Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 585 Half-Step Township National Magical Artifact, Want To Squeeze Zhang Wei's Wool?

the other side.

Seoul National University.

Compared with the low pressure of the Defamation Law Association, Zhang Wei's side is in a state of excitement. He has returned from the Defamation Law Association and has obtained a half-step national-level magic weapon.

one back.

Zhang Chao, who had been waiting at the university early, and the others greeted them, not only Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, Lu Lianxue, but even some Daxia ghost exorcists who came to steal the country also came over, wanting to see Zhang Wei's Scenery, take a look at its half-step town state-level magic weapon.

"Hurry up, Zhang Wei quickly show us the Banbuzhen state-level magic weapon. I haven't seen it yet. Although I have one at home, my dad won't show it to me. It's more precious than anyone else. "

Zhang Chao rubbed his hands, his eyes were about to shine.

Even without thoughts, he was curious, and put his palms together and moved forward:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, let the little monk see and see the half-step town's national magic weapon, and the little monk has never seen it."

Lu Lianxue blinked her eyes:

"I want to see it too."

When the rest of them heard what they said, they also booed and wanted to see it.


Zhang Wei was not stingy either, and took off a backpack-shaped box on his back, and took out a fan-shaped magic weapon from it.

The fan is very broken, just like the Bai Yu fan in the hands of the ancient celebrity Zhuge Liang, but the feathers have turned yellow, looking tattered, covered with dust, and has a sense of age. The fan bones are as white as jade, as if made of white jade.

"Such a broken fan is a half-step national magic weapon? Zhang Wei, you won't be tricked, right? Wo Ri, stealing the country is too disgusting, let a broken fan deal with it."

Zhang Chao looked at the fan with some disgust.

But at this time.

Wu Nian is still well-informed, recognized the origin of the fan, and said bluntly:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, this fan is broken, but Zhang Wei was not cheated. It is indeed a half-step town state-level magic weapon. If I remember correctly, this should be hundreds of years ago. It was my Great Xia who stole the country." When it was a vassal state, it would still be the Goryeo Dynasty, and in order to protect the country from ghosts, Daxia once lent the country a half-step town-level magic weapon to sit in charge."

"It's just that later, before the repayment, the Great Xia Dynasty changed, and then it will be forgotten, and the stealing of the country will be taken as one's own."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment, then changed his distasteful expression, smiled and said with bright eyes:

"My Cao, it's a good thing, it's cool, but this little Xiba is good enough. Give what should belong to us, and then give it to Zhang Wei. Isn't this equivalent to giving away ours? It can only be regarded as returning the property to the original owner." Ah, Xiao Xiba's calculation is based on this."

Others also echoed:

"Mr. Zhang Chao is right, so let me just say it. The Defamation Law Association will definitely not be willing to give it away for nothing."

"The Defamation Law Association doesn't take advantage of Zhang Wei. It's disgusting. Mr. Zhang Wei helped them deal with a big trouble."

"Although there is no way to get the things back, it was indeed given to Mr. Zhang Wei's half-step township state-level magic weapon in name, but it is just given to Mr. Zhang Wei in their name, what a fool."

Wu Nian also folded his hands together, and rarely complained:

"Amitabha, I heard from the elders that Daxia has actually asked for this fan from Thief in recent years, but there are various reasons for stealing the country. Alas, think about the good, at least Zhang Wei will give back what belongs to Daxia. came back."

Everyone nodded noncommittally.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei looked at the fan in his hand and said:

"Is this trying to take advantage of me? Sexually plucking my wool in disguise."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, and Lu Lianxue all noticed Zhang Wei's smiling face, and they all looked at each other.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, what bad idea are you thinking again?"

While everyone was talking, Zhang Chao pulled Zhang Wei aside and asked with a smile.

He is very familiar with Zhang Wei's actions, and that smile, according to his opinion, is that 'when Zhang Wei smiles, someone will hang himself'.

Think here.

Looking at Zhang Wei's grinning smile, Zhang Chao felt that someone was going to hang himself, at least the whole family died?

"What are you talking about, I didn't think of any bad ideas."

After Zhang Wei responded, he added:

"I was just thinking, the president of the Defamation Law Association, fulfilled his promise, and really gave me a half-step town state-level magic weapon, good man, don't publicize this to him, let everyone know the president, remember President, I’m right, Zhang Chao.”

The words fell.

Zhang Chao on the side was sure that Zhang Wei was going to make trouble. Although he didn't know what he was going to do, he was definitely going to take revenge. He couldn't help but respond:

"Indeed, you have to repay it well. This is a great kindness. I'm right, Wu Nian."

Wu Nian looked sideways at the words, felt the gazes of Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao, and finally recited the phrase "Buddha forgives the little monk" silently in his heart, and then clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, I think Zhang Chao's words are justified. I really should repay the president's kindness. I should repay him mercilessly so that the president will remember me. I think the Buddha thought the same way in Xitian."

As soon as his words came out.

The three of Zhang Chao looked at each other and smiled.


In order to celebrate Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao treated everyone present to drink:

"Walk around, don't think about these things first, at least you solved the disappearance case, and now you have a great international reputation, and our super-fearless trio has followed suit. Let's go drink and celebrate, and watch the ball by the way. I heard that the recent World Cup is very lively. Let's go watch the game and drink."

"I think you just want to watch the ball by yourself. Tell me, have you bought the ball?"

Zhang Wei said with a smile, and picked up his mobile phone to look at it. Now there is a match, 'Wales' vs 'Iran'.

Wu Nian also puts his hands together at the right time and speaks:

"Amitabha, I saw that Zhang Chao bought it this morning. It seems to be the score of the purchase. 0 to 0, 1 to 0, 0 to 1."

Being exposed by Wu Nian, Zhang Chao couldn't help but say cheekily:

"This is called celebrating and watching the game. Kill two birds with one stone and make reasonable arrangements. Don't talk about it. Let's go to the game. Wrong, let's celebrate."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei and his group set off to go to a restaurant where they could watch football.

on the way.

Out of curiosity, Lu Lianxue tugged at Zhang Wei's sleeve.

"What's the matter? Oh, I forgot, Xiaoxue, you probably don't like watching football. After all, most boys like to watch."

Just as he was thinking about whether he should follow Zhang Chao to buy some, Zhang Wei, who said "buy the ball and buy the other side, and the villa is near the sea", turned his head and looked over.

Lu Lianxue shook her head and said:

"No, Zhang Wei, I just want to ask you, how do you plan to take revenge on the chairman, he is not weak, much stronger than Kim Jung-hyuk, he is a veteran half-step township, and he is currently the most powerful in stealing the country." The opportunity to achieve the national level."

Apparently, Lu Lianxue was worried about Zhang Wei, afraid that Zhang Wei would not be able to take revenge, but would be retaliated by the president instead.

Zhang Wei rubbed Lu Lianxue's head when he heard the words:

"Don't worry, the president won't be able to find out about my revenge, and the president has nothing to do with it. You will find out tonight."


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