Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 580 Killing Three Birds With One Stone Is Too Villainous

There was a crackling sound in the ear, and the surveillance personnel finally recovered from their sluggishness and made sure that they hadn't seen it. Zhang Wei really ignored the block of the dance god and got close to Jin Zhenghyuk.

"How did he do it?!"

Seeing that Jin Zhenghyuk was slapped several times in a row, his handsome face was already swollen, the surveillance staff said in surprise:

"Whether Zhang Wei is too strong, or Daxia's exorcism profession is strong, it must be the latter, the mage is just restrained by Zhang Wei's profession."

Faced with the suppression of the ghost exorcist profession in their own country, the supervisors find it difficult to accept, and they are comforting themselves.

at the same time.

He was slapped several times in succession.

The intense pain also brought Kim Jung Hyuk back to his senses:


Jin Zhenghyuk half-stepped to suppress the national-level ghost spirit, and wanted to shake Zhang Wei away. He jumped into the last few postures by himself. Once he finished jumping with energy, he would be able to attack Zhang Wei and prove himself. He is so strong that he can finish the difficult death in front of Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei saw his intention and did not distance himself from Kim Jung Hyuk, punching him in the face with one punch after another.


Kim Jung Hyuk screamed.

He was obviously a ghost, but Zhang Wei punched him until the bridge of his nose was broken, and the nosebleeds spewed out for nothing.

The fat man on the side saw this, got up and ran over:

"Master, I'm here to save you."

【Ding! Fatty... Zhang Wei is much fiercer than I expected, haha, as expected of a friend of my big villain, he just has to dick]

[Host obtains system points +220]

I thought about it.

The fat man grimaced, bared his teeth and claws and roared, his whole body was full of ghostly aura, and he rushed over menacingly.

"Go aside."

Zhang Wei threw it out with one hand, and a terrifying half-step True Dragon Guard-level power erupted. Before the brave fat man could get close, his figure was like a kite with a broken string, and he flew out in a parabola, with a pop in his mouth. A brilliant blood sprayed out of the air.

【Ding! Fatty... Zhang Wei, how is it? My on-the-spot acting is handsome or not, which further highlights your arrogance. I work so hard, I hope you will bring me a quick score next time lol]

[Host obtains system points +240]

Also at this time.

The fat man who was flying upside down and Zhang Wei looked at each other indistinctly. At this moment, the two sides gave each other a look.

Although the eye contact is brief.

But both sides saw what the other meant:

Zhang Wei: "Thank you fat brother for letting me pretend like this."

Fatty: "You're welcome."

the other side.

Seeing that the fat man of the top ghost king was easily sent flying, the surveillance personnel gasped, their eyes widened:

"Hiss! So strong..."

He couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei, and couldn't help thinking about the information about Zhang Wei in his mind:

"Is this Zhang Wei who has entered the top ten of the veteran list? Damn it, this is much stronger than the rumors. No wonder Mr. Kim Jung Hyuk can't beat him."

The monitor is an admirer of Kim Jung-hyuk. For Kim Jung-hyuk's loss to Zhang Wei, he always felt that Kim Jung-hyuk let go of the water. After all, he is a young ghost exorcist from Daxia. It is not good to bully the small, so he kept his hand , As a result, Zhang Wei was unforgiving, which made Kim Jung-hyuk lose.

But now Zhang Wei's performance is confirmed. Mr. Kim Jung Hyuk should lose to Zhang Wei.



Just as the surveillance personnel were thinking, Yu Guang glanced at the 'mastermind of the disappearance case' whose face was swollen from the beating and who was no longer handsome, showing some astonishment.

"Is it an illusion? Why does the mastermind of the disappearance look like... Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk?!"

The more you look at it, the more horrified you become.

At first glance, the handsome mastermind didn't feel anything at all, but now his face is swollen and his nose has collapsed. His handsome face looks a little embarrassed now, but it looks like Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, no... Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the handsome mastermind just now also looks a bit like Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk?

Ideas pop up.

The surveillance personnel's heart was beating violently, and their minds couldn't help thinking about it. The appearance of Kim Jung-hyuk and the handsome appearance of the mastermind before were somewhat similar, and the appearance of the mastermind and Kim Jung-hyuk was as high as seven or eight points now. resemblance.

Think here.

The face of the surveillance personnel became strange:

"I remember Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, isn't the most powerful... the great dancer, and it's the great dancer just now."

As a fan of Kim Jung-hyuk, I didn't recognize it before, but now that I recognize it, the surveillance personnel suddenly realized that Kim Jung-hyuk is extremely similar to the mastermind in front of him, whether it's the moves of the shot, the moves of the master, or the appearance.

Also at this time.

Kim Jung-hyuk, who was fighting Zhang Wei, saw the fat man being beaten into the air, and he was suppressed by Zhang Wei again. Thinking that he had to win with difficulty, he couldn't help roaring:

"Xiba, get out!"

As soon as the sound came out.

The surveillance staff's eyes widened:

"Assi, the voice is similar too! Fuck, it's exactly the same, damn it, how could it be so similar."

at the same time.

Regarding Kim Jung-hyuk's roar, Zhang Wei also spoke:

"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that your voice is a bit like that of Kim Jung-hyuk who fought with me before, especially that cursed Asi, the tone is exactly the same."

Immediately afterwards.

The surveillance personnel saw it. As Zhang Wei said, the mastermind of the disappearance case was slightly shaken when he heard the word Kim Jung-hyuk. he noticed.


The watcher was stunned:


No matter how you look at this reaction, the mastermind of the disappearance case has something to do with Kim Jung Hyuk, otherwise there is no need for this reaction. For a while, a strange idea popped up in his mind... Could it be that Mr. Kim Jung Hyuk is the mastermind of the disappearance case? Now that he started committing crimes in various countries, in order to avoid being suspected, he used suspended animation to completely cast aside the suspicion?

As we all know, human beings, once they become suspicious, they can make up their doubts no matter what, the most typical ones are male and female friends. Once a boyfriend (girlfriend) suspects a girlfriend (boyfriend), he will I will doubt its trajectory in various ways, and fill it up with my own brain.

The same is true for current surveillance personnel.

"No, it must not be like this. I must be suspicious. How could Mr. Jin Zhenghyuk be the mastermind of the disappearance..."

I was talking to myself in my heart.

The screams startled.


Jin Zhenghe was punched by Zhang Wei and flew out, blood spurting from his mouth.

【Ding! Fatty... oh, here we come, it's my turn to play]

[Host obtains system points +260]

Looking at Jin Zhenghyuk who was blown away, a fat man who was seriously injured, his eyes were tearing and he roared:


Although the change of words was quick, almost within the blink of an eye, the surveillance personnel still heard:

"Cao! You must want to call Kim Jung-hyuk the master, right? Kim Jung-hyuk, he is really Kim Jung-hyuk!!"


Almost half of the surveillance personnel were sure that the mastermind of the disappearance was Kim Jung-hyuk, and his expression proved everything.

at the same time.

Although Zhang Wei and Fatty didn’t look at the expressions of the surveillance personnel because they wanted to give the surveillance personnel a “fairy jump”, they could see clearly with the gardener who was hiding in the dark, and his beautiful dimple showed a smile for a moment:

"The idea of ​​a dead house seems to be working."

in words.

The gardener recalled last night, when the fat man had a discussion with himself, the fat man proposed that since the Defamation Law Association wanted to use Daxia as a public opinion, it must not make things easier for the Defamation Law Association, so they might as well make them lose face even more. Kim Jeong-hyuk creates a substitute mastermind, and even more so, Kim Jeong-hyuk should become the mastermind.

In the words of Fatty last night:

"Not only can Zhang Wei get the half-step town state-level artifact, but also blame others for the disappearance case, which is convenient for the follow-up of Sen Luosi's actions, and it can also slap the slander law association in the face, kill three birds with one stone, kill three birds with one stone, my But it’s too villainous.”


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