Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 573 Evolution Of Resentful Ghost, Obelisk's Colossus

Hearing the screams of ghosts and the voice of Osiris Sky Dragon from the phone, the president looked at the assistant beside him, hesitated and said:

"Did you hear it?"

"I heard it, it doesn't seem to be the sound that ghosts can make."

At the end of the assistant's words, he added something in his sounded like the voice of the sky dragon Osiris.

Not only him.

The chairman also had a strange expression, apparently he had the same thoughts as his assistant.

Just when they were stunned, an unbelievable thought popped up in their minds, "Could it be that the surveillance personnel didn't go crazy, and what they said was true."

The phone hangs up.

The surveillance personnel hung up the phone.

next second.

Before the chairman and assistant could think about the reason, the phone rang again, and this time, it was a video call from the surveillance personnel, and the assistant quickly connected the video.


The video screen that came into view made the president and assistant's pupils dilate.

I saw...

In the video, the camera is aimed at a residential building that is about to be demolished not far away. On one of the floors, a red light blooms, and a monster like a legendary dragon appears. It penetrates the building, and the entire giant The body wraps around the building, like a dragon's roots, and the whole body is dark red.

Looking at the phone screen.

The president and assistants were stunned for a few seconds, and when they recovered, they couldn't help shouting:

"Oh, the sky dragon of Osiris!"

"My Cao! Sky Dragon of Osiris!"

Can't go wrong.

The huge body, and the suspected dragon's head, with two upper and lower mouths, no matter where you look at it, it is exactly the same as the sky dragon of Osiris in Yu-Gi-Oh.

"President, look over there."

The assistant stared at the screen, seemed to have noticed something, and quickly pointed to the top of Osiris' sky dragon.

There is a figure standing on it.

He was dressed in cassock, with that handsome face, and his bald head illuminated by the moonlight, the president immediately recognized his identity, it was Wu Nian from Mount Wutai in Great Xia!


Wu Nian clasped his palms together, and there was a game duel disk on his right arm. Besides clasping his palms together, his other hand was holding a deck of Yu-Gi-Oh cards:

"Amitabha, the little monk summoned the sky dragon Osiris."

in words.

Wu Nian couldn't help recalling Zhang Wei's words in his mind... Wu Nian, to use the game card magic tool, you just need to put the card on the duel disk and follow the Yu-Gi-Oh dueling process.

Think back here.

The corner of Wu Nian's mouth twitched, even though his six senses were clean, he still felt like he was dying:

"Amitabha, this... the game card is very powerful, but can it be used by Natsumi..."

That's all for words.

The picture of Xia Mei picking up the game card, drawing the card, shamelessly putting the card on the duel board, and summoning the black magician girl appeared in his mind. Wu Nian clasped his hands together involuntarily:

"It's a sin, a sin, the little monk actually thinks that the death of Xia Mei's almsgiver is quite interesting, Buddha, please forgive me for the sinful imagining just now."


Wu Nian clasped his hands together, looking down at the resentful ghost who was already sitting on the ground in fright:

"Amitabha, the benefactor of ghosts, if you haven't done it yet, the little monk will help you."

When the resentful ghost heard it, he instinctively looked towards the Osiris sky dragon that penetrated the ceiling:

【Ding! Resentful ghost...Your sister who is behind you, you beat me with the card of the gods, how can I fight, unless I become Obelisk's giant soldier]

[Host obtains system points +70]

Just as the resentful ghost was thinking, he was ready to be saved.

A voice came.

"Wu Nian, be careful, this ghost is going to make a big move."

Listening to the system prompt in his mind, Zhang Wei grinned and said with a mouthful of white teeth.


Both Zhang Chao and Lu Lianxue noticed Zhang Wei's expression. They knew Zhang Wei's temper. When they saw his expression, they already knew what bad idea Zhang Wei was thinking.

It's just that they haven't asked yet.

Zhang Wei had already looked at the resentful ghost, and immediately used the ability 'do whatever he wants' that he had obtained from the system.

next moment.

【Ding! Resentful ghost... huh? I'm going to make a big move? Why don't I know, I almost believed what you said...]

[Host obtains system points +80]

Just as the resentful ghost was thinking about it, his face suddenly changed, and he felt his body change suddenly, and the strong change caused him to let out a heart-piercing cry:


Sudden change.

Whether it was Wu Nian, Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue, the surveillance staff, or the president, they all noticed, and then, while they were dumbfounded, the resentful ghost held his head and roared. Become more than ten meters high, as huge as a titan.

Look again.

The current resentful ghost is no longer what it used to be, with a blue body, devil-like horns on its head, and muscles all over its body.

Not to mention Zhang Chao and the others, even the resentful ghosts were stunned seeing their changes.

【Ding! Resentful ghost... I Cao? ! Are you kidding, I said casually, did I really become a giant soldier of Obelisk? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

at the same time.

Zhang Chao was also dumbfounded. He rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure that he was not mistaken, and yelled out in shock:

"Wori, this, is the gene of this ghost riding a horse mutated? Or was Nima inspired by Wu Nian's potential to fight? the Giant God Soldiers?"

Wu Nian also folded his hands together in astonishment, almost lost his grip on a hand, stood on the head of Osiris' sky dragon, and looked directly at the front, which has become as huge as Osiris' sky dragon, able to match his normal line of sight'Obey Riske's Colossus'

"Amitabha, Buddha, what's going on with this ghost?"

the other side.

Defamation Law Association, President's Office.

at this time.

It was exactly 12 o'clock in the evening, but the voices of "I Cao" came from inside one after another. Listening to the voices, it was the president and assistants uttering one after another.

"My Cao! I'm dazzled? This ghost has become Obelisk's Colossus!"

"Hiss! Our country-stealing ghosts can transform into Obelisk's giant soldiers?"

this moment.

Rao even the powerful president was a little dazed. He didn't know why this happened, let alone being an ordinary person's surveillance officer. He watched the ghost transform and asked directly:

"My God, President, Mr. Assistant, can ghosts still transform? Oh my God, isn't this Obelisk's giant soldier?"

"'s impossible to transform, I've never seen it before."

The assistant answered subconsciously.

The surveillance staff said in astonishment:

"Can't transform? But how did this change? Could it be... this is not a resentful ghost at all, but the giant soldier of Obelisk? My Cao, no wonder Zhang Wei and the others came out in the middle of the night, so it was to find the God Card ? Or is it that the resentful ghost was beaten and evolved into Obelisk's giant soldier? Is this how Wu Nian's game magic weapon came from?"

Although the surveillance staff's guess was shitty, the president and assistants wanted to refute it, but looking at the Obelisk giant soldier in the video, they didn't know how to refute it for a while.


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