Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 577 Indeed, Zhang Wei Is Both Wise And Brave

Do whatever comes to mind.

The gardener didn't remove the ink, got up and said to the fat man:

"Since we are going to act tomorrow, I will digest Kim Jung-hyuk's body first and create a substitute mastermind."

The words fell.

The gardener left without waiting for the fat man to reply.


Fatty looked at the departing gardener and muttered in his heart:

"Sen Luo's assist this time is not bad. I was still thinking about how to get the gardener to speed up the progress. Now it's all over. Needless to say, the gardener already wants to act sooner."

I said in my heart.

Fatty also got up, not idle, and had to go back to his room to make preparations. Among them, he did not forget to send a message to Zhang Wei:

[Fatty]: Zhang Wei, pay attention tomorrow, the mastermind and I are going to join forces to attack you, you should remember to cooperate when the time comes.

message sent.

Not long.

Zhang Wei replied:

【Zhang Wei】: OK, I will cooperate well when the time comes. By the way, fat brother, you can do it. You can persuade the gardener so quickly. It can't be that the gardener has a crush on you.

[Fatty Man]: Roll on, what are you talking about, you are the gardener who has a crush on your dad.

[Fatty]: Typo, it's not Dad, right?

[Zhang Wei]: Haha, you don’t need to say it, fat brother, I also know that it’s a typo, it’s obviously a typo.

[Fatty]: Actually, it wasn't the gardener I persuaded, it was Sen Luo who called.


The fat man told about Sen Luo's call.

[Fatty]: Zhang Wei, when did you agree to the matter of Mr. Huang's family? Gan, Mr. Huang's injury was caused by Sen Luo. If you want to cure Mr. Huang's family, the things you need are difficult to get and quite dangerous , don't think that you have the ability to save yourself if you become a half-step true dragon guard.

【Zhang Wei】: Actually, I didn’t agree to become a half-step true dragon guard, but I thought about it when I first went to the Northeast, that is, the time the tailor asked you to send ghosts to surround and kill me.

[Fatty]: Wori! At that time, your strength seemed to be a red-clothed ghost. Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

【Zhang Wei】: Is it that dangerous?

[Fatty]: Of course, have you read the Tomb Raider Notes and Ghost Blowing the Lamp? The degree of danger is similar to that. The place where you are looking for healing is equivalent to what you, as an ordinary person, are in the Tomb Raider Notes. It is very dangerous. You I thought everyone was Wu Xie.

When it came to treating Mr. Huang's family, Zhang Wei suddenly became interested:

【Zhang Wei】: Fat brother, where is that place? I heard Captain Huang Qingshan say that the place is very dangerous, but he kept it secret to prevent others from knowing, so he didn't tell me, do you know where it is?

[Fatty]: I don’t know the exact location, but it’s roughly in Yunnan. I’ve also heard from tailors and them that it’s said to be very dangerous. Anyway, there have been many ghost king-level ghosts and even real dragon guard-level ghosts before. That place, but very few survived.

"Is it in Yunnan?"

Zhang Wei murmured softly.

Even though he didn't know the place, but knowing that the place was in Yunnan, Zhang Wei could also realize the danger. Yunnan is a subtropical landform, with many poisonous insects and poisonous substances. Yunnan's unique exorcism profession "Gu Master" is the best proof.

[Fatty]: Since you agreed to Mr. Huang's family, I won't talk about you, and don't think too much about it. Let's deal with the current situation first. If you can get the half-step town's national magic weapon, you can go to that place too. More protection.

【Zhang Wei】: Good.

Immediately afterwards.

After chatting again, Zhang Wei ended the chat.


the next day.

Seoul National University, dormitory.

Zhang Wei got up early, he didn't go to class with Yu Xiaoqi, and asked Yu Xiaoqi to ask for leave for him:

"Huh? Zhang Wei, why are you asking for leave?"

Lu Lianxue stood at the door of the dormitory and asked, she came to find Zhang Wei, and was about to go to the classroom together, but she heard that Zhang Wei was going to ask for leave.

"Go to collect and investigate the disappearance case. Since you agreed, you have to do something. Otherwise, if you don't finish it, not only will I be laughed at, but Da Xia will also be laughed at."

"Then I'll go with you."

Lu Lianxue thought about it.

"No, it's just a survey. We are exchange students now, so don't ask for leave easily. Otherwise, the ghost exorcist who stole the country hasn't finished yet, and we will be laughed at by the college students and professors who stole the country."

Zhang Wei couldn't tell the plan with the fat man, so he just made a reason.

Just when Lu Lianxue was about to respond.

At the door of the dormitory, another voice came:

"I thought Zhang Wei had such a big heart for you, and now you are going to go to class, I dare you to be nervous."

Seeing Zhang Chao and Wu Nian approaching, Zhang Chao joked.

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised. He remembered telling them last night that he had to go to class, and he would go to them after class.

"Amitabha, Xiaoseng and Zhang Chao are here to talk to Zhang Wei and help you investigate together."

Wu Nian was outspoken.

Going back last night, Zhang Chao and Wu Nian discussed it. They knew that the disappearance case was difficult, and they were afraid that Zhang Wei would overturn the car. They decided to take advantage of Zhang Wei's class. During this period, they helped investigate the disappearance case. Waste a little time.

"Thanks, since this is the case, let's investigate separately. It is better to investigate in multiple aspects than to investigate together."

Zhang Wei found a reason and said.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian didn't have too much doubt, they nodded in agreement.

"Amitabha, this little monk also has this intention."

"Okay, then I will investigate together with Wu Nian, Zhang Wei and you will also investigate, hoping to find out the mastermind of the disappearance case as soon as possible, or it would be best to meet the mastermind of the disappearance case directly, but it is best for you to meet Zhang Wei, I If you meet Wu Nian, you will probably die, haha."


the other side.

When Zhang Wei and the others set out to investigate the disappearance case.

Defamation Law Association.

The president also immediately received a call from the surveillance personnel and learned that Zhang Wei was out to investigate:

"It seems that Zhang Wei didn't do badly. I thought he was still free to collect game cards yesterday, and he was preparing to do badly and wait to be sprayed. It doesn't seem to be the case."

in words.

While looking at the "Yu-Gi-Oh" animation playing on the computer screen in front of him, without moving his eyes, he ordered to the side assistant:

"Although Zhang Wei investigates the disappearance case, there is no seven or eight days without the result, but we still have to make preparations in advance and ask people to prepare the document. After seven or eight days, Zhang Wei can't find out the mastermind, and starts to publicize in international forums. Zhang Wei."

"Okay, President, I'll go right away."

The assistant nodded, and then handed a box of game cards to the president:

"President, this is the card pack I bought just now. The store said that this pack is fixed with a Yu-Gi-Oh flash card."


at the same time.

Seoul city, on a street.

After leaving Seoul University with Wu Nian and Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei prepared to pretend to go to the place where the disappearance happened as discussed with Fatty last night, to do some investigation and find clues.


He came to the villa complex where Kim Jung Hyuk lived.

Also at this time.

The gardener and fat man who followed Zhang Wei in the dark all saw Zhang Wei's actions.

To this.

The gardener pretended to be calm and said:

"Jin Zhenghyuk is the latest person related to the disappearance case. His death location, because he died not long ago, is very likely to find clues. It seems that Zhang Wei is not only talented, but also resourceful."

Fatty pretended to be very casual, and said casually:

"Indeed, Zhang Wei is quite intelligent and courageous. If he troubles such a person, he will look like a villain. Then, gardener, let's do it."


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