Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 567 Sen Luosi? I'm Very Familiar

As soon as the investigators spoke.

The high-level people all looked sideways, and the chairman even said bluntly:

"Tell me."

The investigator nodded and expressed his thoughts:

"Some time ago, Zhang Wei was on the list of big summer veterans, which caused an international sensation. President, you all know it. Now...cough, as Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk was beaten by Zhang Wei yesterday, it has been proved that Zhang Wei is on the list. The list of veterans is not fake."

"To put it bluntly, the current Zhang Wei is definitely a big shot. Even though he is young, his strength and performance are more famous than those of the older generation. If something goes wrong with Zhang Wei, such as embarrassment. "

"Then, based on his reputation, once he gets embarrassed, it will definitely cause discussions in international forums. Then countries will no longer pay attention to the embarrassing things about us stealing the country. They will shift their attention to Zhang Wei, and we can even make public opinion at that time. Post it and link Zhang Wei with Daxia."

"In this way, the international forums still care about our stealing the country and killing Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, and the disappearance case. They will definitely discuss Daxia and Zhang Wei. For example, Zhang Wei, the most outstanding Zhang Wei in Daxia, sometimes makes embarrassments. .”

That's all for words.

The investigators glanced at the high-level people present, coughed lightly and said:

"No matter which country people are, they are all the same. They all like to watch big shots and celebrities make embarrassments. For example, some time ago, the supreme commander of our country was recorded by the media scolding the beautiful country. What a sensation. It made me laugh out loud."

As soon as his words came out.

All the high-level leaders nodded in unison, agreeing with their views, and many high-level people even spoke one after another:

"This is a good way. Now Zhang Wei is stealing the country and fighting with Kim Jung-hyuk. If he is embarrassed now, he will definitely be able to transfer the matter of Kim Jung-hyuk's death."

"That's what I said, but how can I embarrass Zhang Wei?"

"It's a good idea, but when it comes to practice, Zhang Wei's strength is there. It's not easy to make him embarrassed, and not everyone is as open-mouthed as our supreme commander."

at this time.

The chairman said:

"What can you do?"

He looked at the investigators and noticed his expression, as if he had already figured out a way.

To this.

The investigator hesitated and said:

"President, I do have a solution, but it's a bit treacherous. It's to pay Zhang Wei richly and invite him to investigate the disappearance case. Although Zhang Wei is very powerful, investigating the secrets of the mastermind's hiding does not depend on strength. .”

"The reason why we are ashamed of stealing the country is not that it started with the disappearance case. In fact, we have worked hard. We have paid a lot, and even invited ghost exorcists from other countries to support us. Fortune tellers have also been invited."

"But we couldn't find it in the end. It's very difficult for our entire Defamation Law Association not to find it for a while. It's impossible for Zhang to find it out in a short time. Then we can use this to make a fuss at that time. Hype it up."

Follow his words here.

The eyes of the high-level people lit up, and they already understood the meaning, and they also spoke one after another:

"This method is treacherous, but it is still a good method."

"Kim Jung-hyuk died because of the disappearance case. It is reasonable to ask Zhang Wei to investigate, and he is also given a huge reward. If Zhang Wei does not answer, he is said to be timid and dare not answer. In fact, there is no strength."

"It's a bad way, but in order to divert attention, we can indeed try it. It's shameful enough for us to steal the country."

Most of the top management are in favor.


There are also some high-level objections:

"You just think that as long as you ask Zhang Wei to investigate, you can make a fuss about Zhang Wei to attract attention whether you accept it or not, but what if Zhang Wei's investigation is successful."

"What if the car overturns?"

Facing these high-level words, other high-level people laughed out loud:

"Indeed, there are geniuses with both wisdom and courage in the world, but everyone, everyone knows about the disappearance case. The level of secrecy of the mastermind has not been revealed until now. Now there are continuous disappearance cases in various countries, which shows that there is a high probability that the other party will pay attention to it. It’s no longer stealing the country.”

"I agree, the mastermind is no longer stealing the country, why can't Zhang Wei find out."

"Everyone present here has participated in the discussion of the disappearance case. Everyone knows how much manpower and material resources we have devoted to the disappearance case. How difficult it is, Zhang Wei can handle it? And... everyone, don't forget."

Following the last words, the high-level person looked at everyone present:

"The mastermind of the disappearance case likes handsome men and beautiful women very much. As for Zhang Wei's good looks, I think everyone has seen the photos on Zhang Wei's profile. It is no problem for him to steal his debut in our country."

The words did not fall.

He said bluntly:

"The appearance of Zhang Wei, I think it is impossible for the mastermind not to focus on Zhang Wei, and his two friends, especially the Wutai Mountain monk, are more handsome, the mastermind will definitely attack Zhang Wei, and the strength of the mastermind, It is not impossible to kill Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk without making a sound, and it is not impossible to deal with Zhang Wei with this strength."

"Even the mastermind is targeting Zhang Wei. Do you think Zhang Wei will find it first with the mastermind's meticulous mind? Impossible!"

In the end.

The high-level official spoke unabashedly and affirmatively, categorically.

this time.

There were no rebuttal voices from the president and other high-level officials, and they all obviously agreed with his views.


After a while of discussion.

The president patted the table and said:

"Then it's decided, give us a good reward, please Zhang Wei to help us find the mastermind of the disappearance case, and then we go to create public opinion, our law defamation association doesn't care about the past, obviously Kim Jung-hyuk was beaten by him, so we ask him to come out to help .”

"If Zhang Wei doesn't answer, let's take advantage of the public opinion and give Zhang Wei a cowardly hat. If he does, wait for a while, and Zhang Wei won't be able to find out the mastermind."


Time flies.


After the polygraph test in the morning, Zhang Wei was determined not to be suspected, so he left the Defamation Law Association and returned to Seoul University to attend classes.

Just when Zhang Wei and the others thought it was none of their business.

The Defamation Law Association approached the door again.

"I said, why are you here again? What's the matter? Are you looking for trouble?"

Zhang Chao rolled his eyes, looked at the association staff in front of him and said.

Words come out.

The heart of the association staff thumped...Cao, how accurate is this person's intuition.

However, on the surface, the staff of the association are kind and friendly. They will find Zhang Wei in the future and ask him to help investigate the disappearance case, and finally added:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk is dead, and the disappearance case has not been solved. We have lost face for stealing the country, and now we urgently need to establish an image. As long as you help us investigate the mastermind of the disappearance case, we will pay you according to the price of international exorcism. As a reward, I will also give you a half-step town state-level magic weapon."


Whether it was Wu Nian, Zhang Chao, or Zhang Wei, they all looked over.

"Amitabha, did the little monk hear it wrong? Banbuzhen national magic weapon?"

"Fuck, stealing the country is so heroic, it subverts my impression a bit, sorry, I said the wrong thing."

Along with determining the content of the remuneration.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei and the others squinted at the members of the association. The next second, Zhang Chao pulled Zhang Wei aside, and Wu Nian followed:

"Hey, Zhang Wei, I feel like I'm cheating. What you gave me is really good."

"Amitabha, although it is possible to steal a country and spend huge sums of money in order to save face, after all, it has also spent money on the disappearance case before, but this time, I feel that there is a problem. I feel that they want to use Zhang to make fun of you."

Zhang Wei smiled and responded:

"Wu Nian, be confident, get rid of the feeling, they must be trying to use me to gain momentum, Kim Jung-hyuk died, and the disappearance case has no clue, so you can't find someone to divert your attention, I am the most suitable target .”

in words.

Zhang Wei wanted to laugh out loud...Compared with me, a professional wool-sweeping professional, the Law Defamation Association is crazy.


Although Zhang Chao and Wu Nian persuaded Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei still chose to agree.

There is no other reason.

At noon, he received a text message from Fatty, from which he learned one thing, that the mastermind of the disappearance case of stealing the country was done by Sen Luosi.

Think about it.

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth curled up in his heart, almost turning into a crooked dragon king:

"Sen Luosi? I know him very well."


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