Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 549 Payne: How Many Floors Does A Bag Of Rice Have To Resist?

The voice rang out.

When the blood-faced female ghost heard it, she instinctively uttered:

"Painful? Who dares to tell me that you are the same as me, you think you are... uh, Payne?"

【Ding! The blood-faced female ghost is confused]

[Host obtains system points +60]

It's halfway through.

The blood-faced female ghost was stunned, looking at the figure of the visitor, there was almost a question mark on her face.

Not only her.

Even the workers, and the two companions behind the female ghost were dumbstruck... Payne? A fool with secondary illness?

They all saw that the figure walking was dressed in the costume of the Xiao organization, and looked exactly like Payne. Those who didn't know thought it was Liudao Payne.

for a while.

The excitement that the workers had previously shown turned into despair again, even more dead gray.

the other side.

The female ghost companion rolled her eyes and commented:

"Ghost exorcist? It doesn't seem to be. There is no aura of ghost exorcist. I thought there was a ghost exorcist. He dared to enter the ghost domain. I dare to be a middle school fool who strayed into the ghost domain."

"Hey, I won't eat this idiot in the second class. I'm afraid that if I eat it, I will become a idiot in the second class."

"I don't eat it either, I don't want to become a fool who pretends to be Naruto's Akatsuki after eating it."

The blood-faced female ghost didn't care about the conversation of her companions, she didn't pay attention to this aspect, and stared at Payne ferociously. Although Payne's appearance made her astonished, it didn't mean she could ignore what Payne said earlier.


The blood-faced female ghost spoke ferociously, with a ghostly air:

"You know what I've been through, how dare you have the face to tell me that your pain is the same as mine, don't think I can let you go just because you dress up as my favorite Naruto."

As soon as his words came out.

The blood-faced female ghost didn't hold back the slightest hand. She manipulated the blood on the ground and turned it into female hands. She grabbed Payne's feet deeply, and even wrapped her hands around Payne's body, imprisoning him in place and unable to move.

To this.

Payne was not afraid, and let the woman's hands that were stretched out and covered were fixed there, calmly said:

"Don't be too arrogant, this is the last warning from God!"

"God? Are you talking about you? Hahaha."

The blood-faced female ghost was stunned for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she laughed out loud, as if she had heard the best joke in the world.

Don't say it's her.

The other female ghosts and workers were also speechless. The corner of the former's mouth twitched, while the latter's desperate face was more speechless.

The workers murmured:

"It's over, this is still a terminally ill secondary illness, does he really think he is Payne?"

"If I hadn't been tied up to die, I'd have to give this guy a compliment. He acted like Payne. He spoke the same tone, content, and voice. But now, please, I hope it's real Penn." Well, at least I can be saved, oh."

Just as they whispered.

Facing the taunting question from the blood-faced female ghost, Payne didn't just nod his head to show that he was a god, and said bluntly:

"I have seen too many dead people and experienced too much pain. Their pain has made me grow up. Ignorant and ignorant children have grown up after knowing the pain. I have grown beyond mortals in the infinite pain. , from a mortal to a god."

【Ding! The female ghosts... yo ho, I have to say, they really look like Payne]

[Host obtains system points +260]

Just as the female ghosts were feeling emotional.

Payne's voice came again, and he stared straight at the blood-faced female ghost:

"When I say you are like me, it means that you have also experienced pain, but the pain you have experienced cannot be compared with mine."

Here comes the voice.

The blood-faced female ghost didn't have the heart to listen anymore. When it came to pain, she was completely angry when she was poked by this inverse scale:

"you wanna die!!"

【Ding! The female ghost is angry]

[Host obtains system points +70]

But at this time, Payne still ignored the anger of the blood-faced female ghost, and continued:

"The pain you have experienced is nothing at all. You don't understand pain at all, so you have the behavior you have today."

The words fell.

Boom! ! ! !

A terrifying invisible force erupted from Payne. Even if the blood-faced female ghost was angry and manipulated countless bloody hands to strangle Payne, she was blown away by that force.


Countless bloody hands all over Payne's body were blown apart, turning into a dance of blood all over the sky.


【Ding! The female ghosts are shocked...? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +270]

at the same time.

Payne, who broke free from the bloody hand, slowly soared into the air under a terrifying gravitational force.

"My Cao?!"

"Oh my god, this middle school idiot, no, could he..."

"Fly, fly, fly?!"

Whether it was the female ghosts or the workers, at this moment, they all felt the oppression and the incomparable power emanating from Payne.

It is also this moment.

The earth trembled.

The blood that covered the ground seemed to be boiling, as if being drawn, it rolled up, and the heart palpitations spread in the hearts of every ghost and human for no reason.


The workers and female ghosts didn't have time to pay attention to these, so they focused on Payne.

I saw Payne slowly soaring into the sky, flying towards the sky, overlooking the blood-faced female ghost below, slowly opened his hands, and his voice slowly echoed:

"A bag of rice has to withstand several floors, a bag of rice has to withstand the second floor, and a bag of rice has to be given too much. I wash a bag of rice. I wash so much mud in a bag of rice. There is mud in every grain, er Dig a bag of rice."

(Feel the pain, think about the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain, those who don't understand the pain, start now, let you feel the pain)

That's all for words.

Its arms are completely opened, and the eyes of reincarnation are shining:

"Spicy Tiansen! (Shenra Tianzheng)"

The words fell.

boom----! ! ! ! !

Centering on the ground that Payne stepped on before, at this moment, the blood on the ground exploded, the ground was torn apart like paper, smoke and dust flew, earth and rocks piled up, ripples visible to the naked eye, and the power of destruction spread to the surroundings.

That terrifying force was too terrifying. Even the ancient buildings that had stood for hundreds of years collapsed instantly after being affected, burst open, and the fragments flew, becoming the help of this force, pushing it to all directions.

Sudden terror.

The female ghosts were shocked, their pupils constricted, and seeing the destructive force that swept over, not to mention them, even the workers were the same. One of Hokage's most impressive classic images could not be restrained from appearing in their minds.

It's just that the destruction in front of them left them no time to relive that memory picture, so they could only resist it, and at the same time stared at Payne in the sky with horror and horror.

【Ding! Female ghosts... my God Amaterasu, Shenluo Tianzheng! ! ! He...isn't he a second-year-old child? 】

[Host obtains system points +280]


The blood-faced female ghost was the first to resist, but despite her full strength, the two companions came to help resist, but they couldn't hold on for a second, being overwhelmed by that force and covered by the wreckage of the building.

that moment.

In addition to the pain of being bombarded, they also have a deep sluggishness:

【Ding! Female that the real Payne? 】

[Host obtains system points +290]


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