Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 552 Father Is Kind And Son Is Filial, Sweeping The Grave

Mention the matter of He Juan.

Zhang Ping also changed his hippie smile, got up and said:

"I bought it. When I got off the plane yesterday, I asked the finance side to buy it for me. My wife, what time will we go to worship this time?"

"My son came back early. I thought he came back on the day after tomorrow when He Juan died. Since he came back early, we don't have to hurry. Let's go in the afternoon as before."

"Okay, by the way, my wife, did you buy enough cosmetics abroad?"

"Yes, I don't know you yet. I bought more. I remember what you said. He Juan likes to dress up very much."


Zhang Ping nodded and said with emotion:

"Really, if He Juanna would live to this day, with her personality that loves to dress up, she must go to the country of cherry blossoms and the country of stealing, countries with excellent cosmetic surgery and dressing skills."


Time flies.

The next day, at 11:40 noon.

Luxia International Airport, departure waiting hall.

Zhang Wei walked out of the exit together with Yu Xiaoqi, Feng and Meizi.

"Brother Wei, where are your parents? I remember you said they came to pick you up."

"Yeah, let me see if my parents have arrived, they are there."

Zhang Wei looked around at the crowd.

at this time.

The first voice came here:

"Son thief!!"

Words come out.

Zhang Wei and the others looked along, Yu Xiaoqi, Feng Hemeizi saw a middle-aged couple walking towards this side.

The one who spoke was the middle-aged uncle, whose appearance was seven or eight points similar to Zhang Wei.

Compared with Zhang Wei, this uncle is more mature.

His eyes are piercing, and he has a short beard on his chin, which doesn't look sloppy, but adds a bit of the charm of a mature man, more bold, but not rough, even in the crowd, You can also recognize each other at a glance, with an eye-catching temperament.


The woman next to him has a beautiful face, she is Zhang Wei's mother, although Zhang Wei told Yu Xiaoqi and the others that his parents are middle-aged, but his mother does not look old, she looks like thirty In her early years, she was so beautiful that it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was a star, and she came arm in arm with Zhang Ping.

Along the way, Zhang Ping and his wife attracted the attention of many people. Those who didn't know thought they were middle-aged models.

"No wonder Brother Wei is handsome, the genetics of the family are there."

Yu Xiaoqi said, looking at Zhang Wei and Zhang Ping.

at this time.

After seeing his father Zhang Ping, Zhang Wei walked over, and Zhang Ping also came with a smile.


"Son thief!"


When Zhang Wei met Zhang Ping and his son, they hugged each other with joyful smiles on their faces.

Not only Yu Xiaoqi, but to outsiders, this looks like a pair of father and son who are very close and close, arousing envy. When people around look at this father and son, they all smile back, and some people even want to pick up their mobile phones. Record this scene, after all, the family looks good.


The smile hasn't been maintained for a second, and the phone just clicked on the camera interface, and the expressions of the people around are astonished, and their complexions become strange.

I saw...

Zhang Wei and Zhang Ping hugged each other, patting each other on the back.

There was a sound of hammering on the back, so loud that those who didn't know it thought they were beating drums. It was obvious that the two of them were hammering each other's back with all their strength.

Not only that.

The two hammered vigorously and said with a smile:

"My son, I miss your father and me, and I have become stronger. How is the trip to the country of cherry blossoms this time? Do you eat on time and watch movies and masturbate?"

"Dad, I miss you too. You look a year older. When will you be buried?"

in words.

Zhang Ping said, "I'm a thief eating Pien Tze Huang to protect my liver." ’ appearance.

Zhang Wei looked like 'Dad, I want to eat dinner'.

The people around were dumbfounded.

All the smiles stopped abruptly, and Yu Xiaoqi and Meizi were no exception.

What kind of loving father and son are these? Are you sure it's not a father who wants to murder his son, and a son who wants to murder his father?

"They must have bought each other's insurance for each other. Is this going to cheat the insurance today?"

A passerby who was selling insurance murmured.

the other side.

After Zhang Wei and Zhang Ping hammered each other more than a dozen times, Zhang Ping gave up first and let go of the hug.

Zhang Ping coughed, looked at Zhang Wei, who was not flushed and out of breath, and said:

"My son, it's not bad. I'm looking for an amateur on the street to exercise my body. It's ok, but I lost to you."

Zhang Wei smiled, showing a rare embarrassing expression and said:

"No, it's just that I usually eat more meat. After all, I have to eat stronger. Otherwise, how can I bear the love of your father?"

As they spoke, the two laughed out loud, making the passers-by around look stunned.

This is a good way for father and son to be kind and filial to each's so special.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei didn't chat too much, and introduced Yu Xiaoqi and Meizi who were beside him to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping nodded and said:

"Not bad, the young man's future is limitless. He has chased all the girls in the cherry blossoms. Speaking of which, son of a thief, didn't Xiaolin come to pick you up?"

Zhang Ping looked around, thinking that Qiu Xiaolin was nearby.

"Dad, I told Xiaolin and the others that I'm coming back today, but I didn't let them pick me up. You didn't want to pick me up, so there's no need for them to come too. They have something to do, wait I'll go find them tonight."

Hearing this, Zhang Ping gave Zhang Ping a look of "Oh, night, son thief, I understand".

Then we chatted a few more words.

Zhang Wei said goodbye to Yu Xiaoqi and the others, and went back by car with his parents.

on the way.

Zhang Ping did not forget to remind Zhang Wei:

"Son, we're going to pay homage to my friend the day after tomorrow. You should dress appropriately and wear your most expensive clothes, except for the leather jacket of Kamen Rider. That jacket is the most expensive, but don't wear it."


Time flies.

the day after tomorrow.

Luxia City, on a mountain in the outskirts.

at this time.

Zhang Wei and his parents came to the foot of the mountain.

"Son, my friend He Juan is buried here. Remember the route. If I get old and have dementia in the future, you will have to bring me up."

It was rare for Zhang Ping to be serious, and said seriously.

Zhang Wei nodded after hearing this, and looked up at the mountain in front of him, his eyes were full of light, and no one knew what he was thinking.

This is an unnamed mountain. In the time of my father's generation, burials were still popular. After death, people would find a mountain to be buried on the mountain. This mountain is the local people nearby. As long as someone dies, they will be buried here.

"Is there a ghost?"

Zhang Wei muttered inwardly as he withdrew his gaze.

Now his strength has reached the half-step True Dragon Guard, and his perception ability is strong. He can feel that this mountain is full of ghosts. Obviously there are ghosts here, or there are ghosts staying here, and their strength is not weak.

To this.

Zhang Wei is not surprised, this is a cemetery after all, so it is not surprising that there are ghosts.

at the same time.

On the mountain, there is a tomb in a group of tombs. Unlike other tombs, it is not dilapidated and has been repaired very elegantly, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding tombs.


In front of the tomb, there is a beautiful female ghost standing. Although it is at noon, when the yang energy is at its heaviest, she is fearless, standing in front of the tomb against the sun, her eyes are full of obsession, looking towards Looking down the mountain:

"Zhang Ping, are you here?"


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