Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 583: The President Can't Hold Back Anymore

at the same time.

Shortly after the chairman rushed out, the community where Jin Zhenghe lived.

at this time.

Jin Zhenghyuk's face was full of ghost blood. He had only one arm left, but the other arm was broken, and Zhang Wei held it in his hand. Moreover, Jin Zhenghyuk's chest was pierced, and ghost blood overflowed from it from time to time, covering the concrete floor. To dye red.

This scene.

Seeing it in the eyes of the monitored personnel, they came back to their senses for a moment:

"The mastermind of the missing case was killed by Zhang Wei..."


He looked at Zhang Wei, everything happened very quickly. Not long ago, Zhang Wei shot Kim Jung-hyuk, Zhang Wei didn't hold back, and fired with full force, and Kim Jung-hyuk was beaten back steadily, and then dragged by Zhang Wei An arm was broken, and a forty-meter broadsword pierced through his chest.


Like strings, Jin Zhenghyuk was pierced by a 40-meter sword, lifted up and hung high, and then fell to the ground with a flick.

【Ding! Kim Jung-hyuk... Forget it, I can't beat Zhang Wei, master, I can't finish the word "difficult", I can only finish and die]

[Host obtains system points +520]

Faced with Zhang Wei's strength and the gardener's previous instructions, Kim Jung Hyuk knew that he could not delay any longer, because the gardener and the fat man had also thought about it beforehand, and they couldn't entangle with Zhang Wei for too long to prevent the chairman from coming early to disrupt the situation.

So seeing that Zhang Wei was powerful, and he was seriously injured by slander, Kim Jung-hyuk chose to play badly, and dealt with Zhang Wei a few times casually, and let Zhang Wei kill himself.


The surveillance personnel didn't know this, they only knew that Kim Jung-hyuk was killed by Zhang Wei after various defusing moves by Zhang Wei.

"This... it's over now."

After seeing Kim Jung-hyuk's death, the surveillance personnel came back to their senses and secretly said that it was not good.

Also at this time.

"You actually killed the master, you... I will come back, just wait for me, I will avenge the master!"

Fatty looked at the dead Kim Jung-hyuk, and smiled from the bottom of his heart. The secret passage was completed, and he stared at Zhang Wei viciously on the surface. Without saying a word, he turned and fled here.

To this.

Zhang Wei pretended to pursue him, but he staggered and almost fell to the ground, forcing himself to drip a few drops of sweat, panting heavily, hesitated for a while, and did not choose to pursue him.


The surveillance staff breathed a sigh of relief:

"Sure enough, it was not easy for Zhang Wei to beat the mastermind of the disappearance case. It took a lot of effort. He just pretended to be calm before."

【Ding! Fatty... Zhang Wei, I'm slipping away, I'll leave the rest to you]

[Host obtains system points +220]

at this time.

The ghost domain was lifted, the sky became blue again, and the surveillance personnel also heard the sound coming from behind, turned their heads and called out:


at the same time.

Zhang Wei seemed to have a sense of it, and looked towards the gate of the community. There was a middle-aged and elderly person there, rushing towards him at lightning speed, jumping from one building to another, and soon came to the community.

Upon arrival at the scene.

As soon as the chairman saw it, Kim Jung-hyuk lying next to Zhang Wei felt the half-step township-level ghostly spirit that had dissipated. The chairman was sure that it was the mastermind of the disappearance case, and his eyelids twitched wildly:


"Hey, isn't this Mr. President, you are here, I was just about to notify you."

Zhang Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead, and made a sound with surprise on his face.

Immediately afterwards.

Pointing to the corpse of Kim Jung-hyuk aside:

"President, fortunately, this is the mastermind of the disappearance case. I originally came to investigate the case, but I didn't expect this guy to follow me and attack me. Fortunately, I am stronger and killed him."


The president's cheeks twitched, and he could only force a smile:

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang Wei, for helping us solve the case."

"You're welcome, when will the reward be given?"


When he heard about the reward, the president almost broke his guard, but he knew that he couldn't let it go, so he could only bite the bullet and say:

"Cough, let me check the body to see if it is the mastermind, and then bring Mr. Zhang Wei to get paid."

Orally speaking.

The president really began to think in his heart, how to make up a reason and deny that this is the mastermind of the disappearance case.

However, there are many ideas in the mind, but the reality is skinny.

When the president inspected Kim Jung-hyuk's body, he found a lot of things from some of the missing persons, and there was even a diary recording the process of the missing persons. enough evidence.

To this.

The president felt that eating a catty of fly poop would make him unable to get paid, and this was not the most uncomfortable thing for the president.

I saw it after some inspection.

The president's expression changed.

He found that the mastermind of the disappearance case was too similar to Kim Jung-hyuk, both in appearance and even in some features of his body. At this time, the surveillance personnel hiding in the dark ran over, pretending to support him, and told the chairman something matter.

Same time.

There were several footsteps in the distance. They were assistants and other members of the Law Defamation Association. They followed the president's footsteps and came here.

When they learned about the situation, they all felt like they had seen a ghost.

"The mastermind of the disappearance case was caught? Are you kidding me?"

"Hiss! This ghostly aura... can't be wrong, it's at the national level of Banbuzhen!"

"Is this for Zhang Wei to find?"

"Hey, is it my illusion? Why do I feel that this mastermind looks a bit like Kim Jung Hyuk-sun..."

Halfway through the speech, the man covered his mouth and was glared at by the president. He immediately realized that he might have said something wrong.


The president stood up and turned to the assistant beside him:

"Go and collect the ghost blood of the mastermind, and compare it with the blood that Kim Jung-hyuk left in the blood bank to see if it is the same."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Zhang Wei doesn't care about the petty actions of the assistant and the president. No matter how you investigate, it turns out that the mastermind is Kim Jung-hyuk, so he must have left. The Law Defamation Association must be ashamed in international forums.

than this.

Zhang Wei is more concerned about remuneration, bluntly said:

"President, this should be the mastermind who hasn't escaped, look at the reward..."


Reward, reward, reward, you will know if the reward is right, Nima, it is said that Daxia is a modest country, can you stop worshiping money like this, Assi, what a ia!

Scolding is scolding.

In front of so many people, the president didn't dare to deny it, he bit the bullet and said with a smile:

"It is true that the mastermind did not run away. Thank you again, Mr. Zhang Wei. We, the Law Defamation Association, will not forget your help this time. I will send someone to bring you the half-step national magic weapon."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. President, you don't need to be so troublesome, I can just go and get it. Do you think I am going to get it with this assistant?"


Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei didn't care about the president's eyes, and asked his assistant to take him to get the half-step town's national magic weapon.

on the way.

He did not forget to send a message to Zhang Chao and the others:

[Zhang Wei]: You don't need to help with the investigation. The mastermind of the disappearance case has been killed by me on the spot. I am now going to get the half-step national magic weapon. You wait for me in the dormitory and prepare to see my half-step national magic weapon.

[Zhang Chao]:? ? ? ?

[Wu Nian]:? ? ? ?


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