Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 571 Wu Nian: The Little Monk Draws Cards First, Summons The Black Magician Girl, This Round

【Ding! The resentful ghost froze for a moment]

[Host obtains system points +60]

The resentful ghost thought he heard it wrong, but in the next second, Zhang Wei's voice continued to come.

"Then this is my good friend, Jonai."

Zhang Wei pointed to Zhang Chao beside him and introduced.


Zhang Chao smiled at the resentful ghost, put his fingers together on the temples, then pointed forward, and said handsomely:

"Yo Leu Saiku, my name is Jouchi, and the decks I'm good at are mostly cards that rely on gambling to produce effects and warrior monsters. The most important card is 'True Red-Eyed Black Dragon'."

Resentful ghost: "????"

【Ding! Resentful ghost... are you fucking kidding me, Muto Yuki, Jouchi, are you pretending that I haven't seen Yu-Gi-Oh? Then who is the bald head next to you? 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Just when Zhang Wei was about to introduce Wu Nian.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, shaking his head dumbfoundingly:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao, let's experiment quickly."

Seeing this, Lu Lianxue chuckled and saw Wu Nian's thoughts. Most likely, Wu Nian was not in a hurry to call, but was afraid that Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao would introduce him to a fucking identity.

"That's right, I have to test it quickly. If the ghost exorcists from the Law Defamation Association find out that they come to drive out ghosts, it will be difficult to experiment."

Zhang Wei agrees.


The resentful ghost saw Zhang Wei, who called himself "Wu Teng Yu", and signaled Wu Nian to step forward to deal with it. Zhang Wei led Lu Lianxue and Zhang Chao to stand around to prevent the resentful ghost from escaping.


Wu Nian stepped forward, put his hands together and said to the resentful ghost in front:

"Amitabha, the ghost benefactor has offended."

next moment.

The talisman was full of light, and the pupils of the resentful ghost shrank suddenly, and found the invisible wall trapping him, which was released by Zhang Chao casually pinching his hand.

Just haven't had time to be happy.

"not good!"

The resentful ghost noticed Wu Nian's actions in front of him, and saw that he reached out to wipe it in his pocket, thinking that Wu Nian was going to deal with it. After all, Wu Nian is dressed like a monk, even a fool can tell that the other party is a monk. Monk is also a profession of exorcising ghosts.

Combining Zhang's conversation with them before, the resentful ghost subconsciously thought that Wu Nian should use something to drive away the ghost, otherwise the other party would not be able to break the trap.

But it was the next second.

【Ding! The resentful ghost was stunned... Fuck? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +70]


The resentful ghost saw what Wu Nian took out from his pocket, it was a pair of... Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

Same time.

Afraid that the ghosts would die too soon, Wu Nian took the game card, folded his hands together and kindly reminded:

"Amitabha, the benefactor of ghosts, the little monk is going to exorcise you, please be careful, don't be easily defeated by the little monk."


The corner of the resentful ghost's mouth twitched.

【Ding! Resentful ghost, am I crazy, or is it a hallucination now, the monk took out the Yu-Gi-Oh card to... kill me? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Looking at Wu Nian's handsome face and serious gaze, the resentful ghost was even more confused.

Also at this time.

Wu Nian took the game card and glanced at Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei gave him a look immediately, as if to say, "Go on, Wu Nian, let's start according to the method I said." '


Wu Nian's eyelids twitched, finally sighed, put his hands together and said:


The words did not fall.

Wu Nian looked at the resentful ghost and said:

"Amitabha, the battle has begun. The little monk is the first to act. Draw... Draw a card, summon, summon the black magician girl."


Accompanied by Wu Nian, he pulled out a game card and put it in front of his left arm. A scene that stunned the resentful ghost appeared. Cards are placed on the dueling tray.

The classic Yu-Gi-Oh duel sounded.

The resentful ghost saw...

A word '4000' appeared in the lower left corner in front of Wu Nian, that was the HP of players in the Yu-Gi-Oh duel, whoever lost 4000 HP first would lose.


This is not what stunned the resentful ghost the most, but in front of Wu Nian, the light bloomed, and a cute beautiful girl wearing a magician's hat and holding a cute magic wand appeared.

Same time.

A numerical sign also appeared in the lower left corner of the magical girl, with two numerical values ​​written up and down:

[atk: 2000]

[def: 1700]

The resentful ghost's eyes widened, and he could no longer suppress the shock in his heart and cried out:


【Ding! Resentful ghost... I Cao? ! It's the game card Black Magician Girl! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Think here.

The resentful ghost instinctively looked at Wu Nian, who was wearing cassock and holding a duel disk, and then looked at the 4000 health display in the lower left corner.

for a while.

The resentful ghost stares into silence

【Ding! Resentful ghost... Xiba! Are you kidding me, is this a monk? 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Not only the resentful ghost, but also the surveillance staff of the Law Defamation Association who were hiding aside were also stunned, their eyes popping out.

just now.

Watching Wu Nian step forward and put his hand into his pocket, the surveillance personnel couldn't help but feel excited:

"The Wutai Mountain monk in Daxia is about to make a move. This is because he is going to take out the Buddhist string. Let me see, what is the difference between the monk in Daxia and the monk in Stole Kingdom to exorcise ghosts."

As far as he knows.

The monks in Daxia drive away ghosts, most of them use superduplication, and use Buddhist tools such as wooden fish, magic staff, and Buddha strings to drive out ghosts. The surveillance personnel wanted to know whether Monk Daxia really used hot weapons to exorcise ghosts, or whether he used Buddhist tools.

But the idea just came out.

When Wu Nian took out the game card, the surveillance personnel were dumbfounded:

"Axi, you are kidding me, isn't that a game card, what the hell is this monk doing, wait, maybe he found me, and deliberately acted for me?"

is talking.

With the mindless drawing of cards, the black magician girl was summoned, the duel disk appeared in his hand, and the life value was displayed.

The surveillance personnel froze in place. I was stunned for a few seconds before I came back to my senses, and then I looked like I saw a ghost, and screamed in my heart:

"Fuck?! Summoned, summoned?!"

in words.

The surveillance personnel stared intently at Wunian's duel disk and the black magician girl. Although they didn't want to think about it, the reality in front of them still made an unbelievable thought pop up in their minds...

Drafting, who said that Monk Daxia exorcising ghosts has become very violent, using hot weapons, this damn is clearly not merciful, and using a very fair turn-based "Yu-Gi-Oh Duel".

Think about it.

The supervisors murmured in surprise:

"I understand now why the recent international forums have been saying that Da Xia exorcising ghosts is advancing with the times. Monk Nima's wooden fish and Buddhist strings are no longer used. It's time to use game cards?"

In the self-talk.

A picture appeared in his mind.

That was when the monks from Wutai Mountain in Daxia went out to exorcise ghosts. They took out game cards, summoned duel disks, and had a fierce round-based duel with ghosts and monsters. Among them, the monks shouted "Amitabha, summon the blue-eyed white dragon! The poor monk!" Round introduction!", "My Buddha is merciful, I activate the trap card!".

at this time.

There was a vibration in his pocket. It was a call from the surveillance officer's mobile phone. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from the Law Defamation Association.


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