Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 579 You Are A Master Dancer, I Am A Fairy Dancer, It Is Reasonable

As the content of the text message was edited, the surveillance personnel frantically sent it, but they never took their eyes off the battle ahead.

at this time.

After flying the fat man, Zhang Wei showed that he would not give the opponent any chance to fight back, and appeared in front of the fat man in an instant. At that time, a forty-meter-long broadsword appeared.


Looking at the big knife, the surveillance personnel and the property management staff stared wide-eyed. They have seen a lot of knives. This is the first time they have seen such a long big knife. This knife cut it down, not to mention ghosts, and the surrounding houses will be gone.

Seeing the big knife slashing down.

"Help me, master!"

The fat man yelled at Jin Zhenghyuk, how embarrassing his appearance was, not to mention Zhang Wei was impressed by it, even the gardener watching from a distance was stunned.

"I can't see it. This guy in the dead house has this kind of acting skills. With this acting skills, what kind of villain is he playing? If he plays an undercover villain, no one will believe that he is an undercover agent."

The gardener couldn't help muttering.

Also at this time.

On the nick of time.

Jin Zhenghyuk moved and appeared in front of the fat man. With a roar of his mouth, the endless ghostly roar was like a lion's roar, and the 40-meter sword that Zhang Wei dropped was shocked and stopped.


Jin Zhenghyuk threw the fat man to a safe place, condensed a ghostly sword in his hand, and bullied Zhang Wei away.

To this.

With a twist of Zhang Wei's wrist, he slashed at Jin Zhenghe with a 40-meter machete, preventing the other party from approaching him and forcing him to keep a distance of 40 meters away from him.

Immediately afterwards.

Obviously both sides are holding knives, but the two sides fought with a sense of long-range combat.

I saw Zhang Wei wielding the 40-meter broadsword in his hand, slashing, sweeping, stabbing, etc., and Kim Jung-hyuk was also holding the ghostly sword in his hand, frantically blocking, slashing, etc., and in order to chop Zhang Wei, it was Mou Enough with ghost energy, he turned the ghost sword in his hand into a forty-meter-long sword.

This scene.

Seeing the property and the surveillance personnel sluggishly, two gods and devil-like horrors exist, the two of them are 40 meters apart, hacking and slashing with knives in the void, the blades collide, the ghost aura wipes out the will-o'-the-wisp light, flickering and shining, turning this A pitch-black ghostland illuminated.

"Is this melee? Or is it a long-range attack? Exorcists can still fight like this? Now I understand why the president and the others often say that Daxia's ghost exorcism profession is very powerful against ghosts."

The surveillance personnel murmured, their gazes fixed on Zhang Wei's 40-meter broadsword:

"The ghost exorcism tool of Daxia's ghost exorcism profession is so... long."

The words did not fall.

There was a bang.

Zhang Wei and Jin Zhenghyuk collided again with their swords. This time, they were no longer evenly matched. Jin Zhenghyuk took a few steps back, his eyes fell on his own ghostly sword, and his brows raised suddenly...

His ghostly sword was broken, and he collided with Zhang Wei's sword many times, and the knife condensed with ghostly energy was cut off, but Zhang Wei's sword was intact.

"Come on, keep going."

Zhang Wei noticed Jin Zhenghe's gaze, and pointed the 40-meter broadsword at Jin Zhenghe.


Jin Zhenghyuk's eyes were cold. Although he received the order from the master gardener to die in the hands of Zhang Wei, he had to die more vigorously and more difficultly. For this reason, facing Zhang Wei's provocation, Jin Zhenghyuk used the ghostly sword in his hand Disperse.

next second.

Kim Jung-hyuk was full of ghost energy, and when the ghost energy dissipated, his clothes changed, becoming a mage costume that stole the classics of the country.

In Thief Country, its ghost exorcism profession is called wizard, mage, and slander mage. It is dressed in a shrine similar to Sakura Kingdom. There are many ways to exorcise ghosts. , and holding the objects of the person who needs to exorcise ghosts, and slander (curse) to kill ghosts.

Jin Zhenghyuk had an extra magical weapon in his hand, and he began to dance in front of Zhang Wei.

its move.

Changed the color of the surveillance personnel who had to hide in the dark:

"This... this ghost is a mage?!"

As a member of the Defamation Law Association, although he is an ordinary person, he knows the thief who steals the country and exorcises ghosts, and he recognized Kim Jung-hyuk's mage's costume at a glance. At first, he thought it was Kim Jung-hyuk who stole the mage's costume and magic weapon , but when I saw Kim Jung-hyuk jump up to the big god.

He is sure.

The mastermind of the missing case in front of him is a mage, and the surveillance personnel were shocked:

"How is this possible? How could a ghost dance to the Great God? Could it be that he was a mage during his lifetime?"

It is well known that it is impossible for ghosts to have the ability to exorcise ghosts, but there are exceptions. If a ghost was an exorcist before death, it can have the ability to exorcise ghosts after death, and the ability will also make the ghost The scene in front of him is the best proof.

"A half-step town state-level ghost who was a mage in his lifetime? Who is he?"

The monitors were shocked.

A ghost who can grow into a half-step town state-level ghost, as a mage in his lifetime, is absolutely impossible to be weak. Such a person should be very famous. Realizing this, the surveillance personnel did not dare to neglect, and quickly sent a text message to the chairman.

[President, the mastermind of the disappearance case was a mage before his death! ! 】

the other side.

Zhang Wei also saw Kim Jung-hyuk dancing the big god. Although he knew the identity of Kim Jung-hyuk from the fat man, he couldn't help pretending to be surprised after glancing at the surveillance personnel in the dark:

"Huh, mage? You were a mage who stole the country before you were alive? Forget it, it doesn't matter, no matter who you are, I am worried about how to investigate and find you, and you will send it to your door."

The voice fell.

Zhang Wei stepped forward and walked towards Jin Zhenghe.


The distance between the two was shortening, and when the distance between the two sides was less than two meters, Zhang Wei's raised footsteps suddenly stopped, as if an invisible wall appeared in front of him, preventing him from approaching Jin Zhenghyuk.

To this.

The surveillance personnel far away laughed:

"It seems that Zhang Wei only recognized the identity of the mage from the costume of the mastermind. He doesn't know much about our country's mages. Do you think our mages who steal the country are so easy to get close to?"

He mocked and murmured:

"Although my mage from stealing the country casts the jumping god, and the forward swing is very long, but once the jumping god, no one can approach unless the mage agrees. This is the power of slandering the mage..."

The word power is not finished yet.

His mocking smiles stopped abruptly, and some were left dumbfounded.

I saw...

When the surveillance personnel taunted, Zhang Wei, who was blocked by the invisible wall, froze slightly, and then raised his feet again towards the invisible wall.


It was as if what he had passed through was not a wall, but a water curtain hole. The wall rippled, and Zhang Wei passed through without any hindrance, and came in front of Jin Zhenghyuk.

Not to mention the surveillance personnel were stunned.

Even in the midst of the great dancer, Kim Jung-hyuk was stunned. He stopped when he raised his foot to take off, and maintained a strange posture of the great dancer. He subconsciously said:

"How is it possible, how could you..."


There was a crisp and loud slap.

Faced with Kim Jung-hyuk's opening, Zhang Wei didn't care at all. The moment he came in front of him, he raised his hand and slapped him on the face.

【Ding! Kim Jung Hyuk is confused...? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

【Ding! Fatty... I Cao? How did Zhang Wei do it? Is Kim Jung Hyuk pretending to be a dancer? No, isn’t there a power that emanates from it?]

[Host obtains system points +200]

The surveillance staff also stared wide-eyed, as if they had seen a ghost:

"My Cao?!"

the other side.

Zhang Wei looked at Kim Jung-hyuk who was slapped by him in front of him, and murmured in his heart:

"Are you a great dancer? Then I dance like a fairy, which is very reasonable."

in words.

Zhang Wei glanced at the surveillance personnel in the dark.


Zhang Wei didn't give Jin Zhenghyuk time to react, raised his hand and slapped Jin Zhenghyuk again.


for a while.

The crisp slapping sound was like a drum set, with constant slaps and slaps.


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