Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 568 Take Over The Disappearance Case

Seoul National University, the gate.

at this time.

Staff from the Defamation Law Association came out, and he had already negotiated with Zhang Wei. As he walked out of the school gate, making sure that no one was around, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the president of the Defamation Law Association.

【Chairman, Zhang Wei has agreed to investigate the disappearance case】


the other side.

Defamation Law Society.

When the information was received, the chairman immediately informed the senior officials present.

"This Zhang Wei is really still a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers, so he agreed."

"I think he may not be arrogant, but he is aware of our strategy. After all, we are quite obvious, but since we have invited him, it doesn't matter whether he agrees or not. The arrow has to be fired."

"I have the same opinion as you. I have read Zhang Wei's information. It is impossible for him to be conceited and arrogant. He must have guessed our strategy, but he was a little surprised. He didn't even think about it, so he agreed immediately."

"It won't be a problem, it's so refreshing to promise."

"It can only be said that he is aware of it, but he is not afraid of our actions. He feels that he has the ability to catch the mastermind, and he is more or less confident in his ability."

"Indeed, he has no idea how difficult the disappearance case is."


at the same time.

Seoul National University dormitory.

"Zhang Wei, do you really have a way to catch the mastermind? Don't overturn the car. If you can't catch it, then the international joke will not be Kim Jung Hyuk, but you."

Zhang Chao said.

After some calm thinking, as the successor of the Maoshan faction, Zhang Chao also understood.

Wu Nian also clasped his hands together:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, did you really arrest me as the mastermind of the disappearance?"

Lu Lianxue said with a worried face:

"I called Captain Lin just now and asked him to help investigate the disappearance case. I heard that the Defamation Law Association hired a fortune teller to solve the disappearance case. Zhang Wei, are you sure there is a way to solve it?"

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile, patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, my 1,000-odd episodes of Detective Conan are not for nothing. If it doesn't work, I will ask Conan to come out and help me solve the case."

Wu Nian: "????"

Zhang Chao: "????"

Lu Lianxue: "????"

It is naturally impossible for Zhang Wei to say that the missing case was done by Sen Luosi. He can only find a reason casually. After all, there is currently no clue to prove that the missing case is Sen Luosi. Things are exposed.

Also at this time.

"Wo Ri, show or Zhang Wei you show, by the way, Zhang Wei, did you bring Conan figure?"

Zhang Chao gave a thumbs up and his eyes fell on Zhang Wei's suitcase.

"I didn't bring it, why don't Zhang Chao and Wu Nian buy one for me now? Hehe."

"Shit, you want to prostitute a figure for nothing. Forget it. For the sake of winning glory for Daxia, if you can find the mastermind, it will also increase my reputation for Daxia. I will buy it right away."

"Amitabha, come and pay me the money, little monk. Besides...why I also buy the figure of Sherlock Holmes? Isn't Conan the original Sherlock Holmes?"

"That makes sense, so why not just buy the figure of the detective aunt in the cartoon "Duck Detective" I watched when I was a child, I don't know if she steals the state, that is also a detective, and then buy all the animation figures of other detectives side."

"Amitabha, I feel that I can also buy the figure of the black cat sheriff."

Wu Nian just finished speaking.

Lu Lianxue also added:

"The black cat sheriff probably won't steal the country. After all, it's made in China, but you can buy Brother Yixiu's figure, which is famous all over the world."


Zhang Chao and the others all mentioned some smart or detective anime characters. Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Buy it all, it doesn't cost me anyway, but before that, shouldn't we find a ghost to test the magic weapon I gave Xia Mei?"

Immediately afterwards.

Watching off Wu Nian and Zhang Chao to buy figurines, Zhang Wei picked up his phone and sent a text message to Fatty:

【Zhang Wei】: Is Brother Fat there?

[Fatty Man]: Hey, why is Zhang Wei looking for me at this time, isn't he being gentle with Miss Lu Lianxue?

[Zhang Wei]: It’s not even dark yet, let me ask you, was Kim Jung-hyuk killed by a gardener? I was approached by the Defamation Law Association today, saying that Kim Jung-hyuk was dead.

[Fatty]: I killed it with the gardener. Hehe, how about it? Am I a force? The top ghost, Wang Yue, kills the half-step real dragon guard. Speaking of which, what did the Defamation Law Association ask you for? You don't want to be a scapegoat, do you? Is the Malaysian Defamation Law Association tired of working?

【Zhang Wei】: That's not true, I have an alibi, but they want to use me to draw fire.

Zhang Wei did not hide anything, and revealed the deal with the Defamation Law Association.


[Fatty]: A half-step national magic weapon? They have spent enough money to attract firepower. If you find the gardener, you will make a lot of money.

【Zhang Wei】: Hey, it's not just numbness, it's bloody orgasm convulsions, so, I'm not looking for Fat Brother to discuss with you, is there any way to disclose it or invite the gardener to come out or something.

[Fatty]: This is a bit difficult. The reason why the gardener was not discovered is that she didn't do things herself, but let her companion ghosts do it.

[Fatty]: And currently only I know where the gardener is. If you find the gardener, I will be easily exposed.

For fat brother's answer.

Zhang Wei was not surprised, his expression was calm. He had expected this, and he had a second plan in his mind, which was to recruit Conan and Yixiu to solve the case. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. There must be clues left in the disappearance case. Sergeant Cat, Yixiu and the others brainstormed together, and they will definitely find it.


Just when Zhang Wei was about to reply to Fat Brother.

Fat brother sent a message.

[Fatty]: Although I can't reveal it to you or help you lead out the gardener, I may have a way to let you find the gardener, or let the gardener deliberately let you find the mastermind of the disappearance case.

Fatty said and recalled not long ago, Sen Luosi went out to Sakura Country. That was something that in his memory, one of the few gardeners did it by themselves.

I still remember.

At that time, the tailor also said that apart from loving beauty, the gardener also had a sense of honor and disgrace.

【Zhang Wei】: True or false? Fat brother can do it, you can actually convince the gardener.

[Fatty]: I'm just saying that there is a way, but it may not be successful. I can try it, and I won't expose myself anyway.

[Fatty]: The gardener is not the same as other high-level executives of Sen Luosi. He, Sen Luo, and Yin-Yang are all doing their own way. Basically, except for meetings, they don’t have much interaction with our other high-level executives. Unlike dumb people and glasses, they can talk occasionally. bullshit.

[Fat Man]: So Zhang Wei, don't put too much hope on me.

[Zhang Wei]: It's okay, fat brother, you try it first, if it doesn't work, I will use another plan.


the other side.

That night.

Seoul City, in the villa manor.

The fat man looked at the international forum, and as the news that Zhang Wei promised to steal the country to take over the disappearance case spread in the forum, he got up and walked to the gardener's room.


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