Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 556 Departure, Be An Exchange Student

at this time.

Zhang Ping continued:

"It is said that He Juan has become a ghost, wife, son thief, can ghosts still eat barbecue? It seems that ghosts absorb people's energy and taste good, but it's okay. When the time comes, bring a bag of incense over there, and then ask the boss to give it to the barbecue. Sprinkle some cumin seasoning, my wife and I eat barbecue, and He Juan inhales the aroma of barbecue by the side."

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Then what if He Juan is not popular and wants to suck people's energy?"

"That's simple. My wife and I took her to Shantang to have a barbecue. That's the solution. It's perfect! Hahahaha, I'm such a genius."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei's mother was amused, and also said:

"Just kidding, there are no ghosts in this world. If there are ghosts, He Juan has been dead for so many years. According to the villagers, if the ghosts have been dead for decades, they will become ghost kings."

Zhang Wei frowned, and said with a smile:

"Mom, according to folklore, ghosts get stronger the longer they live, but it depends on how they become ghosts after death. Godmother..."

The words are not finished yet.

Dad Zhang Ping interjected:

"Come on, it's just He Juan's small body. If I touch her, she will fall to the ground. Let alone become a ghost king, she will probably become a ghost. She is like Nie Xiaoqian. She is so weak that she has been a ghost for decades. You can't become a ghost king."

"Oh? Dad, are you sure?"

"Sure and sure, if there are ghosts in this world, He Juan must be that kind of weak ghost, but she is quite smart, even if she is weak, she must be able to get away with it."

"Then what if He Juan becomes a ghost stronger than the ghost king, I mean if."

"If He Juan becomes stronger than the ghost king, no, let's say that she becomes the ghost king, I'll hug my thighs directly, let He Juan come to our guest room, she will be a door god, so in the future, even the distant uncle The guy didn’t come to live, and I don’t need to turn on the light when I go to the toilet, I just strode to the toilet.”

As soon as his words came out.

Mom giggled:

"My husband, you who are afraid of ghosts will let a ghost king do such a thing."

Zhang Ping also laughed:

"I don't understand ghosts. I think no matter the ghost king or other ghosts, they are all ghosts. They are all the same. The most they want is to let He Juan protect us."

at this time.

Zhang Ping and his wife didn't realize that when they were talking about He Juan being a ghost, Zhang Wei turned on the phone and recorded the entire conversation.


Time flies.

Summer vacation is over soon.

During the summer vacation, apart from playing with Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue in the morning, and playing with Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue at night, Zhang Wei chatted with the fat man, the tailor, and the old man Liu from time to time, and gathered wool.

Originally, he wanted to go out to find ghosts and exorcise ghosts to obtain system points, but since the Northeast incident, Sen Luosi has disappeared, especially after the Sakura Country incident, Sen Luosi has almost disappeared, and Daxia has also become quiet. Without the frequent occurrences in the past, the Ministry of Health can take charge.


Even so, during the summer vacation, Zhang Wei still gathered a lot of wool.


The new semester has started, Zhang Wei got up early and prepared to go to Luxia University. Today is not only the first day of the new semester, but also the day when he, Lu Lianxue, Yu Xiaoqi and the others went to China to be an exchange student.

"Get up, don't sleep."

Zhang Wei patted the buttocks of Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue on the left and right and said:

"It's time to report to school. Today is the first day of stealing the country. Don't sleep in late."

in words.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on the system panel:

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 36350

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: Forty-meter broadsword, infinite yellow talisman, one-time ability 'temporary endowment', fallen angel spear and other equipment, demon heart, super Saiyan figure...

After a summer vacation, even if he didn't exorcise ghosts, Zhang Wei still made a lot of money by chatting with the fat people.


Luxia City, Luxia University.

at this time.

After embracing and saying goodbye to Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue walked into the school gate, ready to go to the reporting office to report, and then went to steal the country with the school professor.

On the way.

Zhang Wei seemed to have thought of something, looked aside Lu Lianxue and said:

"By the way, Xiaoxue, apart from your luggage, have you prepared all your magic weapons? Recently, ghost exorcists have been arrested frequently. Although your strength has become stronger and you have become a Qilin guard, you can't underestimate Thief. ghost."

"It's ready. Grandpa and the others know about the recent stealing of the country. The day before yesterday I went back to Longhu Mountain to see grandpa and them. I haven't prepared them yet, so they prepared them for me first. What about you, have you prepared the magic weapon yet?" ?”

Lu Lianxue brushed her long hair behind her ears, and said with beautiful eyes.

Before the start of the summer vacation, ghost exorcists kept disappearing from Thief Country. Although in the following days, the good-looking ghost exorcists stopped going to Thief Country, and the number of disappearances decreased. I thought the incident would gradually disappear.

But who knows, after a while, the disappearances became more frequent, and even worse than last time, not only stealing the country, but also other countries, and it is no longer specifically targeting good-looking ghost exorcists, I don’t know if it is The event behind it was not done by the same ghost, but an imitation event. The arrest of the ghost exorcist is no longer based on his appearance, it is a random event.

Also for this.

Lu Lianxue went to steal the country as an exchange student this time, and she went back to Longhu Mountain specially, wanting to bring some magic weapons for self-defense. After all, although the missing ghost exorcists are not caught even with low looks, but the good-looking ones are still caught Risk ranks, the easiest to be caught.

"Don't worry, after I found out about stealing the country, I prepared early. I didn't even see that my strength had risen to half a step of the real dragon guard. If the ghost dared to catch me, I would let the ghost eat it and walk around. It's a damn thing!" Can't even recognize it."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised his fist and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Seeing this, Lu Lianxue covered her mouth and giggled, maybe she had been with Qiu Xiaolin for a long time, imitating Qiu Xiaolin's coquettish way:

"Then Zhang Wei, you have to protect me when the time comes."

Zhang Wei squeezed Lu Lianxue's face when he heard the words:

"No problem, hold my thigh tightly when the time comes, and I will guarantee your safety."

"Hate it, drive again."

Lu Lian gave Zhang Wei a white look.

Zhang Wei smiled, holding Lu Lianxue's hand:

"I'm not driving. We were driving last night. At most, I just turned the key and the car hasn't started yet."

Mentioning last night, Lu Lianxue blushed and lightly slapped Zhang Wei's hand.

Zhang Wei chuckled, and the image of being with Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue last night appeared in his mind, and he said with a smile:

"Why did you hit me? Is what I said wrong? Please Miss Lu point it out. I can refute what is wrong."

Just when Lu Lianxue was about to respond.

"Brother Wei."

A voice came from behind, looking back, it was Yu Xiaoqi waving towards them.


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