Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 575 Slander, Pure Slander, Am I This Kind Of Person?

Until Zhang Wei and the others left with the divine card 'Obelisk's Giant God Soldier', the president and the others were still in a daze.

For a while.

The chairman choked out a sentence:

"Go and search for the nearby ghosts and see if you can force them to become game card monsters. If you can, kill them and see if you can explode the game card."

In his view, it is normal for ghosts to transform into all kinds of people. After all, ghosts have the ability to confuse people, but after transformation, they still have the ability to transform into "people". This is impossible, and it is no longer transformation. The body is copied.

But that ghost turned into Obelisk's giant soldier, subverting his cognition, not to mention the president, even the assistants have a strange cognition... The monks in Daxia will not develop a new Exorcism professional bar.

"Okay, President, I'll do it now."


Just when the assistant was about to go to work, the president stopped him again.

"What's the matter, President."

"Help me buy some game cards, and what is the website for watching Yu-Gi-Oh anime?"

in words.

The president's eyes were bright, and he wanted to study the game card to exorcise ghosts.


the other side.

On the way back to Seoul University.

"Wu Nian, how's it going? I got this game card for Xia Mei."

Zhang Wei grinned.

Wu Nian listened, clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, very powerful."

Zhang Chao on the side also patted Wu Nian on the shoulder and said:

"Hey, Wu Nian, take a look, I just said, can the magic weapon given by Zhang Wei be bad? Do you think you still don't trust it? I want to test it. It's not a shame, you have to trust your brother , no thoughts."

As soon as his words came out.

Wu Nian glanced at Zhang Chao, clasped his hands together and said slowly:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, you are changing the subject. At first, you didn't trust the game card Zhang Wei gave you, didn't you?"

"Hey, nonsense, I'm just asking a reasonable question, that's not a question."

Watching the conversation between Zhang Chao and Wu Nian.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Now you know how powerful I am. Speaking of which, I already gave Natsumi a body armor. How about that Zhangchao you? Do you want me to prepare some body armor for Stephanie?"

His words speak out.

Wu Nian couldn't help looking over, Chuchen's eyes were full of curiosity, he really wanted to know what Zhang Wei gave Xia Mei was a game card, what magic weapon would that give Zhang Chao's girlfriend.

But at this time.

Zhang Chao waved his hand and said:

"No need, Stephanie has a magic weapon for protecting herself. I gave Stephanie the balala little magic fairy you gave me. Anyway, I have the sun wheel knife you gave me before, so I don't need to carry it. Running around with Ba La La Xiao Moxian and other skills."

That's all for words.

Zhang Chao showed a wretched smile and said:

"It's fun to think about it. The female wolf Yin is carrying a Ba La La Little Demon Fairy on her shoulders, and then she fights with other ghosts and throws the Ba La La Little Demon Fairy right away."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Chao glanced at Zhang Wei, then smiled lewdly and said:

"However, Zhang Wei, if you want to give me an extra magic weapon, I don't mind. Hey, what magic weapon are you going to give my girlfriend? Elf ball? There are ghost exorcists to deal with Stephanie, so Stephanie throws it directly. Pokéball, accept the ghost exorcist?"

Zhang Wei laughed out loud:

"Your idea is fine. In fact, I just said it casually. I didn't think about giving Stephanie any magic weapon. Besides the elf ball, what else? Wu Nian, can you tell me too?"

"I suggest you don't ask Wu Nian, as for his boring gourd, what good advice can he give, he must be talking about some serious magic weapon consecration, there is no way to hide the body protection magic weapon at all, so as to catch the enemy by surprise effect."

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, don't slander the little monk. The six senses of the little monk are pure, but it's not that they are not out of the world. Well, the little monk understands it very well, especially during the time with Xia Mei's benefactor, the little monk understands a lot."

"Huh? Know a lot?"

This was said by Zhang Chao and Zhang Wei in unison. Both of them showed obscene smiles. Even if they didn't say it, it can be seen that there must be colored thoughts in their minds.

To this.

Wu Nian saw their thoughts, clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, don't think about it. The little monk knows a lot, which refers to serious things. He knows a lot of Internet buzzwords and memes, as well as some popular animations and movies."

"Then tell me, what do you think is good for my girlfriend Stephanie."

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei, Lu Lianxue, and Zhang Chao all looked at Wu Nian, and Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, your behavior can be based on what Bishop Xia Meishi said to me. This is putting pressure on the little monk, but it doesn't matter. The little monk will make a move. Let the little monk think about can give Stephanie a Digimon Digimon Tyrannosaurus Dragon Machine, if you come to Zhang Chao, you will also like it, after all..."

Wu Nian spoke for a while, looked at Zhang Chao, and said:

"Buddha, forgive me for what I said next, all of this is to explain to Zhang Chao, that is... in Zhang Chao's way of thinking, if there is a Digimon machine, you go with Stephanie's benefactor, and you meet ghosts, you You can pick up the Digimon and give Stephanie a digital evolution."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Chao's eyes lit up, and Zhang Wei also laughed out loud:

"Wu Nian, you can do it. This idea is really good. Indeed, with Zhang Chao's aggressive personality, if Stephanie has a Digimon machine, she can digitally evolve. If Zhang Chao is present, let Stephanie evolve. Then they are not only male and female friends, but also the relationship between the master and the Digimon, which is a little exciting to think about."


Zhang Wei elbowed Zhang Chao:

"Tell me, are you fantasizing about the digital evolution of Stephanie, such as making Stephanie evolve into a flower fairy beast? Celestial female beast?"

"Cough, nonsense, slander, pure slander, am I this kind of person? Who do you think I am!"

Zhang Chao blushed and coughed.

But before he finished speaking, he coughed and added:

"But this time I lose, Wu Nian you gave a good idea, I think the Digimon machine is very good, or... Zhang Wei, I will buy a Digimon machine tomorrow, let me tell you first, I am just simple Wanting to give Stephanie multiple amulets has no other meaning."

"I understand, I understand, I understand."

"Amitabha, Buddha, please forgive me for being friends with such obscene people."

that's it.

They chatted all the way back to Seoul University.

Having to say goodbye to Wu Nian and Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue walked into the school.

en route.

"Xiaoxue, why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, I was just thinking, you promised Zhang Chao to give her girlfriend a Digimon machine, why did you buy three Digimon machines? Doesn't his girlfriend only need one, and the other two? Who are these two for? , I'm wondering if it's what I think."

"Yes, that's what you think."

Zhang Wei seemed to know what Lu Lianxue was going to say, bluntly said with a smile:

"I think Wu Nian's suggestion is good. Ask Zhang Chao to buy me two more Digimon machines, and then give them to you and Xiao Mantou to protect you."

"Are you sure you're just protecting us?"

Lu Lianxue narrowed her eyes, imitating Xiao Mantou's eyes and looking at Zhang Wei with a smile.


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