Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 561 Zhang Chao And Wu Nian Go Out And Gather Together

the other side.

Seoul National University, in the exchange student dormitory.

"Brother Wei, do you want to go out for a stroll? Let me treat you to pickles, haha."

After finishing packing his luggage, Yu Xiaoqi said directly to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Go out for a stroll? Go out at this time? Are you sure? Have you forgotten the news a few days ago?"

Words come out.

Yu Xiaoqi laughed:

"Brother Wei also knows the news, don't be afraid, it's not because Brother Wei is here."

Zhang Wei was about to say something just now.

But at this time.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, and when I picked it up, Zhang Wei gasped slightly:

"Zhang Chao?"

He found that Zhang Chao was calling on the caller ID, and he couldn't help muttering:

"This guy came out of retreat?"

After picking up the phone, before Zhang Wei could speak, Zhang Chao's voice came first:

"Moxi Moxi, is it Zhang Wei himself? Are you busy? Do you miss me? I'm your dear Chaochao."

"Think about it, you have to think about it, come on, come on, pop one, my Chaochao."

"Damn! It's not as disgusting as you, Zhang Wei."

Zhang Chao fell silent.

next second.

Both Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao laughed out loud. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and both of them gave each other a hard time.

It's another bullshit.

Zhang Wei asked curiously:

"Zhang Chao, are you just out of seclusion? How is it? How has your strength improved? It should be improved. You have been in seclusion for the entire summer vacation. You can't improve faster than me, right?"

"Fuck, do you want to pretend to me? Don't pretend, I know you've reached the half-step True Dragon Guard; uh, you're also in the top ten of the veteran list. Ma De, I thought that this time I would be able to stand in front of you. Well, you ended up giving me a slap in the face."

"Haha, where is it, it's just a small improvement, how much is the improvement for that Zhang Chaoyou?"

"I can only say that I have had several rounds with Stephanie. I just left the customs yesterday, and until now, after a day and a night, I have finished with Stephanie. I have to say that the physique of the werewolf is too good. I almost died."

in words.

Zhang Wei could hear Zhang Chao's tone of pain and joy, so he couldn't help but said with a smile:

"Okay, you finally called Wolf Silver."

"Yes, it's finally done, it's so... so cool, don't say anything, Zhang Wei, thank you for arranging a blind date for me."

When Stephanie was mentioned, Zhang Chao was so excited that he couldn't stop talking. If Zhang Wei didn't interrupt him, he would definitely be able to talk for half an hour.

"You're being polite, it's just an arrangement. It's your hard work to be able to successfully go on a blind date. Congratulations, Zhang Chao, for being promoted to the Ghost King class."

"Sigh, I'm overwhelmed. Compared to you and Wu Nian's improvement, my improvement can only be at the scene of a car accident."

mention no-mind.

Zhang Wei suddenly became interested. This summer vacation, not only Zhang Chao, but Wu Nian also retreated. For this reason, he has no other entertainment except playing with Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue.

"Wu Nian is out today. I went to find him personally. Haha, he is also very powerful now. His current strength will be in the top three when the new star list will be updated tomorrow. He has reached the level of the intermediate ghost king, and It's not far from the top ghost king, alas, so people are more popular than people."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei obviously heard it, another voice came from the phone, it was a voice from Zhang Chao's side.

"Amitabha, it's not all because of the little monk's talent, it's mainly due to the help of Master Kongjing's relic, otherwise the little monk wouldn't have improved so fast, so Zhang Chao, don't be discouraged, you are already great."

"Grass, Wu Nian, you, a monk, are comforting. How come I want to beat you up."


Listening to Zhang Chao and Wu Nian's fight on the phone, Zhang Wei raised a smile:

"It's a pity, I'm currently an exchange student in Stealing Country, otherwise I would have gone to get together with you."

The voice just came out.

But in the next second:

"Haha, we can get together in Thief, Zhang Wei, guess where Wu Nian and I are now?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help being stunned when he heard this:

"Huh? You are not stealing the country, are you?"

"Binggou! That's right, Wu Nian and I have just got off the plane and are at the International Airport, Zhang Wei, be sensible and come pick you up with Brother Chao, don't be ignorant, hahaha."

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, you have been promoted to Qilin Guard, your strength has increased, and your arrogance has also increased. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

Immediately afterwards.

Under Zhang Chao's explanation, Zhang Wei understood. It turned out that after Zhang Chao passed the customs, he found Wu Nian immediately, and wanted to go with Wu Nian to find Zhang Wei pretend, but he was told that Zhang Wei made it. Half-step true dragon guard, and heard that he went to steal the country as an exchange student.

To this.

Without further ado, Zhang Chao got to know Stephanie for a day and a night, and then discussed with Wu Nian to go to steal the country to find Zhang Wei to play with. The reason was that he had become a ghost king-level Qilin guard and had to pretend in front of Zhang Wei.

heard the words.

Zhang Wei was moved in his heart. He was not a fool. He knew that Zhang Chao and the others were probably worried about their own safety. With Zhang Chao and Wu Nian's intelligence, it was impossible not to know about the recent incident of stealing the country. With his appearance, he was easy to be targeted. Up.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei joked:

"I said Zhang Chao, aren't you afraid of being attacked when you come to steal the country? Recently, there have been frequent disappearances in the country. Although you are not as handsome as I am, you are strong and easy to become a target. Not to mention no thoughts Handsome and powerful, he is a perfect target for the incident."

"Haha, don't be afraid, of course I know about stealing the country, you think I'm stupid, come to steal the country to look for you, don't you have any backup, I'll call your four ghost kings over to be our bodyguards, so Come 6 ghost kings, add you a half-step real dragon guard, the mastermind of stealing the country dare to touch us?"

Zhang Chao, who was waiting at the airport, said, and handed the mobile phone to the werewolf Wang Ward and the others:

"Say hello to your master."


Werewolf Ward and the others took the call and greeted Zhang Wei respectively:

"Master, I'm sorry, we came here to steal the country without telling you. We are also worried about your safety, and Mr. Zhang Chao said that he kept it a secret from you before he came, saying it was a surprise for you."

Ever since the beautiful country came back, Zhang Wei sent the werewolf Ward and the four of them to the Department of Health to help exorcise ghosts and gather wool for themselves, while the werewolves were assigned to the Department of Health of Zhang Chao and the place where Wu Nian was located. Sanjin City Health Department.

the other side.

Steal the country's international airport.

A country-stealing ghost exorcist stationed at the airport was looking at Zhang Chao and Wu Nian in horror. He didn't know the truth, so he frantically called the country-stealing ghost exorcist organization:

"I, Cao, captain! Two people came to me to steal the country with four ghost kings. My Cao, those two people are so strong! They are also... ghost king level! Oh my god, one of them has reached the intermediate ghost king level!"

"What did you say? Six ghost kings?"

The country thief exorcist was shocked when he heard that there were six ghost kings. If something happened at the airport, it would definitely cause the country to suffer heavy losses and even lose its embarrassment.

You must know that the recent disappearance of Thief Country has already made Thief Country lose face in the ghost exorcism world. If something happens again, it will definitely be a joke for international ghost exorcists.

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully by stealing the country? Is a ghost king dare to come and commit crimes? Just take this opportunity to re-establish my prestige for stealing the country. Go and find out who the two people who came are and see if they are enemies or not." Friends, in addition, also go to inform Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk and ask him to help him go to the international airport."


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