Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 584 The International Laughing Stock

the other side.

Seoul City, another residential area where the missing person lived.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian are helping Zhang Wei to investigate.

"Wu Nian, do you think Zhang Wei can find the mastermind of the disappearance?"

Zhang Chao said.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, the monk was at the international forum last night. I saw some cases of disappearances and the investigation process of the Defamation Law Association. It is actually very difficult for Zhang Wei to find the mastermind. The monk feels that Zhang Wei is still a little impulsive."

"That's right, I think so too. It's a disappearance case. Although he can invite Conan to do it, it's not an ordinary murder case. It's a ghost crime. It can't be judged by ordinary logic. Do you think Zhang Wei will?" This time overturned."

Zhang Chao said and continued:

"Why don't we stop investigating too much, why not help Zhang Wei think of bad ideas, how to find reasons for ourselves to say that we can't find the mastermind, for example, the mastermind has left the Thief, or the Thief is actually Sen Luosi Yes, so it's not easy to investigate?"

As soon as Wu Nian heard it, he clasped his hands together to respond.

But at this time.

Both his mobile phone and Zhang Chao's mobile phone sounded the WeChat notification tone at the same time.

"Hey, it's Zhang Wei calling, good guy, does this have something to do with us, haha."

Zhang Chao smiled and picked up the phone to look.


Whether it was Zhang Chao or Wu Nian, both of them were stunned when they saw the content of the message, and Wu Nian, who was paralyzed, stared.

next second.

Zhang Chao's voice came:

"My Cao?! Did you find it? No, you already murdered the master? Fuck, so fast?!"


Time flies.

Two hours have passed since Zhang Wei killed Kim Jung Hyuk.


The international forum is already fried.

Although the president wanted to block the news immediately, he could seal the mouth of the Law Defamation Association, but he couldn't seal Zhang Chao's mouth, let alone Sheng Xuan's mouth.

With Zhang Chao's hard work in posting groups and posts, and Shengxuan being the first to know the news, posting posts diligently, and even appearing in the international forums in person, and posting posts there simultaneously, the news spread all over the world like a gust of wind. forum.

at this time.

Just like Zhang Wei's massacre of Daxia Weidaosi Forum, today's international forum is also massacred by posts about Zhang Wei. Looking around, out of ten posts, seven or eight are about Zhang Wei.

[The disappearance case that shocked the world has been solved! 】

[Daxia Zhang Wei, easily cracked a major international case - stealing the country and disappearing]

[ Zhang Wei has been on the veteran list for real, he is stealing national strength and cutting half a step to suppress national ghosts! 】

【My God, there is a monster in Daxia】

[In just one day, Daxia Zhang Wei solved the disappearance case that could not be solved after more than half a year of stealing the country]

【explode! Stealing the country was "stolen" by Zhang Wei, a half-step town state-level magic weapon]

And so on, the content of posts keeps appearing in international forums.

Almost everyone is discussing Zhang Wei, marveling at Zhang Wei's strength, and lamenting that Zhang Wei can easily obtain a half-step national magic weapon. The ridicule continued.


There have been quite a few emoticons about the Defamation Law Association.

For example, an expression of an adult snatching a child's toy, the adult was pinned on Zhang Wei's head, and the child's head was stamped with the Defamation Law Association logo.

For example, in the nine-frame comics, the Defamation Law Association in the comics was looking around on the street, trying to find the lost key, and then a person with the word Zhang Wei came up, picked up the key on the ground and said, "Here it is." .

For example, in the picture of a cat and a mouse, Tom the cat has the words 'Mastermind of the Disappearance Case' on his body, and he picks up the hammer to hit the head of the 'Jack' mouse. Unbeknownst to him, the white bulldog with the words 'Zhang Wei' behind Tom raises the hammer, A trick of praying mantis, cicada and oriole followed, smiling and wanting to knock Tom on the head.

And without exception.

For each discussion post about Zhang Wei and the Defamation Law Association, the number of comments increases incrementally.

The comments continued well into the evening.


As the information about "the mastermind of the disappearance case is Kim Jung-hyuk" was released, the comments were completely detonated, and the number of comments increased exponentially.

Also this moment.

The ridicule of stealing the country in the international forum has reached its climax. All kinds of spoof emoticons are flooding the forum, and all kinds of ridicules continue:

【The clown is actually myself—JPG of the Defamation Law Association】

[The mastermind of the disappearance case pointed a gun at the head of the Defamation Law Association and said 'I'm sorry, I said undercover'jpg]


There are also animated emoticons.

For example, a person with the four characters "Defamation Law Association" went to the police station to report the case. As a result, Conan, who wrote "Zhang Wei", pushed his eyes, pointed at the family next to the "Defamation Law Association" and said, "There is only one truth, don't look for it, the murderer." It's you."

The comments are also all kinds of sarcasm:

"I was wrong to blame the Defamation Law Association. It turned out that they didn't do things badly. They dared to believe that their own people committed the crime, so I couldn't find it. After all, they didn't expect it to be done by their own people, hahahaha"

"Kim Jung-hyuk's thieves shouted to catch the thief, which caused the Defamation Law Association to lose a half-step national-level magic weapon."

"Indeed, now the Law Defamation Association must want to hide in the toilet and cry, and Da Xia must be laughing out loud, because Win is paralyzed."

"Daxia never expected that a disappearance case that happened in the country of stealing, and the final benefit would be Daxia."

"Upstairs, isn't this normal? Stealing the country used to be a subordinate state of Daxia, and now that it benefits Daxia, it belongs to offering sacrifices to Daxia, hilarious jpg"

"Don't worry, just wait for Thief to steal the magic weapon back, after all, they are the best at stealing."


at this time.

The international forum was full of joy, and ghost exorcists from all over the world watched the excitement. It was no big deal, and ghost exorcists from Daxia also carnivaled on the forum.


Defamation Law Association, President's Office.

The president was sitting on the office chair with a gloomy face, and in front of him stood a group of high-level officials who didn't say a word. With the wall that was temporarily blocked by the president with a hole knocked out by the president, the scene was extremely desolate.


The president was silent for a long time, and couldn't bear it anymore, reached out and smashed the desk angrily, smashing it out of a pothole:

"Xiba, damn Kim Jung-hyuk, damn it, fuck us to death."

As soon as his words came out.

The high-level executives couldn't hold back any longer, crazily scolding Jin Zhenghe there, and lost a half-step town-level magic weapon.

Also for this.

Many high-level executives were unwilling to believe the current situation for a while, and they were still struggling there:

"Chairman, do you think it is possible that Kim Jung-hyuk is not the mastermind, but Zhang Wei deliberately made us think that he is the mastermind."

"I don't think the one who died is necessarily the mastermind. It may be Zhang Wei's conspiracy in order to obtain the half-step town's national magic weapon."

To this.

The president looked at them like an idiot and said:

"Whether Kim Jung-hyuk is the mastermind or not has been spread, and it cannot be changed. As for the one who died, it is not necessarily the mastermind, but Zhang Wei's conspiracy. Do you have brain problems? Who would use one and a half steps to suppress the national level?" life, use it as a conspiracy."

"It's worthless for you to be a half-step town state-level figure, but it's a half-step town state level. Besides, how rich and powerful are you Zhang Wei? Where did the half-step town state-level ghost give him Huohuo? If he is powerful, maybe it is still possible."

"But Zhang Wei's background has been investigated clearly. As for ordinary people, the family members are not even half-step township level, and there is no one who is powerful. Do you think Zhang Wei is Daxia Weidaosi and Senluosi? Half-step towns and state-level conspiracies."

Speaking of which.

The president could only rub his temples in pain, and murmured:

"Everything happened, now we can only hope that Zhang Wei is very famous, Sen Luosi can know that Zhang Wei's position is stealing the country, and then Sen Luosi came and killed Zhang Wei, so that we can recover the half-step town state level It’s a magic weapon, after all, Zhang Wei has hatred with Sen Luosi, and Sen Luosi even dared to touch the Sakura Kingdom, so he wouldn’t be afraid to touch Zhang Wei.”

The words fell.

The president sighed deeply and prayed:

"I hope that Sen Luosi will give me some strength, so that I can recover the national magic weapon of Banbu Town."


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