Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 553 The Identity Of The Gardener! He Juan

When Zhang Ping came to the foot of the mountain.

The glamorous female ghost immediately felt Zhang Ping's aura. In addition to showing obsession, she was even more delighted:

"I knew it. You came to see me again. You haven't missed my death day for so many years. Zhang Ping, you are so kind, huh? It seems that there is another person with the same breath as Zhang Ping."


She found that at the foot of the mountain, besides Zhang Ping, there was another person with a similar aura to Zhang Ping, and she couldn't help but think of what happened last year.

That was the anniversary of her death last year.

In front of his tomb, Zhang Ping told him that he would bring his son to see him next time.

"That's Zhang Ping's son. Zhang Ping is so kind. He will do what he says, and he will keep his promises."

That's all for words.

The glamorous female ghost was full of obsession again, and glanced at the tombstone behind her.

can be seen.

The tombstone is made of marble, and a photo of a young girl is pasted on it. It looks like she is not very old. She was less than twenty years old, but it is a pity that she passed away at a young age. However, if you look carefully, the girl in the photo , somewhat similar to the glamorous female ghost in front of her.

Say it bluntly.

The appearance of the glamorous female ghost is like an upgraded ax version of the girl, making up for some shortcomings in appearance.

Also at this time.

After muttering to himself.

The glamorous female ghost seems to be afraid that she will be discovered, so she restrains all her breath and hides aside. If she doesn't walk over and look directly, she will definitely not be able to find her, even if the real dragon guard comes half a step away. The reason is that The glamorous female ghost is powerful, has reached the half-step true dragon guard, and is also the rare king of ghost mothers.

The main body of the ghost mother king has always been weak, and for this reason, she has a unique ghost ability to hide herself.


the other side.

Senros headquarters.

Fatty came from outside the corridor and sat down on his seat. He was not idle when he came back from Sakura Country. He was carrying out the tasks assigned by Sen Luo in the previous meeting. Today is a routine meeting to discuss the plan progress in order to make plan adjustments to ensure the final realization of the Suolongjing plan.

"Hey, isn't the gardener here?"

The fat man looked around and found that except for the gardener, everyone else had come.

As soon as his words came out.

"Abba aba aba."

The mute gestured towards the fat man.

The tailor also came obliquely:

"Fatty man, are you so stupid playing games that you forgot what day it is?"

The fat man seemed to think of something when he heard the words, picked up the phone and looked at it, and immediately said:

"So it's today, no wonder the gardener isn't here."

In the senior management of Senluosi, there is a thing that all the senior management know, that is, every year on this day, the gardener will be away, and the gardener will not be called back for any reason. This has been the case for decades, and no one knows what the gardener does. Well, the only one who knows the truth is Senra, but Senra doesn't tell anyone.

"I'm curious, what does the gardener do at this time of year? Come to Auntie?"

"Abaabaaaba (there is no big aunt, besides, the big aunt comes once a year? What are you talking about)"

"The last time the gardener wasn't there that day, and the Secretary of Defense came to encircle us, I almost died. Then the gardener was there, so Sen Luosi wouldn't be surrounded and suppressed severely. If Sen Luo didn't promise me, I would have suspected the gardener of betrayal. Deliberately being surrounded and suppressed will not be here today."

Mentioning this day, the glasses couldn't help pushing the presbyopic glasses and said.

To this.

All the higher-ups looked at Sen Luo at the same time, even Yin Yang, obviously curious about what the gardener was doing that day.

Sen Luo sensed everyone's gaze, he glanced at everyone with his eyes under the mask, and said slowly:

"The gardener is going to do his own business. As for what it is, you don't have to ask. In short, what you do will not harm us. I can guarantee this."


the other side.

Not long after.

Zhang Wei came to the mountain with his father Zhang Ping, where there were graves everywhere, and he came to the most distinctive and well-repaired tomb.

At this moment.

Zhang Ping routinely gave a picture of the girl on the tombstone, and the couple put their hands together and bowed, and then Zhang Ping said:

"He Juan, I came to see you again, are you touched, haha."


Zhang Ping signaled Zhang Wei to come forward, and bowed to the girl with his palms together:

"He Juan, let me introduce you. The handsome guy next to me is my son Zhang Wei. His name is Zhang Wei. Zhang is Zhang Ping's Zhang. Wei is the fearless fear. My son came to see you, and now I have brought it, son thief, come and pay homage to you, He Juan Aunt, she is one of your father's best friends."

Zhang Wei nodded, looked at the girl's photo, and recognized her. It was in the photo that his father gave to his students before, and he said that there was a girl chasing him.

"Hello, He Juan Aunt, my name is Zhang Wei, and this is a gift I bought for you."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei put a box of ysl lipstick set in front of the grave.

Same time.

Dad Zhang Ping didn't have any ink marks either, so he and his wife worked together, putting down the offerings, cosmetics and other gifts for He Juan.


They were busy with their work, and they also listened to Zhang Ping's chatter in front of He Juan's tomb, but they didn't realize that in the woods not far away, a beautiful female ghost was staring at him with incredible eyes. Zhang Wei, with an undisguised astonishment on his face.

"Is that Zhang Ping's son? This... my God!"

The glamorous female ghost, to be precise, is Sen Luosi's gardener and He Juan at the same time, she was stunned.

She recognized it!

Zhang Ping's son, Zhang Wei, isn't he the 'obstructive target——Zhang Wei' that Sen Luo proposed to execute in the previous Sen Luo Division meeting.

I still remember.

Although she was not present at the meeting, the tailor routinely told He Juan about the meeting afterwards. He Juan was a little surprised when she saw the photo, and thought that Zhang Wei looked a bit like Zhang Ping, but she didn't think much about it. There are always some people who look similar in the world, for example, there is an actor in Sakura Country who looks very similar to 'Jay Chou'.

The most important point.

She knew that Zhang Ping was an ordinary person, how could he give birth to such a powerful Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei must have resources to support him.


Unexpected now.

The Zhang Wei that Sen Luosi wanted to kill was the son of his "lover" and "favorite". Zhang Wei, who resembles Zhang Ping, is a little angry. She does not allow unrelated people to look like Zhang Ping, which is blasphemy to Zhang Ping.

Think here.

He Juan was a little overwhelmed for a moment, panicked and then afraid:

"I almost killed... Zhang Ping's son?! It's okay, okay, okay, I wasn't at the meeting at that time. If I was there at that time and agreed to kill Zhang Wei, Zhang Ping would never forgive me."

With this thought came out.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei, who was worshiping, had a system prompt in his mind:

【Ding! Unknown Queen of Ghosts]

[Host obtains system points +500]


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