Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 569 Godmother And Godson's Friend's Battle Of Wits And Courage Kills Three Birds W

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

In the room, the gardener whose face was stuck to Zhang Ping's portrait was slightly startled.

"Whether the gardener is here or not, it's my dead house."

The fat man said.

"looking for me?"

The gardener glanced at Zhang Ping's portrait. She didn't want to let the other senior executives of Sen Luosi know about Zhang Ping, and she didn't intend to let the fat man enter the room.

"I want to discuss something with you about Zhang Wei. I just got the latest information about Zhang Wei."

"Huh? Zhang Wei's?"

When mentioning his godson Zhang Wei, the gardener frowned and said without thinking:

"Okay, you go to the lobby and wait for me."

"it is good."

The fat man nodded, wondering if the gardener had the habit of sleeping with fruit, but it didn't matter, anyway, he had been in a tailor's room before, and he would be embarrassed if he did.


Not long.

When the gardener came to the hall, he saw the fat man sitting on the sofa and eating potato chips.

"It's pretty quick, I thought all of you girls would just leave the room in a hurry."

The fat man put down the potato chips in his hand and slapped off the potato chip powder in his hand.

Also at this time.

The gardener sat straight on the sofa and asked first:

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what about the information you got about Zhang Wei? Will it affect dealing with Zhang Wei?"

in words.

The gardener has already crossed his hands and prayed... God bless, hurry up, I hope it is about intelligence that can affect the response to Zhang Wei, and some bad information will affect the response plan.

Fatty has no inkblots.

Passed over the mobile phone that logged into the international forum and said:

"This is what I saw on the international forum just now. Zhang Wei made a deal with the Defamation Law Association to actively investigate the disappearance case behind your back and wants to arrest you."

As soon as his words came out.

The gardener was stunned for a moment, but on the surface his face was gloomy, with a cold look:

"Heh, I haven't taken the initiative to find the door yet, so Zhang Wei came to the door first, right? Is this a self-inflicted trap?"


The gardener in my heart is stomping... Godson, what are you doing, you are throwing yourself into a trap, godmother, how can I help you out of trouble.

Just thinking about it.

The fatty was startled when he heard the gardener's tone, thinking that the gardener was going to kill Zhang Wei immediately, he quickly raised his hand and said:

"Gardener, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, I haven't finished my sentence yet, Zhang Wei actually took the initiative to come to the door and provoke you and me invisibly, but I received information. The reason for the association transaction is that the Defamation Law Association has paid a lot of money."

The fat man raised a finger and continued:

"A magic weapon of half-step township level, this is the extra reward given by the slander association. That magic weapon is very powerful. It used to be a magic weapon of township level, but it was damaged and became a half-step township level. If you can Restoration is enough to become a town-level magic weapon, which is a good thing."

That's all for words.

The fat man giggled, with eyes full of money:

"If we, Sen Luosi, can have this magic weapon and repair it, it means that in addition to the summoning banner, we also have a township-level magic weapon card. National-level ghost exorcists and ghosts are hard to come by."

"So I think, just killing Zhang Wei, in fact, it's our Sen Luosi's revenge at most, but if we can kill Zhang Wei and get the half-step town state-level magic weapon, the harvest is a big deal." The villain-level harvest, think about it, I think it is very compelling."

"This is not only to impress Senluosi, but also to let foreign ghost exorcist associations once again feel how terrifying our Senluosi is, knowing that we not only have the strength to deal with Weidaosi, but also can touch the whole world, tsk tsk tsk, It’s cool, I love it.”

Immediately afterwards.

As the fat man said this, he saw the gardener Dai Mei raised his eyebrows slightly, and said:

"Huh? Hearing you say that, you mean that you want to deal with Zhang Wei later, and wait for him to get the half-step town state-level magic weapon?"

bottom of my heart.

The gardener murmured... Dead house, answer yes quickly, say yes quickly, say yes quickly.

at the same time.

Feeling the gardener's staring gaze, the fat man's heart trembled... No, I said delaying dealing with Zhang Wei, to make the gardener unhappy, yes, the gardener has never liked to be sloppy, forget it, let's talk about it first, when the time comes See tricks and split tricks.

I thought about it.

The fat man nodded and said:

"Yes, my idea is, if we can wait for Zhang Wei to get the half-step town state-level magic weapon, it's not too late to do it."

can be seen.

When the gardener heard Fatty's words, he burst into laughter from the bottom of his heart... Haha, it's really like this, okay, okay, this proposal is very good. In this way, when my godson has a half-step town state-level magic weapon, even if it's me In addition to the dead house, it is also difficult to deal with him.


Happy to be happy, the gardener was afraid of being suspected by the fat man, and on the surface he looked unhappy:

"If we can get the half-step town state-level magic weapon, it is indeed useful for me, Sen Luosi, but Si Zhai, I remember what you said just now, Zhang Wei wants to get the half-step town state-level magic weapon to find out the missing person. Case, that is to say find me, you want me to sell it?"


The gardener must have been angry.

Fatty thought in his heart that he was not good, and quickly waved his hands and said:

"No, no, I did say that Zhang Wei needs to arrest the mastermind of the disappearance case in order to make a deal. Although the mastermind is you, why do you have to go and be arrested in person? The country thief doesn't know that the mastermind is you."

"You want to find a scapegoat for Zhang Wei to catch and let Zhang Wei complete the deal. In this way, I don't have to show up, but Zhang Wei can get the half-step town state-level magic weapon, killing two birds with one stone."

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. In this way, if we kill Zhang Wei, we can also obtain the half-step town's state-level magic weapon, and you don't have to expose it."

The fat man replied with a smile.

bottom of my heart.

But the fat man couldn't help but add...hehe, when Zhang Wei gets the half-step national-level magic weapon, with his ability, even your gardener can't deal with Zhang Wei, hey! My fat man is really a genius, how could I think of such an awesome opportunity, I am worthy of being the strongest villain, there are so many villain ideas.

the other side.

The gardener also couldn't help laughing in his heart... This fat man's thoughts are very pleasing to me. With the indirect help of this fat man, I don't have to be afraid of hurting you as a godson or godmother.

The more I think about it, the happier I am.

The gardener couldn't help but look at the fat man more... With me here, even if you are a high-ranking member of Senluosi, you have to turn my son's disadvantages into advantages.

At this moment.

Seeing the gardener's silence, the fat man couldn't help but increase his firepower and said:

"Actually, after I found out about the deal between Zhang Wei and the Defamation Law Association, after I did an investigation, I found out that the reason why the Defamation Law Association traded with Zhang Wei and gave such a big reward was not just because you, the gardener, made them lose face. .”

"The most important thing is to use Zhang Wei to attract attention. Although Zhang Wei is a person on our Senluosi blacklist, I have to say that he has a great influence in the world. If he fails to catch the disappearance case, the law will be slandered." The association will use it to make a fuss, public opinion Zhang Wei, public opinion Daxia."

"This is no longer playing tricks on Zhang Wei, but a slap on the face of Daxia. If Zhang Wei can arrest the mastermind, not only can we get the half-step national magic weapon and kill Zhang Wei, but we can also slap the face and slander the law." Association, kill three birds with one stone."

Words speak.

The fat man obviously saw it, and the gardener looked up.


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