Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 555 Dad, What If He Juan's Godmother Is A Ghost?

That's all for words.

He Juan looked at Zhang Ping, who was chatting with Zhang Wei not far away, with complicated eyes.

【Ding! Unknown Ghost Sorrow]

[Host obtains system points +560]

the other side.

Zhang Wei listened to the prompts that sounded in his mind one after another, and he was basically sure that the unknown ghost was either related to He Juan or was He Juan.

"I didn't expect that the woman chasing my father is actually a half-step real dragon guard ghost."

"My son, why are you in a daze?"

Dad Zhang Ping said, and directly hit Zhang Wei on the head.

"I'm not in a daze, aren't I thinking about what you said just now, Dad?"

Zhang Wei responded casually.

Just now, Zhang Wei and his father Zhang Ping were talking about He Juan. Zhang Ping talked a lot about He Juan's past, because he didn't mention that He Juan was chasing her, and he was very good friends with He Juan.

To this.

Dad Zhang Ping did not doubt Zhang Wei's words, but just took the three sticks of incense from his wife, and bowed to He Juan's tomb:

"He Juan, I don't know if you are satisfied with the gift I prepared for you this time. If you want anything, you can tell me. Uncle Aunt and the others left the year before last. Have you gone down to reunite with you? Uncle Aunt's funeral , I have arranged it all."

"If you see Uncle Aunt, He Juan, if you need anything, you can tell me in a dream. Although I am afraid of ghosts, I am not afraid of you, hahahaha."

in words.

Zhang Ping beckoned to Zhang Wei who was weeding around the grave:

"Son, come here, give He Juan aunt, no, give He Juan godmother a bow, starting today you recognize He Juan as godmother, it can be regarded as a fulfillment of He Juan's dream, I remember what He Juan said before, If I get married in the future, I want to have a son."

His words speak out.

Zhang Wei was not surprised. His father, Zhang Ping, told Zhang Wei about this yesterday. As for Zhang Wei’s mother, he was not surprised. In fact, Zhang Wei’s mother brought up this matter, because He Juan and Zhang Wei Mom is not only a rival in love, but also a good sister, a bloody real relationship.


Although it was not unexpected, but with the previous system prompt, it was known that He Juan was most likely to become a ghost, and she was still a half-step real dragon guard ghost.

Zhang Wei took the three sticks of incense, feeling strange in his heart... He thought today was just a tomb-sweeping, but unexpectedly, he also recognized a half-step real dragon guard ghost as a godmother. If Zhang Chao and the others knew about it, no Know what to look like.

He muttered in his heart, but on the surface Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"Godmother, I hope your spirit in heaven can bless my parents in good health, and I will visit you every year in the future. If my parents get old, I will take over from them and continue to look after you. If you need anything, you can Tell me."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei bowed to He Juan sincerely, put three sticks of incense on it, and didn't mention whether the other party was a ghost or not. In his opinion, he was prepared to sincerely recognize his godmother.

It is also this prayer.

A system prompt sounded in his mind instantly.

【Ding! The unknown ghost was moved]

[Host obtains system points +580]

can be seen.

After Zhang Wei said those words, He Juan, who was hiding in the forest not far away, with tears in her eyes on her beautiful face, nodded and responded to Zhang Wei:

"Hey, I heard that, godson, I have a son, I have a son with Zhang Ping."

Although there is no blood relationship, He Juan has fulfilled a dream that He Juan has been thinking about for decades. She has a child with Zhang Ping. Even if there is no blood relationship, it doesn't matter. important.

"Godson, Zhang Ping, don't worry, with me here, no one can touch you, not the Department of Defense, not even Sen Luosi!"

He Juan's beautiful eyes were shining brightly like never before:

"It seems that I can't be indifferent to Sen Luosi anymore. I want to become a more indispensable part of Sen Luosi. I am no longer a monster supply position. If I want to be the real second-in-command, even Sen Luo has to act according to my opinion. , In this way, Sen Luosi will not touch my godson, and even protect his godson."

She nodded straight as she said:

"Yes, that's the decision. I'm going back to Thief today. I don't care about it. I started to scrape it and create a lot of ghosts."


Not long.

After burning paper money for He Juan, offering some meals, and cleaning up the weeds in the grave, etc., Zhang Ping greeted his wife and Zhang Wei and said:

"It's getting late, let's go back."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Ping whispered towards the grave:

"He Juan, we will come to see you again today next year."

"Okay, Zhang Ping, I'll wait for you."

He Juan, who was hiding aside, responded in vain, with an indescribably happy smile.

【Ding! Unknown ghost... Today is the happiest day of my life]

[Host obtains system points +600]

"It seems that I can be 100% sure that the ghost is He Juan."

Zhang Wei murmured.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei left with his father Zhang Ping and the others.

On the way back, after confirming that there would be no more system prompts, indicating that He Juan did not follow, Zhang Wei thought about it, and finally pretended to be casual, and asked casually:

"Dad, I can't tell. I remember you used to watch ghost movies, and you had to hide in your mother's arms. You didn't dare to go out at noon, evening, or night during the Ching Ming Festival. Now you are sweeping the tomb, and you don't mind at all." It’s scary, I remember that there are graves all around, a place like that is most likely to have ghosts.”

"Tch, I'm afraid, it's not because of the amulet you gave me. I'm sure I'm not afraid of that thing, as your distant uncle has agreed."

"That means Dad, you used to come to sweep godmother's grave, you were scared, right? Hehe."

"...Oh, you want to talk around me, sorry, you are wrong, your father is not afraid of me visiting the grave."

Dad Zhang Ping was driving the car, Zhang Wei looked at the rearview mirror and said:

"In other tombs, I guess I'd be scared to death and dare not go there, but that's the tomb of your godmother He Juan. What should I be afraid of? Her spirit in heaven will protect me."

"Then dad... Let me tell you a joke, you are so afraid of ghosts, what if godmother He Juan also becomes a ghost, if you see ghosts of godmother He Juan, will you be afraid?"

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Wei to ask such a topic, but he quickly responded:

"My son, you asked this question. Isn't this nonsense? I'm sure I'm not afraid of ghosts. I'm afraid of ghosts because ghosts are scary. Your godmother He Juan is my friend. Even if she becomes a ghost, she is still my friend. Why should I?" Fear."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei's mother also echoed with a smile:

"It's not just that I'm not afraid, on the contrary, I'm also very happy, right, husband."

Dad Zhang Wei grinned:

"Yes, my wife, you know me well. If He Juan becomes a ghost, then the three of us can get together again and go to the school street barbecue again."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, revealing an imperceptible, meaningful look.


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