you see it, you probably mistook the statue on the roof for a person, don’t you see it is a statue..."

in words.

The teacher took advantage of the situation to look in the direction Haoye pointed, and wanted to tell him that it was a statue, but when he looked at it, he immediately called out:

"Ah—someone! Pen, Penn is up there!!"

She saw it.

There was really a figure standing on the roof, and that person was exactly the same as Payne in Hokage, no matter the costume, the black stick stuck in his face, or even the appearance.


The teacher was terrified, afraid that the students would follow this extreme spy behavior, and was also afraid of causing death, so he waved to the guard not far away and shouted:

"Students, don't look, Mr. Guard, come here, there is... hmm?! I am Cao!"

The voice stopped abruptly.

She froze.

Just as she was calling for the guards, she saw that Payne, who was standing on the roof, noticed that he had been spotted by them, and couldn't help but slowly look away, and then a figure flickered, and when he looked again, his figure was gone.

Also at this time.

Not far away, the guard heard his shout and ran over and said:

"Ma'am, how can I help you?"

"I saw someone on the roof, standing on the edge of that eaves, really, you believe me, he was still there just now, if you don't believe me, you can ask my students, but I was about to call you, he, he, he suddenly disappeared gone."

"Suddenly disappeared? Could it be that he jumped down? I'll go and have a look."

The guard was terrified when he heard that, thinking that someone had jumped off the building, he hurried to check, but just as he was about to step out, he was grabbed by the teacher.

"No, he didn't jump down, or he disappeared suddenly. I'm sure, it's like the ninja in Naruto, who disappeared in an instant, just like Anbe, who appeared in a squat halfway."


Even though the guard didn't speak, the teacher could clearly feel that the guard was looking at him with crazy eyes.

To this.

The guard couldn't help but said:

"Ma'am, is your eyes dazzled? Maybe it's just a statue, or maybe it's the sunlight that made your eyes dazzled all of a sudden?"


The teacher was a little speechless. She said the same thing just now:

"No, I really saw it. It was a person. I can see his appearance clearly. It is definitely a person."

"Oh? Can you see his appearance? Describe his specific characteristics"

The guard was surprised. Could it be that he had misunderstood someone standing on the roof?

Just thinking about it.

The teacher's voice also came:

"He looks like Payne in Naruto, and he wears the same clothes as Payne, from the Akatsuki organization. Really, he looks exactly the same, very similar to s."


The guard looked at the teacher again, this time he didn't look at the other person looking crazy, but looking at him like a fool.

Just didn't wait for him to come to a conclusion.

Next to the teacher, elementary school students spoke one after another:

"Guard Uncle, the teacher didn't lie, there was really Payne there, and he just left with the teleportation technique."

"Yes, I saw it too, and I can prove it."

"I can also prove that when Haoye shouted, I saw it. Payne must have seen that we found him, so the teleportation technique went away. After all, he is a member of the Akatsuki organization and cannot be discovered."

Words come out.

The guard was strangely silent on the spot. At this moment, he had only one thought... Did this elementary school teacher collude with the students and use me as a joke?

Ideas just popped up.

Another voice came.

But this time it was not a primary school student, but a young man who said:

"Mr. Guard, they didn't lie, I saw it too, and I took a picture of it, you see."

He was on a tour, and was taking pictures with his camera. Just now, when he heard the students and the teacher talking, he happened to take a look. Then he saw Payne, and quickly took a picture of him.


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