"Huh? What do you mean?"

Zhang Wei replied when he heard the words, with a look of 'what are you talking about? I can't understand' expression, and then continued:

"The Digimon machine is given to you and Xiao Mantou. Besides protecting yourself, what else can it do? Xiaoxue, let me hear it."


Xiaoxue blushed, and lightly tapped Zhang Wei, knowing that Zhang Wei was deliberately asking her to speak out what she was thinking, if it were Qiu Xiaolin, she might have said it, but Lu Lianxue was more shy.

Immediately afterwards.

Seeing Zhang Wei grinning, Lu Lianxue further confirmed that Zhang Wei was pretending to be stupid, so she couldn't help pinching his waist:

"They're all here to steal the country, and they still drive every day."

"Isn't stealing a country more suitable for driving? Look at the news about stealing a country. There are so many female stars being unspoken by chaebols."

Zhang Wei touched his chin as he spoke, and said without pretending:

"But to be honest, Xiaoxue, you have got the point. I think it is possible to develop the Digimon for you and Xiaomantou. Xiaoxue, do you want to become a Celestial Beast? Or a Rose Beast? Or something else?"

"Transform into Steel Garuru, I'll bite you to death."

Lu Lian gave Zhang Wei a white look.

"It's fine to bite me, but it's fine to transform into Steel Garuru."

Zhang Wei pinched Lu Lianxue's face and smiled.


The two talked and laughed, talking about how to go back to use the Digimon machine with Qiu Xiaolin, and walked back to the dormitory.


the other side.

In a villa estate in Seoul.

at this time.

Although the gardener and the fat man were in the middle of the night, they didn't rest. They were sitting on the sofa, talking about the next matter of getting Zhang Wei the half-step national magic weapon.

Jingle Bell.

A cell phone rang, interrupting their conversation.

The gardener picked up the phone to look at it, Dai Mei raised his eyebrows slightly, it was the call from Sen Luo:

"Sen Luo called me."

The gardener said to the fat man on the side, and picked up the phone, and Sen Luo's voice came from inside:

"How is Zhang Wei's matter handled? I heard that a national-level ghost exorcist from the national-level half-step town was killed in Stealing the Country, and it was said that he was responsible for the disappearance case. Did you do it? Gardener."

To be able to reach the half-step township level, even Sen Luosi has to pay attention to it. It is a very important existence to go anywhere in the world. Now that such an existence is dead, Sen Luo can't help asking, after all, if it is a gardener Killed, with the ability of a gardener, Sen Luosi is enough to have an extra half-step town-level ghost.

"It was me and the dead house."

The gardener didn't hold back, he was outspoken.

Sen Luo frowned and said:

"Although I'm happy for Sen Luosi to send out an extra half-step town state-level ghost to drive, but the first priority for you gardeners is to deal with Zhang Wei. If you attack the half-step town state-level, it will easily attract the attention of the thief. Its own safety will still affect the handling of Zhang Wei."

"I know, I dealt with Kim Jung-hyuk because of Zhang Wei. I planned to tell you about this tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to call first."


The gardener revealed the plan to let Zhang Wei get the national magic weapon of Banbu Town.

Sen Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, then fell silent and said:

"So that's the case. It seems that I wrongly blamed you. I thought you and the dead house had let down their vigilance and found it easy to deal with Zhang Wei, so I decided to put Zhang Wei aside and continue to create powerful ghosts."

As soon as his words came out.

The gardener replied in his mind... yes, I really plan to put Zhang Wei aside, because he is my godson.


The gardener responded:

"Relax your vigilance? If Zhang Wei is just a top-level ghost king, I really don't care, but his strength is half a step at the national level, and I can't relax."

"That's fine, Zhang Wei must be dealt with, and deal with it as soon as possible."

"Huh? Why? Sen Luo, why are you suddenly in a hurry to deal with Zhang Wei? You told me before, but you weren't in such a hurry."

Whether it was the gardener or the fat man who had the cheek to lean over to listen to the phone, he could hear the meaning in Sen Luo's tone that he wanted to kill Zhang Wei as soon as possible.

face inquiries.

Sen Luo didn't try to hide:

"Because I received the news that Zhang Wei also joined the action to save the old man of the Huang family. With Zhang Wei's strength, it is possible to help the old man of the Huang family find a healing item. Originally, I planned to let the zombies join the operation and destroy it to find the healing item." .”

"But now that Zhang Wei is joining, I am afraid that if Zhang Wei is not dead, the zombies will not be able to destroy the healing objects alone, and the strength of the zombies has not yet reached half-step township level, so you must kill Zhang Wei as soon as possible to prevent Zhang Wei helped Grandpa Huang find a cure and heal Grandpa Huang."

As soon as his words came out.

Even the gardener and the fat man were stunned, they agreed in their hearts that it was bad.

Fatty said bluntly in his heart:

"What the hell is Zhang Wei doing? He actually went to help Mr. Huang's family find a cure. It's very dangerous. Doesn't Zhang Wei know the danger?"

The gardener also said anxiously:

"What are you doing, son? Why did you agree to find a cure?"

At this moment.

Sen Luo didn't know what the gardener and the fat man were thinking, and continued:

"I told you at the previous meeting that the sacrifice of Suolongjing requires a lot of ghosts and ghost exorcists. Ghost exorcists and ghosts are easy to get, but you still need monsters. In today's era, Da Xia does not allow spirits, which is already very There are few monsters, so there are not enough monsters."

"At present, if we want enough quantity, the five Northeast families are the most suitable. They have the largest number, and the Huang family is the most suitable candidate. The old man is only a few. As long as the old man of the Huang family dies, we can have a chance to kill the Huang family and take the whole family. The Huang family offered sacrifices to Suolongjing, and with the Suolongjing sacrifices over the years, those numbers are enough to complete the remaining sacrifices."

"So the grandpa of the Huang family must die, and he cannot be rescued. Last time, I spent a lot of effort to seriously injure the grandpa of the Huang family."

"And Zhang Wei is a hidden danger. He now has the opportunity to help the Huang family find a cure."

That's all for words.

The gardener and the fat man already understood what Sen Luo meant.

Can't help it.

The gardener glanced at the fat man indiscriminately, then pretended to be serious and said:

"Don't worry, the dead house and I will get the Banbuzhen state-level magic weapon as soon as possible, and then kill Zhang Wei. What do you think of the dead house?"

When the fat man heard this, he quickly pretended to nod, patted his chest and said:

"It turns out that Zhang Wei will have an impact on the Suolongjing project. Let me tell you earlier, don't worry, I will definitely kill Zhang Wei as soon as possible with the gardener, otherwise it will affect the Suolongjing project. This is not my villain."


Hearing the words of the gardener and the fat man, Sen Luo nodded in satisfaction:

"That's fine, you guys act as soon as possible, I still have things to deal with, so I'll hang up first."


Shiro hung up the phone.

The gardener and the fat man looked at each other after hanging up the phone, and said in unison:

"Why don't you act as soon as possible, and do it tomorrow."

"Well, I also think it's the most compelling if the villain kills people overnight."

The two were talking.

They also said the same thing in their hearts... I have to help Zhang Wei (godson) get the half-step township state-level magic weapon as soon as possible, otherwise it will be dangerous to find healing items, and it is safe to have the half-step township state-level magic weapon.


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