As soon as the youth spoke.

The guard froze for a moment, took the phone suspiciously and looked at it, and immediately opened his mouth:

"My God, there is Penn!"

in words.

He looked at the teacher and students, although he didn't speak, but the expression on his face was self-evident... So you are not kidding me.


He picked up the walkie-talkie and communicated to the security of the scenic spot:

"I'm Nakai. I found something. Someone went to the roof of Osaka Castle without authorization. I sent someone up to check it, and searched around. The character of that person is very obvious. We must catch him, and we can't let him do that. dangerous behavior."

"What characteristics can you tell me?"

"Wearing Akatsuki's costume, she looks like Payne."


at the same time.

Another attraction of Osaka Castle, there are other buildings near Osaka Castle. Although it is not as spectacular as Osaka Castle, it is also rich in the ancient characteristics of Sakura Country.


Today there are no tourists here, and the surroundings of the building are closed. Since it is an ancient building, it needs to be closed for repair and maintenance every once in a while.

"Huh? What are you doing? Don't be inked. Hurry up and move the materials in. We are in a hurry and must be repaired this month."

The construction captain spoke.

As he spoke, his eyes fell on a worker behind him.


It was noon, and the weather was hot. Even if the workers started working after a meal, the temperature was relatively high. One by one, they were all sweating profusely when they came in carrying wood and other repair materials.

"I said Brother Xiong Jie, don't brag. I'm leaving now. We can catch up with this progress. By the way, Brother Xiong Jie, is there someone there?"

The worker curled his lips and pushed a trolley with several bags of cement in.

In fact.

It's not that he wants to be lazy, but just now, when he just walked into the building surrounded by temporary protective walls for decoration, he didn't know if his eyes were dazzled. He saw a white woman walking barefoot by a door in the building. Pass.

Think carefully.

The woman's face was covered with blood, and her skin was as pale as a dead person's. No matter how she looked, she didn't look like a living person.

"Huh? No, this is a construction site, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. We have just started construction. Is there anyone inside? Have you seen anyone appear there?"

Captain Xiong Jie asked the workers in front.

In the end, without exception, everyone shook their heads to show that they didn't see it.

"Did you come down from the izakaya three times last night, are you still drunk? There are no women in the construction site here. They are all big men covered in sweat."

"I think I'm crazy about women, haha."

the other side.

Just when they joked about the workers.

Above the beam of the room that the worker was pointing to, due to the angle, everyone did not notice that there were three pairs of eyes staring at the workers on the beam that was not exposed to sunlight.

Look carefully.

The 'person' in those three pairs of eyes was exactly the same as the woman the workers saw, with blood on her face and dead skin.

"Hey, look, I said it, these people only think that my appearance is because others are dazzled, and I won the bet."

The blood-faced female ghost said happily.

The other two female ghosts curled their lips:

"Okay, okay, you won this time, then you come and kill them, and later you will eat 4 adults, and we will each eat 3 adults."

"These men smell a little bit like sweat, but the meat is firm, so it should taste delicious. By the way, how are you going to kill them?"

face inquiries.

The blood-faced female ghost showed a ferocious smile:

"All of them were dismembered, even Ji'er was pulled off, and all the stinky men deserve to die without a whole body."

in words.

The blood-faced female ghost launched a ghost domain.

at the same time.

The workers who were joking suddenly all shivered:

"Hey, do you feel suddenly cold?"

"Me too, I'm Cao, why am I venting my anger, wait, look at the wall!"

this moment.

They were all terrified, ignoring their doubts about the sudden drop in temperature, they all looked at the surrounding walls, those walls were like skins that had been cut out, and a lot of blood oozed out uncontrollably, staining the walls red, and then, that On the wall like a waterfall of blood, faces of women emerged one after another.

Looking at them, the woman's face showed blood-stained teeth, and her hair was indescribably oozing, and then blood-colored female hands stretched out from the mouth of the blood-faced face, densely packed, straight towards them.


Even if the workers are all young and mighty when they usually drink alcohol, they are scared to pee at this moment, and no matter what repairs are in progress, they all drop the things in their hands and run frantically towards the outside of the building.



"There is a ghost—"

"A monster!"

Dozens of them rushed out of the building.

But when he rushed out the door, he was still not happy to leave the building. When he looked around, the panic in his eyes intensified.


The surroundings are completely different from when they came in. The day turned into night, a blood moon hangs in the sky, and the surrounding buildings are dilapidated, as if entering a ruined city. There are dead men's corpses everywhere. Looking closely, those corpses look like them. Exactly the same, is the appearance of their death.

next moment.

The workers didn't respond. They were horrified to find that a lot of blood oozed from the ground, and the blood condensed into women's hands, which grabbed their feet and couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

Also at this time.

They seemed to feel something, and looked towards the building door.

I saw a woman in white standing in front of the door, her face was covered with blood, and her skin was as pale as a dead person.

"It's her, she is the woman I saw!"

The worker recognized the person who came, and shouted in horror.


The other workers had no time to sigh, the other party was dazzled, watching the woman in white walking towards them in horror.

"Men, you should all die, and you should all die too."

The woman in white showed a piercing smile, just like Aunt Hong in the movie "The Curse of the Ghost Girl" in the Sakura Kingdom. Just looking at the smile, she dared not go to the bathroom at night.

She was very excited, but her eyes were full of resentment, and she kept murmuring:

"Men deserve to die. I died because of you men. Come and experience with me, how much pain I have suffered for you men. You can bear that pain with me."

Words come out.

The woman in white came to the worker who had seen her before, and said with a smile:

"Let you feel the pain first, hehehe... um? Who! Get out!"

A stress-like reaction.

The woman in white stopped talking abruptly, and suddenly looked in one direction. She felt that direction, and there was an aura... There are still people there!

at the same time.

A voice came from that direction:

"A bag of rice with night dei (have you suffered pain?), you are very similar to me."


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