Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 581 Curse Of Slander, Reducing Zhang Wei's Life By Half?

the other side.

Realizing that the mastermind of the disappearance case was most likely Kim Jung-hyuk, the surveillance staff became restless. Although they were still watching Zhang Wei fighting Kim Jung-hyuk, they unconsciously picked up the phone and sent a message to the chairman. information:

[President! The mastermind of the disappearance case looks like, no, exactly the same as Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk, with the same voice, appearance, and moves used. 】

The text message has just been edited.

There was another loud bang.


It was caused by Zhang Wei and Kim Jung-hyuk. At some point, Kim Jung-hyuk had distanced himself from Zhang Wei, and had an extra sleeve of Zhang Wei in his hand. During the fight with Zhang Wei, he had They tore off the sleeves of Zhang Wei's clothes.

When he saw the mastermind of the disappearance case, holding Zhang Wei's sleeve, he showed a sinister smile.


The monitor's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart skipped a beat:

"not good!"

There are many names for the profession of stealing the country and exorcising ghosts. Among them is the name of "slandering the mage".

as predicted.

Jin Zhenghyuk got the sleeve, held the sleeve tightly with both hands, and murmured an obscure spell in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei saw it, his sleeve was ignited with black flames in his hands, and with the burning, it seemed that there was an invisible and terrifying force rushing towards him, which was slander and curse.

"If you can interrupt my jumping god, then my slander and curse, I'll see how you stop it, cough, cough!!"

Kim Jung Hyuk kept coughing up blood as he spoke, his handsome face turned pale, and even his arm shrank visibly with the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye it became like a dry branch, haggard and permeating.

【Ding! Fatty... Damn it, slander and curse? Sure enough, the gardener still doesn't intend to let Zhang Wei get the national magic weapon of Banbu Town easily, gardener, you are on the horse! 】

[Host obtains system points +260]

Fatty, who was lying on the ground pretending to be seriously injured, also noticed Kim Jung-hyuk's slanderous curse, and he could see at a glance that the curse Kim Jung-hyuk cast was very powerful, and he paid more than one arm. He knew very well that the slanderous curse The greater the price paid, the greater the curse.

You must know that Jin Zhenghyuk is at the half-step township level, and the painful price paid for such strength, the curse intensity will definitely not be small, even if he is also at the half-step township level, he has to avoid its edge.

Can't help it.

The fat man lying on the ground looked viciously in one direction, that was the gardener hiding in the dark.

at the same time.

Contrary to what the fat man thought, the gardener was also stunned, and soon revealed a hideous expression. Like an erupting active volcano:

"Damn it, what is this Kim Jung Hyuk doing—"

"I made it difficult for you to win, and I didn't let you make it difficult for Zhang Wei to win, damn it, damn it, Kim Jung Hyuk, you idiot, godson, don't worry about it."

The gardener was terrified.

Unexpectedly, Kim Jung-hyuk misunderstood her meaning and actually cast a curse of slander. As the real mastermind of the disappearance case in the country of stealing, the gardener knows how to slander the master of the country of stealing. Any evidence to ensure that it will not be attacked by the slander mage.

But now.

Seeing his precious godson being cursed by the ghost he created, the gardener was about to collapse, and couldn't help but want to help Zhang Wei out.

Just about to make a move.

The gardener noticed that the fat man lying on the ground in the distance was looking in his direction:

"Made, let me watch what I do. No way, I will definitely be discovered by the fat man if I make a move now. Damn it, could it be that the fat man discovered my relationship with my godson? Am I acting too obvious?"

the other side.

The fat man also noticed it, and the gardener looked towards him, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Hey, why is the gardener looking at me at this time? Could it be that I was discovered?"


At this moment, the gardener and the fat man murmured... What to do, I can't help Zhang Wei now, I hope Zhang Wei can find a way to solve it by himself.

I thought about it.

Both the gardener and the fat man looked at Zhang Wei, and the next second, they were all stunned.

【Ding! Fat...? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +280]

【Ding! gardener……? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +520]

【Ding! Kim Jung Hyuk...? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +540]

Jin Zhenghyuk held his arm that had turned into a dry branch, and looked at Zhang Wei in the distance with some confusion:

"Why are you... all right?"

Not long ago, Kim Jung-hyuk launched the curse of slander, at the cost of irreversible injuries to his own arm and body, he cursed Zhang Wei to reduce his life by half. As the price was paid, Kim Jung-hyuk smiled, knowing that he had activated the curse, The payment of the price is the best evidence.

Jin Zhenghe suddenly spoke arrogantly:

"If you want to take me down, do you think it will be so easy? You have been cursed by me now, and half of your life will be deprived by me...haha...huh?"

The corners of his mouth just grinned, and the smile just came out, and Jin Zhenghyuk quickly realized that something was wrong.

The imagined scene of Zhang Wei yelling in pain and rapidly aging his face did not appear. Instead, Zhang Wei just stood there without any reaction, and some had a smile of "you son, look straight at me".

"Huh? What's the situation? Is the curse not activated?"

The surveillance personnel were also stunned, subconsciously glanced at Kim Jung-hyuk's withered arm:

"That's not right, the slander law is obviously activated, why is there nothing wrong with Zhang Wei?"

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Damn it, is this your slander and curse? It's so strong, cough, I feel my throat is so dry, it should be my tonsils are inflamed, I have to spend a huge sum of 9 yuan and 9 yuan to buy a box of 999 cold spirit granules and drink it."


Zhang Wei also gave a fake cough.

Kim Jung Hyuk: "..."

Fatty: "????"


Surveillance personnel: "????"

【Ding! Kim Jeong-hyuk feels're on the horse]

[Host obtains system points +560]

The fat man was also dumbfounded, and looked at Zhang Wei in a daze:

"This... Good guy, it seems that I am worrying too much. Did Zhang Wei have a way to fight against the slander law early in the morning? Haha, he is indeed a friend of the big villain of mine. He has a deep-seated personality."

The gardener was also stunned, and then said in surprise:

"The godson is amazing. As expected of my godson, he does everything without leaking. If you come to steal the country, you will be ready to fight against the master of stealing the country."

at this time.

Zhang Wei coughed a few times:

"By the way, you are so strong in slandering the law, so the dance master should also be very strong. I heard that the dance master who steals the country is very powerful. Why don't you try to deal with me? I can wait for you to finish dancing. "


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