Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 554 Sen Luo, Don't Even Try To Touch My House Zhang Wei

at the same time.

Zhang Wei, who was worshiping, had a system prompt in his mind:

【Ding! Unknown Queen of Ghosts]

[Host obtains system points +500]



Zhang Wei was stunned, and the hand that was about to put down the cosmetics froze for a moment.

500 system points?

He wasn't too surprised by the sudden system points. He had a similar experience with fat people and other ghosts before. What really surprised him was the number of system points he got.

Just one ghost can get 500 system points, which is something he has never encountered before. In the past, there were not so many fat people. You must know that they are powerful and have reached the top ghost king. However, even the top ghost king can only be triggered once at most. 200 points.

Then what kind of strength ghost can trigger this.

Think about it.

A thought came to Zhang Wei's mind... This ghost's strength has at least reached the half-step True Dragon Guard level. In other words, there is a half-step True Dragon Guard level ghost nearby?


Zhang Wei's eyes were full of light, and he skimmed towards the forest without a trace.

Although I don't know where the ghost is hiding, but the surrounding places that can be hidden can not be detected by myself, only the forest, just...


Recalling the system prompt, Zhang Wei continued to mutter in his heart:

"A half-step real dragon guard ghost, because of me, I'm afraid? What's going on?"

at this time.

The voice of Zhang Wei's mother came:

"Son, what are you thinking in a daze?"

He noticed Zhang Wei's sudden stunned behavior, and thought Zhang Wei was scared, after all, he came to such a wilderness full of graves.

Words come out.

Zhang Ping also looked over:

"Yo? Thief, are you afraid? It's okay. There are no ghosts here. I come here every year. It's very safe. I can't tell. You are more afraid of ghosts than me. No wonder you want to buy amulets, hahahaha .”

【Ding! Unknown ghost... your son is not afraid of ghosts, he can kill ghosts, even ghosts are afraid of him]

[Host obtains system points +520]


This ghost knows me?

While Zhang Wei was thinking, facing his father Zhang Ping's ridicule, Zhang Wei naturally couldn't tell the truth, so he replied casually:

"What are you talking about, I was wondering if the gift I bought for He Juan Aunt was short, just a set of ysl cosmetics, there should be a black bandage cream, La Mer's repair essence, what else? Oh, sk2's fairy water, a four-piece set of cosmetics."

at the same time.

In the forest on the side, after learning that Zhang Wei is Zhang Ping's son, He Juan, compared to the first time she knew Zhang Wei's dislike, now only has pleasing eyes, and murmured in her heart:

"I should have thought that Zhang Wei is Zhang Ping's son. After all, only Zhang Ping can give birth to such an excellent son."

in words.

She looked Zhang Wei up and down, her face full of satisfaction:

"As expected of Zhang Ping's son, he is only in his twenties and has become a powerful figure in the Great Xia exorcism world. If he grows up, he will definitely become a real dragon guard."

Think here.

He Juan's beautiful eyes have a firm light:

"It seems that the next meeting that Senluo will deal with Zhang Wei, I can't be sure. I must not let Senluo and the others deal with Zhang Wei, otherwise Zhang Ping will definitely not forgive me. I have to protect Zhang Wei."

As soon as he finished speaking in his heart, Zhang Wei on the side also spoke up, responding to his father Zhang Ping's teasing.

Also for this.

When she heard that Zhang Wei was troubled by the lack of gifts for herself, He Juan said with emotion on her beautiful face:

"Good boy, what a good boy, as expected of Zhang Ping's teaching. Sure enough, good genes, the children cultivated are good. Don't worry, child, He Juan, Aunt, I will definitely not let Sen Luosi hurt you, Ajuan Aunt promises you, swears by your father Zhang Ping."

【Ding! The unknown ghost touched... What a good boy]

[Host obtains system points +540]

"Huh? This ghost..."

Zhang Wei was a little surprised. He didn't expect the ghost to be moved by what he said casually. Is this sure that a ghost who has grown to half a step of the real dragon guard level can be so emotional?

next second.

Zhang Wei denied this idea. To grow to this level, it is impossible for a ghost to be emotionalized by a foreign matter, unless... what he said has something to do with it, which makes the other party feel empathy.


Zhang Wei looked in front of the tombstone, and his eyes fell on He Juan's photo:

"Could this ghost be He Juan? Doesn't that mean... Dad's suitor is a half-step real dragon guard ghost?"

In order to verify this guess, Zhang Wei casually said:

"Dad, why don't I go buy some more gifts? I heard from Xiao Mantou that there seems to be some new cosmetics recently. Speaking of which, it's a pity that He Juan Aunt left at such a young age. She looks younger than her. I'm still young."

Immediately afterwards.

When talking with his father about He Juan, Zhang Wei praised from time to time:

"Honestly, there is no need for plastic surgery for He Juan Aunt? I look at her photos and she looks very beautiful. Really, the female classmates I met in high school and junior high school are basically not as good-looking as He Juan Aunt. He Juan Aunt After school, it’s class work.”

"He Juan Aunt's academic performance is poor? Isn't this normal? They have grown up like this, so they can't get good academic performance. Isn't there a saying that God opens a window and has to close another window. Of course, my mother is a Exception, otherwise I wouldn’t be chased by my dad, haha.”

Following Zhang Wei's words.

The system prompts sounded one after another.

【Ding! The unknown ghost laughed out loud... Zhang Wei, this kid can really talk, hahaha, his mouth is so sweet, good boy, good boy! 】

[Host obtains system points +560]

He Juan thought to herself, as if she had thought of something, she couldn't help frowning:

"Such a good boy, Sen Luo is really enough, he actually wants to kill him, don't say anything, with me here, Sen Luo, don't even think about touching my family Zhang Wei."

【Ding! The unknown ghost is grinning from ear to ear... that's right, she's pretty and studies well, that's too rare, hahahaha, the more I look at Zhang Wei, the more I love him, the more I like him]

[Host obtains system points +580]

If it wasn't for hiding around, for fear of being discovered by Zhang Wei, He Juan would have covered her mouth and giggled, looking at Zhang Wei with great satisfaction:

"I wish I had a child like Zhang Wei, it's so cute."

Speaking of which.

He Juan's expression was a little gloomy, and she glanced at Zhang Ping and his wife:

"Hey, Zhang Wei, who was born to Zhang Ping and her. If Zhang Ping and I were born together, would we be able to give birth to such an excellent child?"

Just don't wait for her to fantasize.

He Juan thought of Zhang Ping's fear of ghosts, and her expression became darker:

"Even if I become prettier than before, will Zhang Ping like it? I'm a ghost now. Will he faint from fright when he sees me? In the past, Zhang Ping was scared to death by pretending to have a ghost when he played pen fairy It's over."


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