Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 578 Fatty: Jie Jie Jie, Unleashing Acting Skills

The gardener nodded, lightly raised his hand and said:

"Go, my child, and complete your mission."

at this time.

The gardener and the fat man were at the entrance of a small alley. Since there were tall buildings on both sides, the shadows of the buildings fell, and the small alley looked dark. At this time, when the gardener spoke, there was obviously no one in the shadow of the alley behind him. But suddenly a figure came:

"Yes, mother."

Words come out.

A figure seemed to come out of the shadows out of thin air, and as it walked out of the shadows, its figure was completely revealed, it was an extremely beautiful man.

"Guigui, gardener, are you sure this is a ghost created by swallowing Jin Zhenghyuk's body?"

The fat man widened his eyes, looked up and down at the extremely beautiful man in front of him, and couldn't help complaining:

"I think Kim Jung-hyuk should be laughing and blooming on Huangquan Road now. This time he died, and he became a handsome guy directly. This is not death, it is obviously reborn from the ashes."

Words for fat people.

The gardener waved his hands casually, and said in disgust:

"Kim Jung-hyuk is too ugly. If I gave birth to this kind of ghost, I might as well commit suicide, so I made some small changes to Kim Jung-hyuk, and adjusted his body and face."

The fat man didn't respond, he was still looking at Kim Jung Hyuk who had turned into a ghost:

"Not to mention, take a closer look, there are indeed five or six points like Kim Jung-hyuk. It seems that you are stealing the country, the gardener. Not only did you create backup for us Sen Luosi, but you also learned plastic surgery, haha."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, act quickly, Zhang Wei has already entered the community."


The fat man rubbed his hands, stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and instantly his appearance changed, he was no longer chubby, but became extremely handsome. This was discussed with the gardener in advance, and he disguised his identity to avoid getting involved with Sen Luosi in the disappearance case. After all, it was only for Zhang Wei to obtain the half-step township state-level magic weapon, so there was no need to reveal his identity.


The fat man said to Kim Jung Hyuk:

"Let's go, let's play the last high-profile death scene in your life with this big villain."


the other side.

In an upscale neighborhood.

at this time.

After some communication, Zhang Wei followed the property to the door of Jin Zhenghe's house, and the surveillance personnel not far away also followed secretly.

can be seen.

There was a pool of dried blood at the door of Jin Zhenghe's house, which was the place where Jin Zhenghe died. In order to preserve the murder scene, the place was not cleaned up, just when Zhang Wei was about to go to check.

"What's the situation? Is it going to rain?"

The property owner was stunned for a moment, and found that the surrounding light was dim. He thought it was going to rain, and there were dark clouds, so he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

But look at this.


The property's pupils shrank suddenly, and he yelled out in fright.

The sky is not as airtight as imagined by the dark clouds. Some are pitch black, and the sun is nowhere to be seen. Some are just a blood-red full moon hanging high in the sky. You must know that it is early in the morning. How could it be possible for the day to suddenly turn into night? There is also a blood red full moon that has never been seen before.


The property owner hadn't been afraid of the change in the sky yet, two crisp footsteps sounded from not far away.

Whether it was Zhang Wei, the property manager, or the surveillance personnel hiding in the dark, they all followed the sound, and then the property management and surveillance personnel changed their colors.



Not far away, figures with two handsome faces came over. If you just look at their faces, there is nothing strange, you will only think they are handsome guys, but seeing the bloody footprints they leave behind every step, and the The ghostly aura emanating from his body condensed into crying and howling faces.

Even as an ordinary person, he could tell that those two handsome figures were definitely not human.

at this time.

Zhang Wei stepped forward and stood in front of the property owner, looking directly at the two figures:

"who are you?"

But in his heart he said bluntly:

"Are you coming? Let me wait a long time. Fat brother, your disguise is a bit handsome, hahaha."

the other side.

In response to Zhang Wei's question, Kim Jung Hyuk stared straight at Zhang Wei with his deadly eyes and said:

"I heard that you want to investigate us? To be honest, your face is very suitable for me. I don't even intend to let you investigate. I want to catch you directly."

The words fell.

The fat man on the side echoed:

"Jie Jie Jie, Zhang Wei, you are lucky, it is your great honor to be favored by the master, master, I will go and take Zhang Wei's life, and take off his face and present it to you."


Fatty didn't give Zhang Wei a chance to react, and erupted suddenly. He belonged to the top ghost king, half-step true dragon guard, and appeared in front of Zhang Wei in the blink of an eye. He spread his five fingers, and wanted to give Zhang Wei's head Unscrew it.


The distance between his hand and Zhang Wei's face is only one millimeter, but only one centimeter.

At some point, Zhang Wei stretched out his hand and grabbed the fat man's hand, making it impossible for the fat man to take an inch. At the same time, Zhang Wei pressed his other hand on the fat man's chest.

next second.

An incomparably terrifying aura erupted, even ordinary people like property managers and surveillance personnel could feel it. At this moment, Zhang Wei was like a god, and even if a god descended on Zhang Wei, a young man like him, he couldn't hide it. The power of the gods.


The fat man uttered a scream and was sent flying, his figure was like a cannonball, and he smashed down three or four villas in a row before stopping.

Look closely.

The previously gorgeous and luxurious villa became a ruin, with smoke and dust everywhere, and screams and screams. It was the fat man lying on the ground, screaming and rolling in pain.

【Ding! Fatty... Hey, I am indeed the most compelling villain, this acting is really superb, even I almost feel like a seriously injured ghost]

[The host gets the system but +200]

I thought about it.

The fat man got up from the ground with difficulty, clutched his sunken chest, coughed and spit out a lot of blood, his face was pale, no matter how he looked, he looked like he had been seriously injured.

the other side.

Faced with Zhang Wei's horrific fat man being knocked away with one palm, the surveillance personnel were shocked, but it was too late to be shocked. He resisted the great fear, picked up the phone, and sent a text message to the president of the Law Defamation Association:

"President! Appeared, the mastermind of the disappearance case appeared, it found Zhang Wei!!"

I am typing.

But it exploded with a deafening bang, causing the surveillance personnel to subconsciously stop looking, and their pupils suddenly contracted.

That's Zhang Wei and 'Kim Jung Hyuk'.

They did not know when, they had already fought. The two were like two volcanoes that had accumulated for hundreds of years. The moment they collided, they burst out with earth-shattering power. This ghost domain was shaking violently, and the surrounding villas instantly collapsed and turned into dust. .


The surveillance personnel quickly added another sentence to the text message:

"It's fighting, Zhang Wei and the mastermind are fighting!!!"


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