Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 582 Who Is Attacking Our Defamation Law Association

Kim Jung Hyuk's mouth twitched.

【Ding! Kim Jung-hyuk felt humiliated again... The master let me win with difficulty, but now I seem to be humiliated with difficulty]

[Host obtains system points +550]

Seeing Zhang Wei finished speaking and really standing there, waiting for himself to dance, Jin Zhenghyuk's face darkened.

【Ding! Kim Jung-hyuk...well, well, you asked for it yourself]

[Host obtains system points +560]


Jin Zhenghyuk pulled off the dry arm, and the ghostly energy surged, and a ghostly arm was condensed with the ghostly energy at the broken arm, and then jumped into the big god, which was the jumping god that Jin Zhenghyuk wanted to perform before.

The fat man was astonished, and muttered:

"Zhang Wei, your approach is very forceful. Let the enemy unleash their big moves, and you follow it. It's quite a villain force, but you are too reckless. That's a half-step township level, not a red-clothed ghost. "

The gardener also frowned:

"Sure enough, young people are still impetuous, and godson, you are still young and vigorous."

the other side.

Watching Kim Jung-hyuk dance, Zhang Wei remained motionless, and the eyelids of the surveillance staff twitched:

"Xiba, Zhang Wei, you look down on me too much for stealing the country and exorcising ghosts, but it's okay, just let this suspected mastermind of Mr. Kim Jung-hyuk show you how powerful the dancer is."


Under the gaze of the gardener, the fat man, and the surveillance personnel.

A series of strange dance poses, when the last pose fell, Jin Zhenghyuk's eyes bloomed, and ghost energy surged like a volcanic eruption. He looked straight at Zhang Wei and roared:

"Xi Ba, Zhang Wei, you have to pay for your contempt."


At this moment, Kim Jung-hyuk was like a ghost descending into the world, terrifying and majestic, just looking at it would make one's soul tremble, and an invisible force swept the audience like a volcanic eruption.


And that's all.

Jin Zhenghyuk roared and glared at Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei was still the same as before, standing there motionless, looking at Jin Zhenghyuk, and after looking at each other twice, he said:

"Did you finish the dance? Then go ahead, I'm ready to fight you, huh? Why don't you do it? What are you doing just looking at me? Do it? Wait, you won't finish the dance or start the move Right? No, no, no."

Zhang Wei looked surprised, and lowered his head to touch his body, which was extremely obvious, checking whether there were any missing arms or legs in his body.


The air felt quiet at this moment.

Whether Kim Jung Hyuk or the surveillance personnel, they all looked at Zhang Wei in bewilderment.

For a long time.

After looking back and forth at Zhang Wei for a long time, Kim Jung Hyuk finally turned from being stupefied to deeply shocked:

"Why are you... all right again."

【Ding! Jin Zhenghyuk... Xiba, why doesn't it work, did I make a mistake? No, this master dancer, I have danced thousands of times, I can’t be wrong]

[Host obtains system points +570]

"You ask me, do I still want to ask you? Tiao Dashen... that's it?"

Zhang Wei is outspoken.

Surveillance personnel: "..."

Kim Jung Hyuk: "..."

Facing Zhang Wei's ridicule, not to mention Kim Jung-hyuk, the surveillance personnel became angry and wanted to stand up and refute, but seeing Zhang Wei's lively appearance, he couldn't help but fell silent again.

"My country's great jumping god...why is it ineffective against Zhang Wei? Blood suppression? Retribution for stealing too much culture? Or is Zhang Wei too strong?"

Just as the surveillance personnel murmured.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei's voice also sounded:

"Have you finished dancing, is there any other way? If not, then I will do it."

The voice fell.

Regardless of whether Kim Jung-hyuk answered or not, Zhang Wei has already rushed to Kim Jung-hyuk, and the wool is almost squeezed. Zhang Wei does not intend to drag it any longer. This is a half-step battle at the national level after all. Let the president and the others come.

to this end.

In order to prevent the chairman and the others from not wanting to give Banbu Zhen a national magic weapon, they took action against Jin Zhenghyuk, saying that they dealt with it, not Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei wanted to kill Jin Zhenghyuk before the chairman and the others arrived. Jung Hyuk.

Zhang Wei thought so, and so did the fat man and the gardener.

【Ding! The gardener and the fat man... it's almost time for Kim Jung Hyuk to die]

[Host obtains system points +700]


the other side.

Defamation Law Association, President's Office.

at this time.

The president and assistants just finished the meeting and walked in through the door:

"Hey, President, there is a text message from your mobile phone."

The assistant noticed that the president was in a hurry to have a meeting, and left a text message on the screen of the mobile phone in the office.

"Let me see."

The president picked up the phone and clicked on it. After seeing the content, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't even keep his reserve, so he swears:

"Xiba! Found it?!"

The assistant at the side was stunned when he heard the words, and instinctively skimmed the president's phone, and also saw the content of the text message, which was sent to the president by the surveillance personnel. The first one was that Zhang Wei had found the mastermind of the disappearance case, to be exact, he had already Fight.

See here.

The assistant is not calm anymore. If Zhang Weizhen is arrested, the half-step town's state-level magic weapon will be gone.


Before I had time to react, the assistant, including the president, found out from the corner of the eye. The surveillance personnel not only sent one text message, but also two text messages.


They looked at the text message, and in the next second, they all yelled:


The president felt that his brain was not enough, so he stared at the text message several times to make sure he read it correctly:

"Kim Jung-hyuk is the mastermind of the disappearance case? Damn it, hurry up! Let's find Zhang Wei quickly, we can't let Zhang Wei take Kim Jung-hyuk down."

this moment.

The chairman panicked.

If the information given by the surveillance personnel is correct, once Kim Jung-hyuk is taken down by Zhang Wei, let alone diverting the attention of public opinion, stealing the country will also lose a half-step town-level magic weapon, and the degree of embarrassment will continue to rise A few steps, just because the mastermind is one of our own people, and it is our own people who are calling for the thief to catch the thief.


The president didn't care about anything else, and his half-step town-level terror power was fully displayed at this moment, like a bulldozer, smashing a hole in the building of the Law Defamation Association and rushing towards Zhang Wei's location.

for a while.

The Defamation Law Association is seething.

"My Cao, there is an enemy attack?!"

"Who is attacking our Defamation Law Association?!"

Many members of the Law Defamation Association saw it. A terrifying figure rushed out of the president's office and rushed out of the building of the Law Defamation Association. It was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only a few powerful people saw it.

"Not good! The president is in danger? The location of the attack is in the president's office. Quickly call for state-level support."

"Wait, you don't have to call."


"Because... I seem to have seen it, that figure is the president."


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