Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 564 If I Don't Kill You, Where Will I Put The Villain


Since the misunderstanding was resolved and the fun was over, Zhang Wei and the others did not stay long.

Watching Zhang Wei and the others leave.

The exorcist who stole the country and exorcised ghosts on the side finally couldn't help asking Kim Jung-hyuk:

"Mr. Jin Zhenghyuk, there is no need for you to release so much water. Although Zhang Chao and Wu Nian are the Maoshan faction of Daxia and the future leaders of Wutai Mountain, but you have labeled people like this. I think the international forum will be held tomorrow again." It's going to explode."

The meaning is beyond words, I feel that Kim Jung-hyuk was beaten like this by the three of Zhang Wei. In international forums, they will definitely laugh at Thief, saying that Thief's top ghost exorcist can't even beat the young people of Daxia, and Thief will be laughed at.

And it is.

When Kim Jung-hyuk and Zhang Wei were fighting, they made a lot of noise. Some ghost exorcists nearby came to watch curiously, and even posted the fight on the international forum. Now it has set off a huge amount of hits on the international forum.

The corner of Jin Zhenghyuk's mouth twitched and said:

"I don't understand what you said. The key is that I didn't release the water at all. I showed my strength."

It was not loud, but all the ghost exorcists present heard it, and they all looked at Jin Zhenghyuk as if they had seen a ghost, thinking that they were hallucinating.

Jin Zhenghe ignored it, and said bluntly:

"From the moment I made the shot, I recognized that it was Zhang Wei. I planned to release the water and clear up the misunderstanding first. After all, I misunderstood first, but I couldn't release the water at all. Zhang Wei's strength is not inferior to mine. In addition, he Those two friends."

"Although those two friends are at the ghost king level and medium ghost king level, they definitely brought the top magic weapons of the Maoshan faction and Wutai Mountain. Ma De, although I am half-stepping at the national level and won't be hurt, he can still beat me. It hurts, the two mouths on my face are caused by them."

in words.

Kim Jung Hyuk made no secret of his resentment:

"Do you think I don't want to steal the country's face? The key point is that I can't beat me so much. Xiba, let's forget about Shengxuan coming out of Daxia, and Zhang Wei. Don't mess with that Zhang Wei." he."


All the exorcists couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they heard this, one of them seemed unwilling, hesitated for a while and couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, is that Zhang Wei really that powerful? Is it possible that you misunderstood, so you never use deadly moves? If you really fight to the death."

Kim Jung Hyuk squinted at the other party:

"It's a life-and-death fight. I can't guarantee that I can win. I can feel that Zhang Wei's shots have also restrained. He also realized the misunderstanding when he fought me, but he is very protective and knows that I am against his men. Take the shot, so you must teach me, ah Xiba."


Everyone was silent, and the previous person also murmured in shock:

"So Zhang Wei's rumors are true, and he really ranks among the top ten veteran players?!"


the other side.

In a taxi.

Zhang Wei didn't know about Kim Jung-hyuk's discussion, even if he knew, he wouldn't care, talking and laughing with Zhang Chao and Wu Nian.

"Haha, Zhang Wei, your strength is pretty good. I thought Xiaoxuan was exaggerating for you. I didn't expect you to become a half-step true dragon guard."

Zhang Chao clenched his fists and continued very comfortably:

"Unexpectedly, I just got promoted to Qilin Guard, and I beat a half-step real dragon guard. It's really cool. It turns out that the half-step real dragon guard feels like this. Wu Nian, how do you feel? Isn't it very cool, haha .”

Can't help it.

Both Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao looked at Wu Nian.

Feeling their eager eyes, Wu Nian sighed, put his hands together and said:

"I'm guilty, I was really a little excited when I fought just now, and I had the same thoughts as Zhang Chao, I didn't expect to be able to fight half a step with the real dragon guard."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei and Wu Nian looked at each other and laughed, it seemed that it was better for Wu Nian to hit someone than they were to hit the township level.

Wu Nian saw what Zhang Wei and the others were thinking, clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, don't count on the little monk. I will attack the little monk. It depends on the opponent's first attack, and it is Zhang Wei."

"What about me, if I get hit, will you make a move?"

Zhang Chao asked casually.

Wu Nian nodded directly:

"Amitabha, although Zhang Chao is a bit vulgar and has no connection with Buddha at all, but you are a friend of the little monk. If you are beaten, the little monk will naturally attack."

"Haha, I love you, Wu Nian, come, let Zhang Chao's big brother give you a kiss."

Zhang Chao said he was going to kiss Wu Nian, but Wu Nian covered his face with his hand. At the same time, Wu Nian seemed to think of something and asked Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, I heard from Jin Zhenghyuk's benefactor that the reason why I beat you was because of the previous ghost, which was suspected to be the case of disappearance. If this is the case, then the mastermind of the disappearance case dared to attack the half-step real Longwei's friend. Don't be afraid of half-step True Dragon Guard's strength, you can't be careless."

Zhang Wei nodded:

"I will be careful, but Wu Nian you also pay attention to yourself, with your appearance, you are more dangerous than me."


the other side.

Stealing the country, villas and manors.

The gardener was sitting in her garden, cultivating a flower that had just been planted. It was the anniversary of her death this year. Zhang Ping planted the flowers on her grave, and she brought them to the garden to plant them like before.

"Huh? You mean Kim Jung-hyuk got into a fight with Zhang Wei?"

The gardener stopped fiddling with the soil in his hands, with a serious look on Jumei's face, the butler beside him trembled when he saw this, nodded and told the truth.


There is unrestrained anger in the gardener's eyes:

"Damn Kim Jung Hyuk, what is he doing."

in words.

He was already roaring in his heart, like a son who was bullied at school and turned into a shrew and scolded in his heart:

"Drafting Kim Jung-hyuk, you dare to touch my godson? And beat him, well, well, I just wanted to use you as a bait to attract attention, you asked for it, I must kill you tomorrow, no! Tonight kill!"

There was a click.

The angry gardener broke off the small weeding shovel in his hand, and the housekeeper on the side trembled.

Also at this time.

The gardener said:

"Go, get me the guest who came today, and tell him that tomorrow's action is ahead of schedule. The reason is that I accidentally startled the snake, and I have to move ahead."

"Okay, master, I'll go now."

Although he didn't know why the gardener was angry, the housekeeper didn't dare to stay with the gardener for a long time, so he went to find the fat man.


The fat man was found:

"Gardener, when are you leaving?"

While talking, he rolled up his sleeves and walked over, looking like he was about to fight.

just now.

The fat man was invited over by the housekeeper. Since the fat man was ordered by the gardener to be a VIP, the housekeeper did not hide the fat man's inquiry. He told the gardener what the gardener said, and also kindly gave the information about the fight between Kim Jung-hyuk and Zhang Wei.


When the fat man heard this, the smile he had just yawned disappeared, and he got up from the notebook table directly, saying that since it is ahead of schedule, don't delay things, and start to act immediately.

In fact.

The fat man was also furious:

"Your grandma's Kim Jung-hyuk, you dare to attack my friend. If you don't kill me, where will I be the villain! You must die today!"


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