Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 574 Congratulations, Successfully Subdued The God Card, Oberik's Giant God Soldier


The president stared at the 'Oberisk's Giant God Soldiers' on the screen. If it was before, he thought the observers were crazy, but now he saw the sky dragon of Osiris appear with his own eyes, and he also saw the resentful ghost transforming into Oberi Sk's giant soldier, he once thought he was crazy.

Until Osiris' Sky Dragon fought with Obelisk's Colossus.

The president only spoke, and the first sentence was an order:

"Hurry up, ask someone to go to this demolition area, and show me if there are really giant god soldiers and sky dragons, no, you go directly."

Afraid that others might lie, the president sent his most trusted assistant to go.

But the next second.

Without waiting for the assistant to respond, the president stopped the assistant and said bluntly:

"No, I'll go with you, I'll go in person, let's go!"

He decided to go and see for himself.

Say it and do it.

The president and the assistant picked up the video phone and rushed to the scene while maintaining the video call and paying attention to the situation.


the other side.

A demolition area in Seoul.

boom! !

The sound of the building collapsing and rumbling sounded.

I saw a residential building collapsed in this residential area that was about to be demolished. It was Obelisk's giant soldier. It penetrated the building and punched Osiris' sky dragon that was entangled in the building.

To this.

Osiris' sky dragon let out a roar, rolled up Zhang Wei, Wu Nian and the others to avoid Obelisk's giant soldier, the other party's fist was empty and hit the building heavily, and the huge fist slammed the building down.

【Ding! The resentful ghost gasped... Hiss! I am so strong! Is this the power of Obelisk's Colossus, love it, love it. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Looking at the collapsed building, the smoke and dust that aroused from the sky submerged half of his huge body, and he was still standing in the ruins. Even the smoke and dust could not cover his huge size, and the resentful ghost looked at his huge fists excitedly.

just now.

The resentful ghost who transformed into Obelisk's giant god soldier didn't understand why he became like this, but he didn't have time to think about it. Osiris' sky dragon attacked, and he had no choice but to punch back.

And this counterattack, it found that it was very strong, not only changed its appearance, but also became much stronger, just like Obelisk's giant soldier.

for a while.

The resentful ghost got excited and took the initiative to attack the sky dragon that was facing Osiris.

【Ding! The resentful ghost sneered... I am also a card of God now, and you are also a card of God. It is impossible to defeat me! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]


A battle broke out between the resentful ghost and the sky dragon of Osiris. Both of them had wings, and they couldn't help but fight from the ground to the sky.


at this time.

Near the demolition area.

"Is it sick, Xiba, it's midnight now, and the demolition is still going on at this time? Is it disturbing the people!"

A middle-aged man cursed.

He is a resident who lives near the demolition area. The fighting noise of the resentful ghost was so loud that he woke him up. He immediately got up from the bed and prepared to open the window to see the situation. His family lived on the top floor of a 30-story building. You can see the situation in the demolition area.

Then open it and have a look.

He froze, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and finally let out a scream:

"I am Cao!!"

In the demolition area ahead, he saw two giant figures, one red and one blue, they were fighting, the red one was like a dragon, and it opened its mouth to spit out beams of destructive death light, and the blue one was like a titan, and it also opened its mouth to spit out beams of destructive death light , A dazzling light burst out, and all the surrounding buildings that were about to be demolished collapsed.

See here.

The middle-aged man's first reaction was to be confused. When he recovered, he only felt that he was dreaming:

"Monster?! There are monsters!"

Not only him, but many nearby residents were also woken up. The residents living on the upper floors all saw the battle of the resentful ghost, and the shock was undeniable:

"Now the demolition doesn't use technology anymore, what about biological demolition?!"

"Honey! Come out and see Obelisk's Colossus."

"My Cao, the card of God I played has materialized?"

"Axi, son, slap your mother, am I dreaming, I won't let you play 'Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Link' today, is it because the cards in it have come back to life?"

at the same time.

While discussing among the residents, the resentful ghost and the sky dragon of Osiris fought and fought from the ground to the sky.

I saw the 'Obelisk's Giant God Soldier' ​​flap its wings on its back, bend its legs, and suddenly stomp its feet into the sky, causing a strong earthquake. Even the nearby residents can feel it personally. Let them understand that this is not a dream.

the other side.

Standing on the sky faucet of Osiris, Zhang Wei and others who watched the battle at a very close distance also spoke:

"Tuigui, this ghost has become Obelisk's giant soldier, there is something, Wu Nian, Obelisk's sky dragon and Osiris' giant soldier have come out, doesn't this make up the three phantom gods? "

Zhang Chao laughed.

As soon as his words came out.

Wu Nian glanced at Zhang Chao, then at Zhang Wei, then stretched out his hand to draw his card and said: "

"Amitabha, it's really time for a quick battle. The movement is a bit loud. The little monk draws a card and summons Ra's winged dragon."

It's not loud.

But when the resentful ghost who was fighting vigorously heard it, Pang Ran couldn't help but startled:

【Ding! Resentful ghost... Xiba! Forgot, there are three God cards. 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

The resentful ghost didn't even think about it, and turned around to run away.

Now I have been fighting back and forth with the sky dragon of Osiris, and if I let another "Pterodactyl of La" be summoned by the three phantom gods, two against one, it will definitely not be able to fight. But the most powerful of the three phantom gods.

【Ding! The resentful ghost... finally mutated into Obelisk's giant soldier, I can't die easily]

[Host obtains system points +80]

But at this time.

There was a deafening cry.

A gigantic bird-shaped creature appeared, its whole body was golden in color, like the eagle god of ancient Egypt, it spread its wings and blocked the way of the resentful ghost.

【Ding! The resentful ghost... the winged dragon! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

this night.

Many residents living in the demolition area took pictures of a night scene. It was the night sky of Seoul, with bright stars and bright moonlight. Risk's giant soldier, which spits out light from its mouth, and the lower right is Osiris' sky dragon, which also spits out light from its mouth


The president and assistants who had just arrived at the scene also saw it.

I saw...

When the president and assistants rushed to the scene, they all saw the scene where the resentful ghost was bombarded and killed by the pterodactyl dragon and the sky dragon of Osiris.


The resentful ghost who turned into Obelisk's giant god soldier screamed, was smashed into half of his body and died.


With the death of the resentful ghost, Zhang Wei looked at its fallen half corpse, and once again activated the ability to 'do whatever he wants'.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the gaze of the president and assistants.

The dead Obelisk's Giant God Soldier burst into light and turned into a game card, which was "God's Card - Obelisk's Giant God Soldier"!

The God Card slowly fell in the air.

In the end it fell into Wu Nian's hands.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the president and the assistant were both stunned, looking at each other, and they could see the thoughts in each other's eyes... Cao? ! Is the ghost a game card? Or if the mutated ghost is killed, will the game card explode? ? ?

Just when they are sluggish.

Seeing Wu Nian holding Obelisk's Colossus card, Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing and said:

"Wu Nian, you are considered to have successfully subdued Obelisk's Giant God Soldier card, hehe."

It's not loud.

But they all heard the president.

Chairman: "???"


Can't help it.

The president and the assistant looked at each other again... Is this how the game card is received?


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