Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 557 The Gardener Wants To Scold Sen Luo

"Brother Wei, you arrived so early, I thought I was the first to arrive."

Yu Xiaoqi walked towards Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue, with Feng and Meizi beside him.

"You came quite early, Xiaoxue, this is what I told you before, the school committee's girlfriend, Kazumiko, belongs to Sakura Guofeng and Kazuya."

When Zhang Wei said hello, he did not forget to introduce Xiafeng and Meizi to Yu Xiaoqi.

Immediately afterwards.

After talking for a while, Zhang Wei and the others did not stay, and went to the reporting office together.


Yu Xiaoqi seemed to think of something, and said bluntly:

"Brother Wei, I heard from Meizi that recently there was a tricky supernatural incident in the country, is it true or not?"

"That's what happened."

"Then I'd better not let Meizi go with me, I was planning to bring Meizi there."

Yu Xiaoqi said and looked at Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, aren't you and the class monitor so good-looking, aren't you afraid?"

Before Zhang Wei could answer, Feng Hemeizi smiled and patted Yu Xiaoqi on the shoulder:

"Don't worry about Mr. Zhang Wei. Rather than worrying about Mr. Zhang Wei, you might as well worry about the ghost of that supernatural event. As far as Mr. Zhang Wei's current strength is concerned, there are very few people in the world who can be dangerous to him."

Zhang Wei waved his hand upon hearing this:

"Miss Meizi praised me. This supernatural incident, Thief Country has defined the highest level of danger. I have encountered it, so it may not be guaranteed that it will not be dangerous."


the other side.

Just as Zhang Wei and the others were talking, they arrived at the reporting office, ready to set off and take a plane to steal the country.

In Daxia, Senluosi is stationed.

at this time.

Sen Luo was sitting on the seat, with his eyes moving under the bronze mask, his eyes fell on the mobile phone through the video call, it can be seen that in the video, the glasses were talking with Sen Luo.

"Glasses, are you sure the news is reliable?"

"It's 100% reliable. Although I brought Huahua to the beautiful country to improve my strength, but in Daxia, I also have my eyeliner, and the news I get will not be wrong."

The glasses pushed the presbyopic glasses and said:

"I received the news that Zhang Wei has gone to the country of Thief as an exchange student, and today is the day of departure. Zhang Wei was in Daxia before, and the Department of Health and Justice was there. Great Xia territory, we have plenty of opportunities to do it."

As soon as his words came out.

Sen Luo's eyes flickered, his hands resting on his chin, thinking deeply.

Not long.

Seeing Sen Luo's thoughts, the glasses couldn't help asking:

"How? Do you want to do it? I heard that Zhang Wei has grown to half a step of the True Dragon Guard. If he continues to grow, once he reaches the True Dragon Guard, you and Yin Yang will be left to deal with it."

Originally, the glasses wanted to continue to say something, but Sen Luo slightly raised his hand and interrupted:

"You don't have to explain to me, I know, I'm just thinking, how to deal with Zhang Wei, he did threaten me, Sen Luosi, otherwise I would not propose to deal with him before, since he went to steal the country this time, that is a chance."

The glasses nodded noncommittally:

"Yes, I also think it's an excellent opportunity. It just so happens that the gardener has created a supernatural event in Stealing the Kingdom. She is still half-step True Dragon Guard, and she is about to break through to the True Dragon Guard level. Let her deal with Zhang Wei. If the blame is blamed on supernatural events, the Department of Health and Dao will never find out."

Sen Luo nodded and agreed:

"I was thinking about this just now, so it's decided. I'll contact the gardener."


After chatting again, Sen Luo hung up the phone on Glasses and dialed the gardener.


When the phone was answered, the voice of the gardener came from inside:

"What do you want me to do? Don't urge me to produce ghosts. I didn't give you a batch recently. Besides, I'm very busy now. I found a good ghost exorcist. I can devour him and give birth to a good companion ghost. .”

For the gardener's tone, Sen Luo has long been accustomed to it, and said without any surprise:

"Gardener, I'm not looking for you to order, I'm looking for you for something else, which only you can do at the moment."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"I received news that Zhang Wei is going to steal the country. This is an opportunity to get rid of Zhang Wei. He is a hidden danger for me, Senluosi."

at the same time.

Far away in the country of stealing next door to Daxia, in a large villa manor.

Listen to Sen Luo's words on the phone.

The gardener was taken aback for a moment, then his face showed fierceness, and he said straight in his heart:

"Damn it! Sen Luo, you really dare to touch my godson, don't you!"


the other side.

Beautiful country, in a hotel.

After talking on the phone with Sen Luo, I got Sen Luo to deal with Zhang Wei. His glasses were in a very good mood, and he was humming a Peking Opera ditty, preparing to play with a ghost corpse on the table to cultivate his interest.

But at this time.

A meow came.


After listening to the glasses, he turned his head to look, and the smile on his face was even bigger. On the balcony in front of his eyes, a chubby orange cat jumped in like a ghost from the balcony on the thirty-eighth floor. It was Huahua, after a summer vacation Huahua's strength has reached the top ghost king now.

If it wasn't for Sen Luosi's only 12 high-level positions, Huahua's current strength is enough to sit on the high-level position.

"Hua Hua came back so early? Hunting over?"

"Meow~ I finished hunting early, and by the way, I went to South Dakota to modify the famous statues of the leaders of the four beautiful countries. How about it? Does it look good?"

Hua Hua took out her mobile phone and showed a photo to the glasses.

Judging from the environment of the photo, the glasses recognized the "Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park" where the photo was taken. There is a mountain engraved with statues of the four outstanding leaders of the beautiful country, but the environment is that environment, but the four The first statue head changed, and became four unknown statue heads.

Seemingly seeing the confusion of the glasses, Huahua took the lead in explaining:

"This is the head portrait of Hokage from the first generation to the fourth generation. I changed the prototype of Hokage Rock to Hokage Rock. Isn't it very handsome, meow~"

To this.

The corners of the glasses mouth twitched, and said with a smile:

"You've been quite keen on these things recently, but it doesn't matter, it's from the beautiful country anyway."

In his opinion, since she came to the beautiful country, Huahua not only improved her strength and kept killing ghosts, but also became an addiction. Replace the head of the Statue of Liberty with Tom's head, such as...

In short, in the beautiful country, there are bizarre rumors about places of interest and historical sites being destroyed overnight.


What's more outrageous, the glasses suspect that the news that the latest leader went up the stairs of the plane and fell down four times in a row may also be done by flowers.

"It's quite handsome."

The glasses pushed the presbyopic glasses and continued:

"I can't see it, Huahua, do you also have a hobby of watching anime? If you like Hokage so much, you can't learn from Fatty, right? He led you to hell in Sakura Country. It seems that Fatty can't get too close to you."

"Meow~ I didn't learn from the dead house, I like to watch it myself."

Huahua said, and added something in her heart... the master likes to watch Hokage, so I got Hokage Rock, meow~

The words did not fall.

Huahua noticed the expression on the glasses, tilted her head and said curiously:

"Meow~ You seem to be in a good mood? Did something good happen to you?"

"Haha, I was spotted by you, am I so obvious?"

Glasses replied with a smile.


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