Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 570 We Are Professional Players Of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Words speak.

The fat man obviously saw it, and the gardener looked up.



Fatty was overjoyed and felt that it must be his own words. The sentence of stealing the country and wanting to use Zhang Wei diverted the attention of international forums to Zhang Wei, and even Daxia, which attracted the attention of gardeners.


In fact.

The reason why the gardener looked over was that he almost couldn't hold back his laughter... I was still thinking about whether to pretend to be thinking, to be a little reserved, to avoid being exposed, you are good, you gave me a lore, that's all right now, I don't have to act too much.

Think here.

The gardener's beautiful dimple has a chill:

"Are you sure? Stealing the country wants to use Zhang Wei to make a fuss in Daxia?"

"Affirmative and affirmative, this point, I think Gardener, take a look at the transaction between Zhang Wei and Thief, from the perspective of you and me, it is easy to judge."

To this.

The gardener picked up his mobile phone, checked the content of the transaction between Zhang Wei and the Defamation Law Association, and after thinking about it, he already judged that the fat man was right:

"Those damned guys who stole the country, just stole my Daxia culture, but now they even want to steal their face, don't they? Well, these guys are more damned than Zhang Wei, dead house, just do what you say, I will take care of the matter, and I will personally tell Sen Luo to delay Zhang Wei."

"Hmph! Except for me, Sen Luosi, Daxia, don't even try to touch me."

The words did not fall.

The gardener added in his heart...Godson, with a godmother around, no one can touch your life.


The gardener looked at the fat man and said:

"Go and pay more attention to the movement of the Defamation Law Association. I will find a way to get a substitute mastermind. I just killed Kim Jung-hyuk. I can use his body to produce a half-step national-level mastermind, and let Jin Zheng He will be blamed until death."


The fat man smiled and nodded, and glanced at the direction of Seoul University in the distance... Zhang Wei, for you, I, the villain, have worked so hard, and my words have been broken, but fortunately I lived up to expectations. It's done for you, and the gardener took the bait!

Same time.

Hearing the fat man's reply, the gardener also nodded... Very good, the dead house is hooked! As long as he pays attention to the Defamation Law Association, he will have no extra energy to pay attention to my godson!


the other side.

Seoul National University, the gate.

Zhang Wei walked out with Lu Lianxue, and waved to Zhang Chao and Wu Nian who were waiting in front.

"Xiaoxue, look at us coming out at this time, does it look like an affair?"

While waving his hands, Zhang Wei joked to Lu Lianxue.

Lu Lianxue gave Zhang Wei a white look, and subconsciously checked the time on her phone. It is now 11:30 in the evening, let alone the school gate, and the entire Seoul University is quiet. If you don’t look at Zhang Chao and Wu Nian in the distance, just look at her Going out to meet Zhang Wei, a man and a woman, no matter how you look at it, you feel that some violent collision will happen at any time.

at this time.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian came up, Zhang Chao said bluntly:

"I said Zhang Wei, you can figure it out, I thought you couldn't get out."

"Haha, that's not true. I just called Xiaoxue. I don't worry about Xiaoxue staying in school alone. After all, she is also a ghost exorcist, and she may be targeted by the disappearance case."

The voice did not fall.

Zhang Wei looked at Wu Nian and the others and said:

"Have you found the ghost? If you find it, let's go and verify the magic weapon for Xia Mei's game."

In fact.

The reason why Zhang Wei made this point was not to do anything with Lu Lianxue, but to make an agreement with Zhang Chao and Wu Nian to find a ghost to test the power of the game cards, so that Wu Nian could rest assured that this is A magic weapon for Natsumi.

As for bringing Lu Lianxue, as Zhang Wei said, he knows that he is currently being watched by the gardener. As Lu Lianxue is one of his most important people, the gardener will deal with him if he is not.

"Amitabha, the little monk found a ghost whose strength is not very strong."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"It's okay, let's give it a try. Anyway, there are ghosts. If you don't try, it's useless. It's not Daxia's ghost. Don't feel bad."

Zhang Chao also nodded in agreement:

"Let's go, I can't wait to see the game cards, and I have to hurry up, the ghost is not far away, I set up a magic circle to trap it, but I can't guarantee that there will be ghost exorcists from the Law Defamation Association passing by, Don't be pre-empted."

Zhang Wei nodded, did not go to the ink marks, and went to the place of the ghost with Zhang Chao and the others.


Before leaving, he glanced at the corner of the gate of Seoul University behind him without any trace, and quickly looked away without much action.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chao asked.

"It's nothing, it seems that the Defamation Law Association is very worried about us."


the other side.

Defamation Law Association, President's Office. .

"President, Zhang Wei has left Seoul National University."

A member of the Defamation Law Association knocked on the door and came in, whispering in his ear.

Although they made a deal with Zhang Wei, and they were very sure that Zhang Wei would not be able to complete the deal, the Defamation Law Association was not completely relieved and sent someone to monitor Zhang Wei.

To this.

The chairman, who was looking at the report on Kim Jung Hyuk's death information, looked up and said with a smile:

"Are you going to act at this point in time? I thought Zhang Wei was completely confident. It seems that he is also impatient and wants to investigate the disappearance case as soon as possible."

The words did not fall.

He lightly waved his hand and ordered:

"Continue to be monitored and tell me Zhang Wei's current affairs."

"Okay, President."


at the same time.

Stealing the city of Seoul, a residential area that is about to be demolished and rebuilt.


In an old residential building, there was a bang sound like a heavy object knocking. If you look carefully, it is a ghost, full of resentment. It is clearly standing in an empty residential room, but it is like crazy In the same way, he waved his fists around.


As it punched away, there was a wave of water ripples in the space in front of it, and a huge ancient Daxia rune appeared, as if there were invisible walls surrounding it, surrounding it , even its resentment couldn't be released, and it was completely trapped in place.

"Axi, what the hell is this, let me out!!"

The ghost opened its mouth to spit out a cloud of resentment, hitting the invisible rune wall in front of it, but apart from the ripples, no physical attack or ghost attack could break through it.

Just when the resentful ghost was in despair.

"Yo, Zhang Chao, your Maoshan technique is pretty good."

"Haha, where is it, it's just a small skill."

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, that's the ghost that the little monk said."

One after another sound came.

The resentful ghost followed the sound towards the door, and saw four young figures walking from outside the door, three men and one woman, all looking directly at him, clearly seeing his infiltrating ghostly appearance, but he was not afraid at all , but still talking and laughing.

"Defamation Law Association?"

The resentful ghost's pupils shrank, thinking that Zhang Wei and the others belonged to the Law Defamation Association. Ordinary people would not react this way when they saw ghosts.

Also at this time.

In response to the ghost's reaction, Zhang Chao jumped up and shook his finger:

"No, no, no, we are not a small garbage organization like the Defamation Law Association."

【Ding! Resentful ghost...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

"Then who are you?"

The resentful ghost subconsciously asked.

Words come out.

Zhang Chao sang to Zhang Wei who was on the side:

"Zhang Wei, who do you think we are?"

Zhang Wei grinned and said slowly:

"Us? We are professional Yu-Gi-Oh card players. My name is Yugi Muto. You can call me 'Pharaoh'."


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