For a long time.

The person in charge of the construction came back to his senses, and subconsciously looked at the pupils, guards and others, and then at the workers. If it weren't for the excited expressions of the pupils, he would have doubted whether this was a scam colluded by the workers and the pupils. What the hell is Payne Shenluo Tianzheng Architecture, who will believe this?

despite this.

The construction manager couldn't help but say:

"Payne? Kumasuke, are you sure you're not kidding me? Is the Payne you mentioned the same as the Payne I understand? Naruto's Payne?"


Xiong Jie just responded with a nod and was about to explain when Haoye interrupted him and excitedly interjected:

"Yes, Uncle, this Uncle is talking about Naruto, one of the original members of the Akatsuki organization, Liudao Payne, the owner of the reincarnation eye, who was said to be dead by Naruto, sacrificed himself, and was resurrected by him Killed the people of Konoha Village, a great god!"


The corner of the mouth of the person in charge of the construction worker twitched, instinctively looking at Xiong Jie.

To this.

Xiong Jie coughed, bit the bullet and nodded:

"Boss, this kid is right. What I'm talking about is the Six Paths Payne. Believe me, it's true. I saw it with my own eyes, and other people saw it too."

Immediately afterwards.

Fearing that he would be expelled and that Hao Ye would intervene, he hastily described the whole encounter with the blood-faced female ghost and the appearance of Payne in detail, and even imitated the expressions and movements of Payne and the blood-faced female ghost in detail. again.

Also at this time.

It seems that knowing Xiong Jie's explanation does not necessarily convince the construction manager. The guard also opened his mouth and showed the photo of Payne on the roof to show that Xiong Jie did not lie.

can be seen.

When Xiong Jie and other workers looked at the photos, they all excitedly pointed to the photos and identified that it was the Payne they saw. There was absolutely no mistake, even if Payne was turned into ashes, they would recognize him.

The construction manager was silent.


He glanced at Payne, then at the guards and elementary school students, picked up the phone twitching at the corner of his mouth, dialed the number of the person in charge of the attraction, and waited until the call was connected:

"Hello... I'm also looking for you because of the noise... How should I put it, there is something wrong with the building... Repair it? Maybe it can't be repaired... Yes, it can't be repaired, because the building was blasted."

As the conversation got here, Xiong Jie and the others saw that the person in charge of the construction was holding the phone over there, nodding and apologizing, and then said:

"That you listen to my explanation, the building is destroyed, it is not our problem, really, you believe me, listen to my explanation... It was Payne who did it, he encountered a female ghost over there, and then a god Luo Tianzheng destroyed the building destroyed."


the other side.

Tokyo, wind and home.

"Brother Wei, you are back, how about going to Mount Fuji this time, haha."

Yu Xiaoqi opened the door and saw that it was Zhang Wei who came back, and asked enthusiastically.

Not long ago, Zhang Wei did not stay in Tokyo in order to collect wool. He went out on the grounds of strolling in Sakura Country. He went to Mount Fuji, and now he is only one day away from going back. Zhang Wei is coming back, and tomorrow he will be with Yu Xiaoqi return home.

"Very good, I had a good time anyway."

Recalling the wool gathered in the past two days, Zhang Wei said with a smile.

in words.

He looked at the system panel:

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 34190

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: Forty-meter broadsword, infinite yellow talisman, one-time ability 'temporary endowment', fallen angel spear and other equipment, demon heart, super Saiyan figure...

In two days, nearly 20,000 system points were obtained.

"Just have fun. By the way, Brother Wei, what do you need to buy? I'm going back tomorrow. Do you want to buy some special products? I just want to go out and buy some special products for Li Junfei and the others back home."

"Then buy some for me, and I won't follow."



Watching Yu Xiaoqi and the others go out, Zhang Wei put the luggage back in the room, ready to go out to have a meal, and then went back to see if he could encounter ghosts again.

On the way.

Zhang Wei thought for a while, clicked on the address book, and sent a message to his father Zhang Ping.

【Zhang Wei】: Dad, I have bought my air ticket. I will be on the plane at 11:40 noon tomorrow. Remember to pick it up on time. Point to your watch to see the time.jpg


the other side.

Daxia, Luxia City, Zhang Wei's home.

at this time.

Zhang Ping was lying sideways on the sofa, watching the domestic Lei drama and said:

"The shredded devil feels so hilarious after watching it once, haha, wife, why don't you come and see it, it's so funny."

As soon as his words came out.

A female voice came from the kitchen:

"No, that doesn't look good. Why don't I watch the cooking video? What does my husband want to eat tonight? We just came back last night, and the only food we bought was vegetables and carrots."

"Whatever, my wife, I like to eat whatever you do. If you boil water for me to drink, I think it's Nongfu Spring, delicious."

Zhang Ping grinned and stroked his chin beard, smiled and continued:

"If we don't look at shredding devils, then let's look at buns hiding mines. Throwing buns is a grenade, and it can be eaten. Hahaha, this is also very thunderous."

is talking.

Ding dong.

The WeChat notification sounded.

Zhang Ping took a look at the phone and couldn't help saying:

"Hey, my wife, my thief sent me a message, and the plane will leave at 11:40 noon tomorrow."

While talking, Zhang Ping sent Zhang Wei back a message:

[Lovely Father Zhang Ping]: ok gesture jpg

Same time.

In the kitchen, Zhang Wei's mother poked her head out of the kitchen when she heard the news about Zhang Wei:

"It's 11:40, so don't stay up late tonight, my husband. We are quite far from the airport. By the way, do you want to bring some food to my son? Or should we go to eat together after picking up, it's just at noon Well."

"Hey, wife, you don't have to worry about it like this. My son is already a big man. Let's go after lunch and let him eat before boarding the plane."

Zhang Ping picked his nose.

To this.

Zhang Wei's mother gave Zhang Ping a white look:

"I think you don't want to spend money to treat your son to dinner, don't you take 100,000 yuan from my son, and you haven't gone out to eat with your son for a long time."

"Hey, I took 100,000 yuan. I didn't give 80,000 yuan to my wife. I kept 20,000 yuan for myself. I gave 10,000 yuan in red envelopes to employees and pretended to let them know that my son is a college student. , I want to buy a potted plant."

Zhang Ping's father has a hobby, like tinkering with potted plants and other plants.

"Then I will pay."

Zhang Wei's mother smiled.

Hearing this, Zhang Ping immediately got up and said:

"Then go to a five-star hotel to eat."

"Huh? Husband, you are so courageous, you even dare to squeeze my wool, don't you?"

"No, I'm not showing my wife in front of my son to let him know how much your mother loves you."

"Okay, okay, as long as you can speak well, by the way, are you ready for the paper money for He Juan?"


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