Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 563 Super Fearless Combination Vs Banbuzhen National Level

With the sudden shot, Werewolf Ward and the others all changed their colors. Feeling the terrifying aura exuded by Kim Jung-hyuk, Werewolf Ward's heart beat wildly, recognizing the opponent's strength.

at the same time.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian also reacted, but they didn't make a move, not to mention whether the other party is powerful, whether they can stop it, but said that the identity of the werewolf Ward is there, and they don't need their help to stop it at all.

as predicted.

Just as Kim Jung Hyuk was approaching.

Boom! !

A figure appeared in front of the werewolf Ward. It was Zhang Wei. He calmly raised his hand and met Jin Zhenghe's extended hand. The two hands collided with each other, making a deafening noise.

It was too loud.

Even the passers-by who were still paying attention to the deep pit were startled, thinking that there was an explosion behind them, and turned their heads to look in fright.

But looking at it, passers-by were puzzled.

There was no fire or explosion smoke as imagined in the rear. Except that there were people everywhere, there was nothing strange. The only strange thing was that there were two men, a young man and a middle-aged man. Their palms were clapped together. I don’t know. Are you doing it or what.


Compared to the doubts of passers-by, Kim Jung-hyuk was stunned, shocked in his heart, and looked at Zhang Wei in disbelief:

"Half-step township level?"

In order to vent his anger, Jin Zhenghyuk didn't hold back his hand, and used half-step Zhenguo-level strength, but the young man in front of him actually raised his hand to block it. From the fact that there was no disturbance on his face, it was obvious that he was still able to handle it with ease.

Can't help it.

Kim Jung-hyuk thought of a person who could reach the half-step township level at this age and still have an Asian face. He thought of a person.

"Are you Zhang Wei?"

Words come out.

Zhang Wei raised his hand and slapped him in response.

For those who dared to attack their own people, Zhang Wei would dare to provoke them no matter who they were, let alone other exorcists.

This palm.

Zhang Wei didn't hold back the slightest bit and showed his full strength.

[The ghost back pattern is displayed, and some of the strength of the old man Liushu is borrowed to give it to the host]

You must know that Zhang Wei's own strength is half a step of the real dragon guard, and now he is borrowing part of the power of the old man Liushu. At this moment, Zhang Wei is like a living god, raising his hand like a divine punishment.

Jin Zhenghyuk's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly raised his hand to resist.

next moment.

Accompanied by a whooping sound, it was a sonic boom like air caressing.

Kim Jung-hyuk was blown away, and slammed into the wall in the distance. With a loud bang, a deep hole was smashed into the wall, and Kim Jung-hyuk was lying in the ruins of the wall. , with disbelief in his eyes.

too strong.

Zhang Wei is much stronger than he imagined, dare to love the so-called rumors on the international forum that he is in the top ten of the veteran list, it is not a rumor, it is true, no, the ranking is even higher.

It's just that Kim Jung-hyuk didn't even think about it.

Zhang Wei had already come in front of Kim Jung Hyuk, waving his hand like raindrops of dense fists falling down.

"Wait, it's all a misunderstanding."

Realizing that the other party was Zhang Wei, Kim Jung-hyuk knew he had misunderstood the person, but Zhang Wei would not listen, no matter who the other party was, if he dared to attack his own people, at least he would have to be beaten.


Kim Jung-hyeok obviously noticed this too. After being punched in the face several times, he was also pissed off. After all, he was a long-established half-step town and country-level, and now he was exorcised by a young man from Daxia. If the person gets beaten up by Fatty, if word spreads, he won't even want to see anyone.


Jin Zhenghyuk made a move, his fist was glowing with black light, and he punched Zhang Wei. The burst of air waves shook the ground around him, making people subconsciously think that it was an earthquake, and then he lifted his foot and kicked it to the ground. Zhang Wei in himself.

To this.

Zhang Wei dodged to avoid Jin Zhenghe's kick, and then the two raised their legs at the same time, whipping each other.

Another loud bang.

The two whipped their legs and collided, causing a wave of air that sent people flying around.

at this time.

Jin Zhenghyuk seemed to have a feeling, and felt that there were two figures on the left and right, they were Zhang Chao and Wu Nian.

Although I don't know what Jin Zhenghyuk's identity is, but I can realize that the other party is probably a ghost exorcist. Otherwise, a half-step town-level person would not be able to do it so blatantly, but Zhang Chao and Wu Nian looked at each other, but they didn't care These.

They are decent people from Daxia's famous family and Zhang Wei's good brothers.

"The one who beat my brother? Xiba's stick."

Zhang Chao raised his middle finger towards Jin Zhenghe, and at the same time, a ray of rune light lit up in the palm of his hand, ancient and majestic, and his ghost king-level aura erupted at this moment, and he couldn't help but slap Jin Zhenghe in the face.

at the same time.

Yoyo's voice echoed.

"Amitabha, the Buddha forgives the rude behavior of today's young monk, sins and sins."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, which was originally a dusty and ethereal temperament, but at this moment it became even more dusty and sacred, like a holy monk and living Buddha, with five fingers together forming a palm, like a golden bergamot, fanning Jin Zhenghyuk's face.


Jin Zhenghyuk raised his hand to resist, but at this moment, Zhang Wei appeared in front of him at some point, raised his hand and five fingers, and pressed towards his face.

Everything was caught off guard.

Jin Zhenghyuk didn't have time to react, for a while, Zhang Wei pressed his face and slammed towards the ground hard.

boom! ! !

Like a heavy stone falling to the ground, with Jin Zhenghe's face as the center, the ground suddenly collapsed, and a huge pit was sunken. The pit was bigger than the pit that the ghost king blew himself up.

This scene.

The passers-by around were all dumbfounded, as if they were in a dream, the crying of the child stopped:

"Xiba, Marvel invaded? Superman is alive?"

"Are we on Earth now?"

"Dad, there is Superman, and you still say there is no Superman."

Watching the fight between Zhang Wei and Kim Jung-hyuk, everyone feels dreamy. This is no longer a fight. visual impact.

The fight didn't last long.

After all, it was a half-step town-level battle. The Ghost Exorcist Organization quickly learned of the situation and sent people over to stop Zhang Wei's battle with Kim Jung-hyuk.


When they stopped the fight, they were also stunned.

"Mr. Kim Jung Hyuk, are you okay, do you want me to call an ambulance?"

A ghost exorcist who stole the country asked hesitantly, and couldn't help but look at Kim Jung-hyuk again.


Kim Jung-hyuk still has half-step state-level majesty, there are big swollen palm marks on the left and right faces, his clothes are torn, his body is covered in dust, blood is still bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his arms and face are also bruised and purple, and he is said to be It's not an exaggeration to beat it into a pig's head.

See here.

The ghost exorcists present were all shocked. This is Jin Zhenghyuk, a national-level national in Banbu Town, who was beaten like this by three young people.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled heartlessly and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, I thought you were my enemy. Seeing you attack my subordinates, I shot and confiscated them all at once."

Zhang Chao also echoed:

"Very Sauri Smecta, I see you fighting with my brother, so I'll take the shot, or Mr. Kim Jung Hyuk, I'll buy you some Band-Aids?"

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, this little monk is being serious, please don't be offended by Jin Zhenghyuk's benefactor, please let this little monk pay for your medical expenses."

As soon as they spoke.

Kim Jung Hyuk: "..."

Although it can be seen that the monk is well-intentioned, but listening to how I want to curse, I am half-step township level.


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