
Seeing all the messages sent by Fatty and the others, Zhang Wei gasped slightly, even though he knew that he was being targeted by Senluosi, and even sent a gardener to kill him. You must know the status of the gardener, Senluosi No. 2 characters, but Zhang Wei is not flustered.

"What's wrong? Did someone send you a message?"

On the side, Lianxue noticed Zhang Wei and turned her head to ask.

Zhang Wei didn't want Lu Lianxue to worry, so he rubbed his head:

"No, it's just that Xiao Mantou sent me a message, asking if I've arrived, and saying that he misses me."

Immediately afterwards.

To dispel Lu Lianxue's curiosity, on the way to Seoul University with the teachers, Zhang Wei sent a message to Fatty to ask.


After learning about the situation, the fat man continued to send messages:

[Fatty]: Zhang Wei, try not to leave Seoul University recently. I know that your strength has reached half-step true dragon guard, but the gardener is not weak. Longwei-level ghost, you won't take advantage of her.

[Fatty]: Especially her strength is almost the real dragon guard, and she also likes people with good looks. With your good looks, you can surely hit her xp. Wait until I go to steal the country tonight. If she If I attack you, I will play around and send you a message in advance.

【Zhang Wei】: OK.

Zhang Wei glanced at Lu Lianxue next to Ha, and replied to the fat man's message. Although he has systematic immortality and is not afraid of gardeners, he still has to consider Lu Lianxue's safety.

【Zhang Wei】: The gardener is in your hands.


That night.

Stealing the country, in front of a large villa manor.


A guard standing in front of the manor saw a taxi, stopped at the door, and stepped out of it a fat man in anime logo clothes.


The guard was about to step forward to stop him, but a woman's voice came to his ears in vain. It was the owner's gardener.

"Let him in."

"Yes, master."

Although it was a bit of a surprise, this was the first time the owner let outsiders in, but the guards didn't dare to say anything more, and looked at the fat man strangely, and then led the fat man into the villa.

along the way.

The fat man observed the surrounding environment, secretly wrote down the address, and soon, led by the guards, he came to the hall, where he also saw the gardener sitting on the luxurious classical western-style sofa chair in the hall.

"Hey, gardener, you really enjoy it. You have a maid to serve you, and you live in a big house."

The fat man greeted the gardener casually, and found a seat by himself.

The gardener squinted at the fat man:

"I've been busy with things in the country for a long time, so I must find a place to rest. Let me live in a hotel room where many people have slept. I don't like it. Let's get down to business. Sen Luo asked you to help me. When do you plan to stay?" Do it."

As soon as his words came out.

The fat man said in his heart, "Here we come, I didn't expect the gardener to be so eager to kill Zhang Wei", but on the surface he waved his hands calmly and said:

"Look at you, I don't care anyway, I was sent to assist you, you take the lead, of course, if you want, I suggest a later time, I heard that Zhang Wei will study in Thief for a while, I don't think it's necessary If you kill early, you can observe first, and I can also go for a stroll."


The fat man said with great interest:

"Stealing the country comic "I Upgrade Alone", I like to read it very much. This is the first time I come to stealing the country, I think it is necessary to buy some peripherals, hehe."

in words.

The fat man said again in his heart...Hmph, don't care, let's hold you back first, and give Zhang Wei time to get familiar with stealing the country, so that you can deal with Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei can deal with you, hey, I use my own character design The plot is perfect, I am really a clever villain.

the other side.

Hearing what the fat man said, the gardener got up from the sofa lying on his side, and responded calmly on the surface:

"I happen to have a ghost exorcist that I want to focus on recently. Since you also think it's late, then it will be late. I will deal with Zhang Wei in a few days."

in the heart.

The gardener was very happy... Haha, fortunately, Sen Luo sent this dead anime nerd, so I might be able to use anime to contain this dead fat man.

Just when he was thinking about it.

The fat man said:

"Oh? You also have a ghost exorcist you want to keep an eye on? Do you want me to help you? Anyway, I'm going out to buy peripherals, so I can help you along the way. It's faster to act together."

bottom of my heart.

The fat man is cautious... The gardener must have noticed that I was deliberately procrastinating, and wanted to take advantage of me to buy peripherals, and secretly deal with Zhang Wei by himself, so as to kill Zhang Wei first? No, if this is the case, not to mention that Zhang Wei's life is in danger, I, the villain, will be calculated and forced to go where.

at the same time.

The gardener is also scolding in his heart... (╬ ̄盘 ̄)=○I just made a random reason, I want you to buy the peripherals with peace of mind, did you find that I lied? But it's okay, so I will use my plan to take you to do other things and delay time.


The gardener casually replied:

"Why? Look down on me? Sen Luo sent you to help me, I won't ask you to help me with everything, but... the ghost exorcist I'm eyeing this time is a half-step true dragon guard exorcist who stole the country. Ghost, it’s not impossible for you to help me.”

bottom of my heart.

The gardener whispered... Wait until I find a troublesome ghost exorcist, let you and I do it together, and make a noise, Zhang Wei will definitely know when he is stealing the country, so be alert in advance.

at the same time.

Fatty's heart lit up when he heard it... Oh? A half-step true dragon guard-level ghost exorcist? OK! It just so happened that I helped you to do it together, and there was a commotion. With Zhang Wei's intelligence power, he will definitely know in advance. When the time comes, I will start a situation that scares the snake, haha.


"No, no, it's not that I look down on you, but I just want to deal with this matter as soon as possible, so that I can deal with Zhang Wei, a half-step real dragon guard? Okay, I haven't fought yet. Long Wei, this is so cool, I like it!"

The fat man replied with a smile.


The fat man and the gardener, who were plotting against each other, looked at each other and smiled, and they were all smiling from the bottom of their hearts, feeling that their scheme was progressing smoothly.

"Then let me put my luggage first, shall we act now?"

"No, we'll fight each other as soon as you arrive. It's easy to find out from Thief Country. After all, there's no such thing as a coincidence. Let's act tomorrow night."

"No problem, by the way, what's the name of the exorcist?"

For Fat Ask.

"It's Kim Jung Hyuk."

The gardener recalled the ghost exorcist who stole the country, and finally named a ghost exorcist who was about to be promoted to the rank of true dragon guard. He had to find some powerful ones for Fatty, so that he would accidentally cause a big commotion.

Not long.

Watching the fat man go back to the guest room to rest, the gardener walked towards the garden of the villa, and then a huge figure of a kind mother appeared behind him. With the bulge of the abdomen, a powerful ghost king was born.

"Go and quietly find the people around Kim Jung-hyuk, attack them, and let Kim Jung-hyuk be alert in advance."

"Yes, master."


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