Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 550 Excited Elementary School Student

Accompanied by the female ghosts, they were overwhelmed by the air waves of Shenluo Tianzheng.

There was a click.

The haunted domain covering the ancient buildings collapsed in an instant. At the same time, the roar of the Shenluo Tianzheng came from the closed wall built. The passers-by and tourists around covered their ears and looked at the scene in astonishment. Close the wall.

When you see a sign on the wall - construction and repair of ancient buildings, non-construction personnel are not allowed to enter.

Many people showed strangeness:

"Is this sound repairing the building?"

"I feel like this is not repairing, it's more like demolishing a building."

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"Don't worry, this is a famous historic site. If you can invite someone to repair it, you won't be able to tell the difference between blasting and repairing."

the other side.

Not far away, near Osaka Castle.

at this time.

The teacher and elementary school students who saw Payne before were still communicating with the guards. It can be seen that many guards came. They learned that Payne climbed the roof, and they all came to look for it after hearing the news, and the elementary school students also excitedly thought about it. Join the search to find Penn you like.

In the end, unable to stand the pitiful watery eyes of the primary school students, the guards agreed, and divided into several groups with the teacher, and led the primary school students to search together. After searching for a while, they did not find Payne around, and they were discussing that Payne might Places to go.

Also at this time.

The loud noise attracted their attention. Seeing the pupil covering his ears, the guard hurriedly comforted him:

"Don't be afraid, there should be construction going on there, it may be a bit noisy."

"It's too loud. I remember it's being repaired."

The teacher replied in doubt.

The guard was about to answer, but at this moment, the primary school student named Hao Ye's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise:

"Teacher, I may know where Payne went!"


The teachers and guards heard this and asked in unison.

"Payne may have gone there, maybe Paine is fighting someone, it must be like this."

Haoye pointed to the direction of the loud noise and said.

For the children, no matter what the big movement is, it must be that there is a strong man fighting. When they hear thunder, they will fall into the second thought that it is some kind of battle between the gods. To fight against the sky.

As soon as his words came out.

The teacher and the guards couldn't laugh or cry, how could they not understand Haoye's thoughts.

"That's building repairs, not combat, kid."

"Sure, Guard Uncle, let's go check it out, please."

Haoye begged, with his watery eyes open.

"Teacher, we want to see it too."

Not only Haoye, but other elementary school students also had the same idea as him, wanting to watch Payne fight.

In the end, they couldn't resist Haoye's plea, and the guard couldn't help but laugh:

"Okay, let's go and have a look."


The guard whispered to his colleagues beside him:

"It's just right, without these children, if you search the neighborhood more, I will take them to have a look and satisfy their curiosity."


Not long.

The guard and the teacher led the pupils to the closed wall of the renovated ancient building.

before entering.

"Hey, sightseeing is not allowed here, what are you doing?"

There was a shout behind him, and he turned his head to see that it was a middle-aged man in a suit and a collar running over. He is the general manager of the construction workers. He was just now discussing with the person in charge of the attraction nearby to repair other buildings. matters.

Just halfway through the discussion, he suddenly heard a loud noise, and he was startled when he learned the direction of the sound. He was the person in charge of the construction, and he knew very well that such a noise would not be possible when repairing the building. Immediately, he came to check the situation. I happened to see the guard leading the elementary school students to go in.


The guard didn't have any ink marks, so he told the reason of the matter, and the person in charge of the construction couldn't laugh or cry:

"Penn fighting? It's impossible, kid. Uncle, I'm the person in charge here. This building is under construction. Although I don't know how to make this noise, it can't be Payne fighting. You put it One hundred hearts."

Eager to check the situation, the person in charge of the construction didn't have the patience to explain it. After hurriedly replying, he planned to take the guards and the others to see the situation.

Immediately afterwards.

The construction manager opened the door and went in.


Whether it is the person in charge of the construction, the guard or the teacher, they are all dumbfounded.

"Where's the building!!!?"

"My Cao?!"


Inside the closed construction wall, there is a mess of 'emptiness', except for a large pit, and a large number of rocks and mud ruins on the edge of the pit, the rest are empty, let alone a building, even a complete brick and tile of the building can be found No, looking around, except for a few workers who were sluggishly standing in place, it was bright and empty.

After repeatedly confirming that he did not go to the wrong place, the construction manager couldn't hold back anymore. He rushed to the workers, grabbed their collars and shouted:

"Xiong Jie, what are you doing!!!!"

Xiong Jie hadn't recovered yet, and instinctively looked at the person in charge of the construction.


The person in charge of the construction became even more angry:

"What about the building?! You blasted the building for me? I asked you to repair it! Do you understand the repair?! It's not demolition. What you're doing is that you didn't get so confused after drinking last night. Your materials and no explosives, what the hell did you do!"

After a while of grabbing his collar and shaking his body wildly, Xiong Jie and other workers finally came to their senses.

"Boss, we didn't explode. It's none of our business. I can explain it."

Seeing the man-eating expression of the construction manager, Xiong Jie was afraid of being fired, so frightened that his forehead was sweating, he hurriedly explained.

"Come on, explain to me. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, see if I don't tear you apart."

As soon as his words came out.

Xiong Jie and other workers said in unison:

"Boss, it was Payne who did it. He used his supernatural powers to destroy this place."

"Yes, yes, Payne did it, and it has nothing to do with us."

"We are also victims, boss, we were almost killed by the female ghost, it was Payne who saved us with Shenluotianzheng."

"It's just that Payne's way of shooting is too strong, which ruined this place. Really, boss, you trust us."

Words came out one after another.

It reverberated in the ears of construction managers, guards, teachers, and primary school students.

The person in charge of construction: "????"

Guard: "????"


Elementary school students: "!!!!"

The three construction managers all looked like they were hallucinating, dumbfounded.

The primary school students looked ecstatic.


Hao Ye was most excited and said:

"Wow! Teacher, Uncle, look, I said, this is what Payne did, hahaha, I was right, ah, I wish I had come earlier, what a pity, I didn't see Payne's battle, okay want to see."


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