Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 562 The Super Fearless Trio Acts Again, Joining In The Fun

the other side.

Stealing the country, a downtown street.

at this time.

Kim Jung-hyuk, one of the top fighters who stole the country, was drinking and chatting with his friends.

"Jung Hyuk, is there any progress in the recent disappearance?"

His friend took a sip of wine and asked.

Kim Jung Hyuk shook his head:

"No, the ghosts of these disappearances are extremely cunning, and a special research team has been set up at the top, but every time they chase them, even if they surround the ghosts, in the end, the ghosts will explode themselves without hesitation, leaving us no evidence at all. to frightening."

"Then you have to be careful. I heard that ghost exorcists continue to disappear abroad. You are so strong that you are expected to become a national town. Don't get caught at this time."

"Don't worry, I won't be arrested. So far, there hasn't been any attack on the national level of Banbu Town, and I don't have a good appearance, and I'm at the level of ordinary people..."

is talking.

Kim Jung Hyuk's cell phone rang.

It was the Thief Ghost Exorcist Organization who called him, and they learned that Zhang Chao and the others had arrived. Although it was found out that they were people from Daxia's Maoshan faction and Wutai Mountain, in the final analysis, six ghost kings came. , let Jin Zhenghyuk go to secretly check, just in case.

"Understood, I'll go now."

Jin Zhenghyuk drank the wine in the wine glass in one gulp, got up and said goodbye to his friends.


Just before he walked five hundred meters.


Jin Zhenghe suddenly looked at the restaurant where his friends were, and frowned slightly:

"Ghost King?"

He felt that there was a ghost king-level ghost aura emanating, a ghost domain appeared over there, the restaurant where his friends were staying was shrouded, and a battle had already broken out.

"Xiba, is it so unlucky? I just walked away, and you were hit."

Jin Zhenghyuk cursed, turned around and dodged towards the restaurant, and rushed into the ghost town.

next second.

The terrifying half-step True Dragon Guard breath erupted.

Like a terrifying god, he raised his hand to press down on the ghost king-level ghost Tianling Gai who was about to kill his friend.

Also at this time.

Sensing Kim Jung-hyuk's appearance, the ghost king-level ghost seemed to know that he couldn't run away, so he roared without hesitation, and then blew himself away.


Although his self-explosion was sudden, as a half-step true dragon guard Kim Jung-hyuk, he also reacted, raised his hand and burst out with terrifying power, blocked the self-explosion, and even protected his friends, making everyone in the ghost land Everyone is spared from the rest of the disaster.


Jin Zhenghyuk's face was not very good-looking, watching the ghost king explode into a huge pit, and at this moment he frowned.

"This method..."


the other side.

on the highway.

Zhang Wei has picked up Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, and they are sitting in a taxi, preparing to go to the hotel closest to Seoul University.

at this time.

They all seem to have a feeling, looking in one direction, that is where Kim Jung-hyuk and the self-explosive ghost king are. They are not far from that place, and they belong to the same area. I felt it.

"Huh? Is it so exciting to steal a country? There are ghost king-level battles in Seoul?"

Zhang Chao looked unabashedly curious.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said slowly:

"Amitabha, stealing the country seems to be different from the little monk's imagination. It is more dangerous. In Seoul, you can easily encounter ghost king-level battles."

Zhang Wei was also curious, and joked:

"I said Zhang Chao, this is not what you said before you came to steal the country. Why did I come here in the morning and it was fine, but the ghost king appeared as soon as you came."

"Fuck, don't slander me. I don't have a crow's mouth. I think you Zhang caused it for you. Didn't you say that as long as you take a taxi, something will happen. Look, you brought something to the people of Seoul. How much damage has come."

Zhang Chao said, with a heartbroken look, nodded affirmatively and said:

"That's right. This must be Zhang Wei's problem with you. You are the one who caused this ghost king-level battle. You should take the blame and say that it is the biggest culprit. Do you want to go to the scene and take care of it? After all, it started because of you. "

His words come out.

Zhang Wei raised his middle finger:

"Slander, pure slander, Zhang Chao, what you said, I am really sitting at home, the pot comes from the sky, and I care about it on the spot. I think you really want to join in the fun."

Being poked in the center of his mind, Zhang Chao didn't blush, and said without blushing:

"Hey, don't slander, I'm just showing one of the basic qualities of human beings to 'join in the fun', how about it, go and see?"

"What do you say?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Zhang Chao.


The two looked at each other, and both showed hey smiles. It was obvious that the two of them were watching the fun and wanted to take a look.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao directly picked up his mobile phone to translate, and showed the driver:

"Driver, go to that place ahead."

Also at this time.

Wu Nian glanced at Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao, put his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, did you just decide? It seems that you didn't ask the little monk's opinion."

To this.

Zhang Wei grinned:

"Don't ask, monks have the virtue of good life, there must be a dead person over there, you must go there and save it, right, kind-hearted little master Wu Nian, I'm right, Zhang Chao."

"Yes, what Zhang Wei said is right, Wu Nian, it's time to show the compassion of my great monk Daxia. If you wait any longer, you just knock on the wooden fish. I'll watch over you. You save people and don't die. It’s better to forcefully go too far, haha.”

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Lord Buddha, please forgive my friends for their rude words, they didn't mean it."



Zhang Wei and the others arrived at the downtown street where Kim Jung Hyuk was.

Look closely.

There was a crowd of people in front of them, all looking towards a certain place on the street, and through the residual ghost aura in the air, they knew that it was the place where the battle of the ghost king broke out.

"Go, go and have a look."

Zhang Chao was most excited, he pulled Zhang Wei and Wu Nian, and greeted Werewolf Ward and they were about to go up.

Just didn't wait to take a step.

Zhang Wei reached out to stop Zhang Chao and the others, and looked at a figure who was walking towards Zhang Wei and the others. It was Kim Jung Hyuk.

just now.

After Jin Zhenghyuk protected his friends, he comforted the passers-by, reported the matter to the higher authorities, and prepared to monitor Zhang Chao and the others, but in vain he felt the appearance of four ghost king-level ghosts.


Ben realized that he might be the mastermind of the disappearance, and he shot his friend, which made him very angry.

Now there are four more ghost king-level ghosts, and they still appear here at this point. You must know that the ghost king-level battle has just broke out here. As long as you are not stupid, other ghost kings cannot approach, but now that the ghost king is coming, let him think it is coming. accomplice.

Without hesitation.

Jin Zhenghe made a thunderous shot, and when he saw the werewolf Ward, he raised his hand to suppress him.


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