Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 566 Kim Jung-Hyuk's Death, Defamation Law Association

The system prompt sounds.

In order to avoid being discovered by the system, Zhang Wei found a reason to consecrate the magic weapon of his girlfriend Xia Mei, who had no thoughts, and walked into the bathroom with a game card.

"Shit, I thought I could see Zhang Wei's consecration method, but it's a pity."

Looking at Zhang Wei who closed the bathroom door, Zhang Chao complained, then turned his head and patted Wu Nian on the shoulder and said:

"Wu Nian, are you saying that Zhang Wei really consecrated your game card? He didn't just use the game card to open it. Speaking of which, don't tell Xia Mei that the magic weapon you gave her is a toilet. It came out of the light."

The corner of Wu Nian's mouth twitched.

Just when he was about to say something.

There was a crunch.

Zhang Wei walked out of the bathroom, and handed the game card in his hand to Wu Nian:

"Here, this is a magic weapon for Xia Mei. I think Xia Mei will be happy. This is a magic weapon made of your precious game cards."


Compared to Zhang Wei lighting up the game cards, both Zhang Chao and Wu Nian looked at the time subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao widened his eyes and said:

"Wori, Zhang Wei, isn't it too fast for you? Even if you step on the horse and use the game card to charge, you can't shoot in such a short time. It's only a few seconds? The time to open the light is not as long as you open the toilet door and close it." That's a lot of time."

"Amitabha, although Zhang Chao's words are very embarrassing, it is true. The speed at which Zhang consecrated you is the fastest I have ever seen."

Even Wu Nian had to think the same as Zhang Chao.

How could Zhang Wei not know, and responded with a smile:

"It's not that you don't know that I have consecrated a lot of things, how many hand-made consecrations, have you heard of the oil seller, practice makes perfect, calm, and basic operation."

It seemed that Wu Nian was worried about whether his consecration speed would affect the effect of the magic weapon.

Zhang Wei patted Wu Nian on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, this is a magic weapon for your girlfriend. I spent a lot of effort to consecrate it. If you are worried, let's find a ghost tomorrow, and you can use game cards to test the effect, how about it?"

"Amitabha, this little monk has exactly the intention."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, and slowly replied.


After chatting for a while, Zhang Wei and the others decided that tomorrow Zhang Wei will go to the professor's class, and Zhang Chao and Wu Nian will be responsible for finding ghosts, and then wait for Zhang Wei to finish class to test the ghost exorcism effect together.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Zhang Wei's first class at Seoul National University.

Zhang Wei got up early, pulled Yu Xiaoqi together, and was about to go out to find Lu Lianxue, and they went to the university classroom together.

But it just finished washing.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the dormitory door.

Zhang Wei thought it was Lu Lianxue who came, so he got up and went to open the door:

"Huh? Are you?"

"Is it Mr. Zhang Wei?"

It wasn't Lu Lianxue at the door, there were two men in suits standing, from the waves emanating from them, Zhang Wei knew that the other party was a ghost exorcist.

They also have no ink blots:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, we are the ghost exorcists of the 'Defamation Law Association', the official ghost exorcism organization in China. I don't know if you are free. I hope you will come with us."


Another person also echoed:

"It's like this, Mr. Zhang Wei, you had a fight with Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk last night, didn't you? Then this morning, we found half of Kim Jung-hyuk's body at the door of Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk. Preliminary judgment, He was killed, in view of what happened between you and Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk yesterday, I want you to go back with us and tell me where you were after the fight yesterday."

"Huh? Kim Jung Hyuk is dead?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised, and already understood the reason why the other party came to him.

This is treating him as a suspect for killing Kim Jung-hyuk. You must know that Kim Jung-hyuk is half-step town and state-level, and there are very few people who can kill him, and Zhang Wei just had a fight with Kim Jung-hyuk yesterday. There is a possibility of killing the opponent.

at this time.

"Hey, who are you?"

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian came from the corridor, and when they saw the badge on the man in the suit, they recognized his identity:

"Defamation Law Association? Why are you looking for Zhang? I said we punched Kim Jung-hyuk a few times, but he didn't kill him. Do we hold grudges like this? We went to Menxing teacher early in the morning to ask the crime, stealing the country is so stingy What? In our big summer, this kind of thing, unless Kim Jung-hyuk is dead, it won’t be such a fuss.”

As soon as his words came out.

The members of the Defamation Law Association couldn't laugh or cry, and repeated the matter again.

Zhang Chao was stunned:

"Huh? Is Kim Jung-hyuk dead? Wori, I just said it casually..."

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled and patted Zhang Chao on the shoulder:

"Calm down, anyway, Kim Jung-hyuk's death has nothing to do with us, let's go with them, there are surveillance cameras around, we have a perfect alibi, so it's not a big problem."


Together with Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, they also participated in the battle with Kim Jung Hyuk, and they all followed Zhang Wei to the Defamation Law Association. Besides, Lu Lianxue also followed Zhang Wei when she learned about this.


Stealing the country, the resident of the Law Defamation Association.

at this time.

In a hall, high-level exorcists who stole the country gathered.

Kim Jung-hyuk, as a half-step state-level existence, is definitely a pillar in the country of stealing. Now that he is killed, let alone the entire country of stealing, the news is spread in international forums.

"How? How about the investigation of Zhang Wei, did he do it?"

It was the president of the Defamation Law Association who spoke, and his face was a little ugly.

As soon as his words came out.

Everyone looked at the investigators, and the other party didn't show off, and quickly said:

"President, we have conducted a ghost exorcist polygraph test on Zhang Wei, and also obtained all surveillance cameras near Zhang Wei, including the neighborhood where Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk lives, all surveillance, including the vehicle records of passing vehicles. Yi, we can be sure that Zhang Wei is not the murderer."

"And judging from the residual breath of Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk's death place, there is a high probability that the murderer is a ghost, and there is a 70% possibility that it is related to the disappearance case. Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk should be targeted by the disappearance case, alas."

Hear here.

The president of the Defamation Law Association and other people present all breathed a sigh of relief, but their brows were still furrowed:

"Xiba, it's a good thing it's not Zhang Wei, otherwise we would really lose face, we'd be beaten and killed by someone as young as Zhang Wei."

"We didn't lose face in the hands of Da Xia, but we also lost face. It turned out to be a case of disappearance."

"First it was the disappearance case, and now it was beaten up by the Great Xia exorcist. Now it's all right, the disappearance case has even been defeated at the national level of Banbu Town."

"We have to think of a way. We can't let our Law Defamation Association go on like this."

Accompanied by the last words.

The previous investigators hesitated for a while, but still clicked on the tablet computer, and projected the comments from the international forum:

"Cough, now the international forums are already discussing the death of Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, saying that we are useless, half-step town and national level are broken, and the entire international ghost exorcists are laughing at us."

His words speak out.

All the high-level people present were silent, even the president of the Association for Defamation of Laws rubbed his temples.

"The mastermind of the disappearance case must be found, killed or captured, or else it is to divert attention, so that the international ghost exorcists can't just pay attention to our jokes."

A high-level proposal said.

Another high-level person looked over and said speechlessly:

"What you said is easy. It's been more than half a year. Let alone caught, I don't even know who the mastermind is. As for diverting attention, it's just on paper. How do you divert it? If you want to divert attention, you have to throw out the same amount of things to divert."

"Yes, President, you are about to break through the township level, this matter is enough."

"Hasn't the beautiful country been disturbed recently, the goddess statue and the President Hill have been disturbed, can this matter divert attention?"

"I don't think it's enough."

Just when everyone was discussing.

The investigators thought about it, and suddenly interrupted:

"Actually, I have a way to divert attention, that is... Zhang Wei, he is also at the half-step township level, and he has also fought with Mr. Kim Jung Hyuk. If he is used to attract attention, he will definitely be able to divert attention , and even let the international forum focus on Daxia instead of us stealing the country."


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